wicca and caos magick

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wicca and caos magick

Post by humpa74 » Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:07 am

hello to all, I have not comprised much good your forum, my English is outside a shape, but I would want to ask the wicca and the chaos magick has something in common? thanks humpa74

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Wicca chaos magic

Post by Bastet » Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:29 am

Well I never really knew much about Chaos magick until the other day. I'm an Alexandrian intitiate (Wiccan) of 25 years or so and as time goes by I have become quite Eclectic in my practices.
I was explaining these practices to a friend I had made online and he suggested to me that what I did was very simular to Chao's magick.
Up until then, i had never looked at that magic system because in my ignorance, i thought it was something pimply faced gamers had made up to make themselves look "cool". (Sorry gamers! ;oP)
Chaos magick is very simular to what i practice, and it also has some simularities to Wicca before it came out of the closet.
I know Wicca can be seen as a religion. To me it's a form of sprituality, not necessarily a religion. (I hate the conatations that religion has.) In my practices I dont worship a Goddess or God. I try to tune myself to the Feminine and Masculine energies, and only work with an Archtype if i need that form of energy. That is very Chaotic.
Also I dont believe in the 3 fold law. That is also a Chaotic belief. I belief that The 3 fold is a law is story to scare us into obedience simular to the Heaven and hell theory of the Christians. I believe you must take responsiblity for your own actions and the consequences. If you get burnt, its your own silly fault, now learn from that. You soon learn a set of high morals!
Wicca and Chaos magick are a good mix. It has worked for me, to the extent that i never even realised that what i was practicing had the Chaos.


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Wicca and Chaos

Post by Lila » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:37 pm

Wow Bastet,

really intriguing,

I've never heard of Chaos magick but I will look into it. As an eclectic pagan, I delve into all matter of tools at my disposal so long as I harm none.

In my youth I followed Eris, Goddess of Discord, and still feel a strong connection to Her. The Principia Discordia is about the most chaotic, foolish goofy trippy book out there and definitely teaches to not take ones own dear self so seriously.

I think we need to work with chaos in order to create order, another way to put it, take the raw power of chaos and shape it into what you desire (healing, a new car...) whatever message, goal, dream you want to send out to the universe. This is what the Magician of the Tarot signifies, this is Alchemy.
Eris Astrology for free!

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Post by theleague » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:42 pm

Most common defination of Chaos Magic is:

Chaos magic is a form of magic with which practitioners claim they can shape reality. Although there are a few techniques, such as some forms of sigil magic, associated uniquely with chaos magic, practitioners borrow liberally from other belief systems, so chaos magic acts as a metabelief. Some common sources and techniques include ceremonial magic, chaos theory, science fiction, OBEs, and divination. Chaos magic is not necessarily syncretic. That is to say, practitioners do not try to fit together these different ideas so that they make sense. Rather, they temporarily assume the truth of parts of particular systems in order to accomplish their goals. Although chaos magicians differ widely, they often sympathize with the psychonaut counterculture (Terence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson are particularly influential) and chaotic aspects of particular religions (including Taoism and Discordianism), and a number of chaos magic techniques rely on humor and the absurd.

Symbols and deities
Chaos magic is unique among magical traditions in that it does not attribute significance to any particular symbol or deity. Wicca and Thelema, for example, could not be what they are without the Mother goddess and Horus, respectively. In contrast, chaos magicians may (or may not) pick any concept or set of concepts to worship, invoke or evoke.

Following the tenet that anything can have significance and hold magical power, chaos magic rituals have centered around symbols as diverse as the color Octarine, a single worn sock, or Harpo Marx. In some instances these uses have developed into temporary, but elaborate cults that may be seen as parodies of more fixed magical traditions, or of fixedness in general.

Traditional deities associated with chaos, such as Tiamat, Eris, Loki and Hun Tun are also popular, as are the entities described in the Necronomicon.

The eight-pointed chaos star (chaosphere or chaos wheel), originally taken from the fantasy novels of Michael Moorcock is frequently used by chaos magicians and is today seen as a symbol of Chaos magick ((infinite possibility)). It is a spoked device with eight equidistant arrows radiating from a central point. The current rounded shape was devised by author and chaos magician Peter Carroll.

However, this preference is not shared by all and may be argued to root solely in the symbol's semi-official use by the Illuminates of Thanateros. Most chaos magicians routinely create magical symbols for themselves.

Most common defination of Wicca:
Wicca was the first (or at least one of the first) of the neopagan
religions.  As a result, it is the best known, and tends to overshadow
its younger, smaller siblings.  This bias appears in the postings in
alt.pagan and in this FAQ.  This does not mean that Wicca is more
valid than other neopagan religions -- just larger and louder.

   Wicca, however, is only one of the things called W/witchcraft (or
sometimes, the Craft, a term also applied to Masonry).  There are a
whole range of styles of folk-magic around the world which are called
witchcraft in English.  If the word Witch is capitalized, it indicates
that it is being used to refer to a member of a pagan religion, not
just to a practitioner of folk-magic.  There are also Witches who
practice religions called Witchcraft which are not Wicca.  These
religions tend to be more folk-pagan than Wicca, drawing on the
heritage of a specific culture or region.

   Wicca itself is a new religion, drawing strongly on the practices
of Ceremonial Magic.  While there are claims that Wicca goes back into
the mists of pre-history, honest examination of the practices and
history of the Wicca will make it clear that Wicca is new.  (Actually,
the word "Wicca" itself is recently coined, at least in its present
usage.  The OE "wicca" was pronounced "witch-ah" and meant male
magician.  The new word "Wicca" is pronounced "wick-uh", capitalized
as a religion, and means a religion, not a person.)  However, Wicca
has developed in many directions and should not be seen as a unified
whole, even though it is fairly new.  Rituals and beliefs vary widely
among Witches.

   Unlike most of the neopagan religions, Wicca is an initiatory
religion, that is, people who choose to practice Wicca believe that
the commitment to this path set changes in motion in their lives.
Many Traditions (sects) of Wicca formalize this with a ritual (or
series of rituals) of initiation.  Others, especially Solitary
Witches, trust that the Gods will do the initiating of the Witch  
    Different traditions in the Craft include Gardnerian Wicca,
Alexandrian Wicca, Dianic Wicca, the Faery tradition, many branches of
Celtic-based Wicca, and many other forms of Wicca often called
eclectic, since they draw their practices and liturgy from many
different sources.  There is no way to include all traditions because
new ones are being created every day by the practitioners

if you can see any common bonds, its only in the bonds of all forms of magic IMO

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Wicca and Chaos magick.

Post by PallasAthena » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:41 pm

Isn't Chaos magick the blending of ceremonial and hermetic traditons to the native aspects of Wicca?

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