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Post by KHEM » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:07 pm

What is the difference between being empathic and a channel? Is there any difference? Yes, there is a clear difference and yet many that are empathic also channel. How do we use these gifts and skills in a way that best serves us and those around us? First let us explore what each entails.

Empaths are people who absorb information directly from their environment or from another person. They are "tuned in" to the energetic/physical incarnational experience using their intuitive abilities. Channels open a dialogue with another realm and receive communications using their skills as a clairaudient, clairvoyant, or clairsentient or in combination.

Absorbing information by scanning the room or those that one is around can be used in a very positive way or it can be extremely draining on the Empaths. Many times Empaths find themselves drained because they are "taking in" someone else's thoughts or even physical ailments vibrationally and that vibration starts to effect the Empaths' physical bodies. Many times Empaths feel that they are only able to go out into large crowds for short amounts of time as a result of not knowing how to turn on and off the empathic ability. In a positive way, Empaths are able to discern if an environment is safe or if those with whom they are interacting have clear intent. As you can see, sometimes the motivations of Empaths are anchored into fear and safety.

Channels open themselves up to receive information from another realm using their skills as a clairaudient, clairvoyant, or clairsentient. In classes that I teach, I stress the importance of discernment and choosing to communicate only with higher vibrational beings that honor and love us unconditionally. Clairaudients are able to hear messages directly, clairvoyants see images, and clairsentients are able to "feel" the messages. Empaths, if deciding to channel, would be natural clairsentients. Similar to those who utilize Empathic abilities, Channels experience both positive and negative aspects when using their gifts. With Channeling, the Channels must have a strong sense of discernment or strong intent on working only with high vibrational beings. If this intent is strong, then channeling can be an enjoyable aspect of the work that we experience as Lightarians.

Through the years, my suggestions to those that are Empathic is to exercise their "free will muscle". To choose to not scan the room. To use the intention that "all is safe in my world" and decide to temporarily turn off the empathic nature. By doing so, the muscle is strengthened. Once this ability is learned, life can turn from being draining to truly being very enjoyable for Empaths. Choosing when to accept information empathically is an empowering process. It is the same for Channeling. As mentioned before, Empaths are natural at developing their clairsentient abilities. When channeling, Empaths are able to allow the High Vibrational Being to highlight on their own bodies where their clients might need additional assistance. This is done in a way that does not drain the Empaths because the energy is from a different source and vibration. It is an amazing process to walk through and learn how to use our natural gifts.

My fellow Empaths and Channels, may we go forth and work with our gifts and increase our skills so that our lives are enjoyable, serving, and love-filled.

Many blessings in the LIGHT,

Peggy Zeramby
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Post by Beeing_of_light » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:15 pm

Thank you for a wonderful and enlightening post.

For many years i chose a difficult path to walk towards enlightenment and recognition of my own skills as an empath, not knowing why i had these sensations and why they seemed more like a burden than a blessing. I just chosed to try to ignore it and thought there had to be something wrong with my perception of the world.

In walking this path i ended up hurting myself, disgarding my own true nature and feelings.

As i began to accept and explore my abilities as an empath, my perception of the world, and myself, has changed.

The ability to turn on/off my empath-abilities, is important for me. And in my experience there are different ways to "shield" oneself from "powerdraining" and "unwanted influence" from other people.

But most of all, i find it fascinating to explore my own intention of using these empathic abilities. What is really my intention of using such abilities interacting with other people?
The answers can sometimes surprise me, and gives me a deeper insight of myself.

Light-blessings from Knut, Norway :smt006

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Post by Hilary Taylor » Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:31 pm

This is a very interesting question. There is indeed a vast difference between an Empath and a Channel.

An Empath works directly with the energies of the person, place, etc. This practice is also known as being Psychic.

A Channel works directly with Spirit. This is also known as Mediumship.

There is a saying that 'all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums'.

I myself am a Spiritualist Medium and am able to use either way of working (not at the same time). Any person using either of these methods of working must always ensure that they inform their sitter of which one they are using (Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951). It does not matter which one you prefer, either are just as informative as each other.

However, whether you regard yourself an Empath, a Channel, Psychic or a Medium, the most imortant thing is to use your abilities wisely. Always use your abilites with absolute honesty and unconditional love.

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Post by Azayreon » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:03 pm

It's not all that great being an empath when you grow up not understanding what is happening.

Growing up I allowed myself to take on everyone's ill feelings in the hopes that they wouldn't have to deal with it. Which lead to dark depression...

Thankfully the darkness is gone! But it's still hard when you don't know what you are and why you're feeling like that.

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Post by brightrose » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:24 pm

I too found this topic very helpful because discovered being empathic first and later discovered I could also channel.  The hardest part for me when I was learning about being an empath was learning how to filter what I needed to feel and what I didn't in a given situation and also learning how to ground so I didn't get ill from all of the excess energy.

Thanks so much for the info.

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:06 pm

It took me a long time to realize I was empathic and ways to work with it, filter and block.... and still learning. Interesting post :)

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