Something about spirits,ghosts!!!!!

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Something about spirits,ghosts!!!!!

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:35 am

I have read in Srimad Bhagavatam that man is entangled in the whirlpool of birth-death cycle and that he can come out of it only through Yoga like Gyan yoga,bhakti yoga to name a few.Yoga means a "passage" or a path leading straight to god so that you may never have to come back to this earthly body again.
  It is written that every soul is assigned a duration to reside in a human being body.When that duration is over ,the man "dies" i.e "the soul gets transferred from one body to the other which is readily waiting for it, that is , he is born somewhere else as "some other living being".The death time and the birth time are well synchronized.
   But when a person dies an immature death like an accident or murder or due to some really unfortunate event or when he commits a suicide,the soul is forced out of the present body and it finds itself homeless since the other body is yet not ready to be born.It is due to this that ghosts and spirits are created.They undergo ultimate suffering during this period.It is said that a human being is composed of two parts :
(1) External Body
(2)Our conscience,mind,heart
I don't remember the exact Sanskrit words pls.
So, when a person dies immaturely his conscience,mind remains behind which is why he exists in the form of a spirit but is physically incapable of doing anything since he does not find a body to reside!!! His suffering will continue till the destination body is ready to be born.

That is why it is said that one must never end his life on his own will since that will not be the end but actually the start of worser sufferings in this world.

So thats what I know about these "spirits".

So what is the response to this?

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Something about spirits,ghosts!!!!!

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:35 am

I have read in Srimad Bhagavatam that man is entangled in the whirlpool of birth-death cycle and that he can come out of it only through Yoga like Gyan yoga,bhakti yoga to name a few.Yoga means a "passage" or a path leading straight to god so that you may never have to come back to this earthly body again.
  It is written that every soul is assigned a duration to reside in a human being body.When that duration is over ,the man "dies" i.e "the soul gets transferred from one body to the other which is readily waiting for it, that is , he is born somewhere else as "some other living being".The death time and the birth time are well synchronized.
   But when a person dies an immature death like an accident or murder or due to some really unfortunate event or when he commits a suicide,the soul is forced out of the present body and it finds itself homeless since the other body is yet not ready to be born.It is due to this that ghosts and spirits are created.They undergo ultimate suffering during this period.It is said that a human being is composed of two parts :
(1) External Body
(2)Our conscience,mind,heart
I don't remember the exact Sanskrit words pls.
So, when a person dies immaturely his conscience,mind remains behind which is why he exists in the form of a spirit but is physically incapable of doing anything since he does not find a body to reside!!! His suffering will continue till the destination body is ready to be born.

That is why it is said that one must never end his life on his own will since that will not be the end but actually the start of worser sufferings in this world.

So thats what I know about these "spirits".

So what is the response to this?

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Support for my previous post about the ghost!!!! :smt002

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:49 am

I read this article at this url
" "

Please read through it. It is very interesting in the sense that it has Selected Verses from the Bhagwad Gita As It Is.

Some key points picked up from the above url in support of my preious post:

(1)Lord Krishna defines the relationship of the soul to the human body through the following verses:

2.13 - As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

2.22 - As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up old and useless ones.

(2)10.20 - I am the Supersoul, seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.

10.39 - I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being – moving or non-moving – that can exist without Me.

14.4 - It should be understood that all species of life, are made possible by birth in this material, and that I am the seed-giving father.

(3)About the Three Modes of material nature.....

14.9 - The mode of goodness conditions one to happiness, passion conditions one to fruitive action; and ignorance, covering one’s knowledge, binds one to madness.

17.4 - Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods, those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.

Final Words from Lord Krishna...

18.66 - Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

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Support for my previous post about the ghost!!!! :smt002

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:49 am

I read this article at this url
" "

Please read through it. It is very interesting in the sense that it has Selected Verses from the Bhagwad Gita As It Is.

Some key points picked up from the above url in support of my preious post:

(1)Lord Krishna defines the relationship of the soul to the human body through the following verses:

2.13 - As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

2.22 - As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up old and useless ones.

(2)10.20 - I am the Supersoul, seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.

10.39 - I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being – moving or non-moving – that can exist without Me.

14.4 - It should be understood that all species of life, are made possible by birth in this material, and that I am the seed-giving father.

(3)About the Three Modes of material nature.....

14.9 - The mode of goodness conditions one to happiness, passion conditions one to fruitive action; and ignorance, covering one’s knowledge, binds one to madness.

17.4 - Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods, those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.

Final Words from Lord Krishna...

18.66 - Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

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Post by Astara » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:15 pm

Hello.  Good discussion, as there are so many beliefs out there.  
It is written that every soul is assigned a duration to reside in a human being body.

I believe this, so I tend to believe that there are no such things as accidents.  If spirit is assigned a specific amount of time to reside in a human body, to me it makes sense that an accident, murder, etc., was how that spirit was to exit their body, as awful as it may be.  Not every spirit is meant to be here on earth until they pass of old age, so they have no other means of "getting out" so to speak without some tragedy.    I do not believe that spirit is ever homeless or that they suffer.   Suffering is a human condition in my eyes.  I do believe that our spirit does feel emotions such as sadness though, especially when in transition.   I believe that our spirit is on several dimensions, so we are not just strictly here in our bodies at this present time, but also in the past and future as well.   That kind of blows my mind, so I try not to think about it much.   :)   But I can't imagine spirit being stuck in one place, given that we are very dimensional.  

I do not believe suicide is a chosen path of exit, however,  but spirit who is home sick or cannot handle life on earth.  So in this case, I do believe there is a special place for them when they cross over to go through some healing.   I also believe others may go to this healing place as well before they complete their transition back home.   Given all the negative energy that would be in this place, it may seem to some a place of suffering.  

As far as "ghosts" go, I do not believe these are actual spirits floating around who are suffering, angry, or who have unfinished business on earth (as commonly portrayed in movies), but just residual energy that is picked up.  

Of course, no one really knows for sure what happens and that is the way it is suppose to be.  

Love & Light -

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Post by chrisdee » Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:09 am

QUOTE: But when a person dies an immature death like an accident or murder or due to some really unfortunate event or when he commits a suicide,the soul is forced out of the present body and it finds itself homeless since the other body is yet not ready to be born.It is due to this that ghosts and spirits are created.They undergo ultimate suffering during this period.It is said that a human being is composed of two parts :

From first hand experience i find this completely wrong and to those who have lost loved ones tragically i find cruel
My nephew got killed in Iraq at 3am the following morning i was awoken at my side i could clearly see my door keeper in front i saw a streak of light not been expert in this field i asked for this spirit to be bought back when i was with some one who knew what they where doing i went to see someone we jointly made contact with this spirit It was Ben yes he had been blown up in a small tank so this was an untimely death yes he was upset for his mother he in his own words could see her but couldn't do anything to help her , together although he was unhappy to do he was coached in to the light he put in an appearance at his funeral and continually tried to make me laugh at one point he walked over looked at every one glanced over his shoulder and said miserable lot they don't know what its like over there--Does this sound like when  you meet death prematurely that you are in torment until your new body is ready The torment anybody whether murdered killed suicide or natural would suffer is only suffered until they go into the light--I'm know expert this is given from experience

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Clear a Misconception!!!!!

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:10 pm

you have actually exemplified the theory of Bhagwat gita.
That is,you have proved my point  :smt002 .

"Suffering" does not mean "torture physically"
take your own experience:
        .......It was Ben yes he had been blown up in a small tank so this was an untimely death yes he was upset for his mother he in his own words could see her but couldn't do anything to help her , together although he was unhappy to do he was coached in to the light he put in an appearance at his funeral and continually tried to make me laugh at one point he walked over looked at every one glanced over his shoulder and said miserable lot they don't know what its like over there...........

Observe the above highlighted text!
This is suffering !! Just imagine a situation where :You know things happening around you,you see people around you, crying for you, and forgetting about you within a short span of time (unless they are too close to you of course) and yet.....YOU ARE HELPLESS ! You want to communicate,you want to be be with them as you have always been but....YOU CANT!!! And Worst is that you dont know where you are heading towards....!!!!! because you may be dead but not been enlightened by god and at the same time cannot transit. So what do you do???? THIS IS CALLED "SUFFERING".

That is why I had raised the question, "If such is a kind of origin of the spirits,ghosts (first time readers,pls read my previous 2-3 posts),then who is this spirit guide and that too why is he/she good to you?How is he concerned with you?"

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Post by chrisdee » Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:31 pm

Quote -- His suffering will continue till the destination body is ready to be born --I believe this statement to be untrue suffering continues until spirit goes into the light not waiting for another body am i still missing the point to this I'm getting confused are you talking philosophically

Seven Doors
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Post by Seven Doors » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:01 am

I believe most major things in our life are predestined. As simple as that.

We can though, excersise a free will within a certain parameter..It is like a smaller circle within a larger circle. The outer circle being the universe, existence or whatever you may wish to call it.

So a major thing as death, or in other words the time we have to spend in our body is predestined. And so is the major pattern of our living. And also whether one is destined to commit suicide or not.

If any of you are familiar with Vedic astrology..ones birth chart can also indicate ones time, method of death, and also whether it will be peaceful or traumatic.

So why worry? Be happy ! We are very well looked after. All we have to do is remember that we are loved.:)

Seven Doors
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Post by Seven Doors » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:02 am

I believe most major things in our life are predestined. As simple as that.

We can though, excersise a free will within a certain parameter..It is like a smaller circle within a larger circle. The outer circle being the universe, existence or whatever you may wish to call it.

So a major thing as death, or in other words the time we have to spend in our body is predestined. And so is the major pattern of our living. And also whether one is destined to commit suicide or not.

If any of you are familiar with Vedic astrology..ones birth chart can also indicate ones time, method of death, and also whether it will be peaceful or traumatic.

So why worry? Be happy ! We are very well looked after. All we have to do is remember that we are loved.:)

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Post by chrisdee » Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:59 am

I also believe are lives are blue printed before we are born in to a body--  but i don't believe in the following statement
Quote -- His suffering will continue till the destination body is ready to be born

I think this is a terrible message to give out to any one who as lost a loved one through suicide or accidental death
unless you have first hand experience of dealing with spirit that have passed Quoting any one or giving opinions such as this that can cause suffering to the living should not be expressed

we have free will when we die just as we do on Earth  we can chose to go into the light where we can learn /come back (spiritually) or be reborn
if we chose not to go into the light we can watch but can not do any thing for are grieving loved ones
this grieving will continue only until we trust to enter the light
we are not forced to suffer because we die for what ever reason prematurely

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