Absence of spiritualism is the reason for terrorism

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Absence of spiritualism is the reason for terrorism

Post by dattaswami » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:26 pm

Absence of spiritualism is the reason for terrorism
Today socialism is dead really in India, – only false socialism exists.
Due to this, terrorism shot up, – the peace of society vanished away.
The basic reason for all this is – due to absence of spiritualism.
In ancient India, spiritualism – is a compulsory part of education.
But today education is only - confined to the entire materialism.
It is the responsibility of the – Government to compel spiritualism
In the course of education, - otherwise, individuals are not changed.
Without the basic transformation – of all the individuals, the total
Society cannot be transformed, - transformation by mere materialism
In education is impossible – without the basic spiritual knowledge.
Unless this fundamental is rectified – Governments will fail here.

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Post by wicked_witch » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:42 am

it depends..but,nowadays,those terorist said they done terorism for god or their religion.
so,in that case, i think TOO MUCH spiritualism is also the reason for terorism

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Post by Aviendra » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:22 pm

ahhh...there you must be careful...spiritualism isn't the problem...religon is...

Religion would have you take it's word for everything...that is why religion ultimately fails...

Spirituality, however, will always succeed.

Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others. Spirituality urges you to seek your own.

Religion cannot stand Spirituality, for it may bring you to a "different" conclusion than a particular religion-and this, no known religion can tolerate.

Religion encourages you to explore the thoughts of others and accept them as your own. Whereas, Spirituality invites you to discard the thoughts of others and come up with your "own".

So be careful when you speak of religion and spiritualism...they are very seperate things :)

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Post by wicked_witch » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:29 pm

actually,i don't really understand the distinction between spirituality and religion..
people often do thing such as terrorism on the name of god or religion,but in the religion itself,the religion doesn't taught the follower (beliefers) to do such things (terrorism)..so,i think those people just do what actually they want,not based from their religion's.
how do you think about that?

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Post by dattaswami » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:47 pm

wicked_witch wrote:it depends..but,nowadays,those terorist said they done terorism for god or their religion.
so,in that case, i think TOO MUCH spiritualism is also the reason for terorism
There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanatic. Due to money, people are quarreling, hereas due to religion, countries are quarreling. Unless these two root causes are eradicated we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. There is no use in earning the extra money. Due to excess money, quarrels, mental worries and several other problems arise. Finally, it ends in loss only and not in any profit. You have to leave all this extra money here only and quit this world alone. Your issues may lose that money given by you. Such sinful extra money brings problems not only to you but also to your children. Neither yourself nor your children will be happy and peaceful. This entire world is the property of God and take whatever is required from it. This is said in Gita, (“Yavanartha….”).

In these days, buffet system is followed during feasts. In this system, large vessels contain various food items and people take food from these vessels according to their requirement. Similarly, God created this entire world and you can take the wealth from it according to your requirement. People are not following the same system when they are taking wealth from this world. The peculiarity is that most rich people follow this buffet system in the feasts but do not follow the same when it comes to earning the money. ‘Esavasya Upanishad’ says that one should return back this extra money to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will give the troubles.

In buffet system, if one takes extra food in his plate by over ambition and ignorance for a moment, he returns back immediately before starting eating. Veda says that you must return back the extra money for the God’s work if taken by ignorance. In the buffet system if you eat the extra food, you will suffer from diseases. Similarly, if you enjoy the extra money, God will punish you in several ways.

In this world, people belonging to any religion think that their religion only is the true religion. They think that the God of their religion can alone give the salvation and the worship of that God should be according to their religion only. They also condemn other religions and invite people to convert people into their religion. They do lot of work to establish their religion only in the entire world which shows their ambition. It is just like Alexander’s ambition to make the entire world his kingdom. Alexander wanted to extend his kingdom. But, even he returned back after fighting with Porus (Purushotama) on seeing the loss of life in the battle. But, the ambition of religious fanatics is not subsided on seeing any amount of loss of life. Religion is considered to be backed with spiritual knowledge and the religious people are expected to be free from ambition. We can excuse ambition of any ignorant person like Alexander.

The heart of a religious fanatic will not change by any amount of kindness or love expressed in the appeals. Such appeals can change only the heart and the change in the heart is always temporary. Change in the intelligence brought by knowledge based on logic is always real and permanent. Intelligence (Buddhi) is considered to be the driver of this body, which is like a chariot running by the senses, which are like the horses. If the driver is convinced, the entire chariot along with the horses is in the correct path. The terrorist will not change by love or kindness shown to him. He becomes the terrorist due to the wrong knowledge that enters his brain. He was convinced by that knowledge. That knowledge can be changed only by the right knowledge. A diamond can only be cut by another diamond. Similarly, one type of knowledge can only be replaced by another type of knowledge. Then only, he will be convinced and changed forever.

So far, the trials made to change the terrorist were beating around the bush and therefore, they did not have much effect. Today, SRI GURU DATTA is giving the right knowledge to remove the religious conservatism.

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For you wicked witch...

Post by Aviendra » Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:43 am

Here's food for thought for you…

In order for organised religion to succeed, it has to make people believe they "need" it. In order for people to put faith in something else, they must first lose faith in themselves. So the first task of organised religion is to make you lose faith in yourself. The second task is to make you see that "it" has the answers that "you" do not. And thirdly, and most importantly, is to make you accept its answers without question.

If you question, you start to think!

Religion can't have you do that because you’re likely to come up with an answer "different" to what it has contrived. So it must make you doubt yourself; must make you doubt your own ability to think straight.

However, a problem arises here as it backfires...if you cannot accept without doubt your own thoughts, how can you not doubt the new ideas about God which religion has given you? It is religion which has created agnostics.

Any clear thinker who looks at what religion has done, "must" assume religion has no God. Didn't religion teach man to fear God and bow before him, when shouldn't man rise up in joyful outreach?

Wasn't it religion that burdened man with worries about God's wrath, when shouldn't man reach out to God to "lighten" his burdens?

Wasn't it religion which told man to be ashamed of his body and its naturel functions, when shouldn't man be celebrating these functions as great gifts of life?

Was it not religion that told man it needed an "intermediary" in order to reach God, when shouldn't every man be able to reach Him himself through living a life of goodness and truth?

Do we not see a pattern here? Everywhere religion has gone, it has created "disunity"-which is the "opposite" of God. Religion is the great divider...seperating man from God, from women...some religions actually telling man that he is "above" women!  And that God is "above" man!

It seems, that it is religion to this very day, insists...that women are somehow less and second-class and unfit. It has been this way for many years but it is the way that many who had power (funningly enough...mostly men) who wished it this way and to dominate in male-worship religions. It seems all so very wrong...

Kind of makes you “think”, doesn't it? But then, what's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing...and THAT my friend, is the difference between spirituality and religion…

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Post by wicked_witch » Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:47 pm

that's the common situation i often see in some common religions nowadays (fortunately not in mine ;p)
i don't like those kind of religons, the religions which just force people to believe without thinking.it's just like retarding human intelligence. maybe that kind of religions just fits for person that too lazy to think.

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Post by dattaswami » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:00 pm


Every Religion in this world wants you to get rid of bad qualities at least from today for the admission into that religion which is practically impossible. The reason is that these bad qualities were grown like hills for the past millions of births. This small human life is insufficient even to move them, not to speak of removing them. People can control the bad qualities to some extent by their efforts. These bad qualities are frequently sparking in the minds of even the most pious sages. If one says that he is good and he is devoid of all the bad qualities, it only cheating others, which in turn is cheating oneself. Due to this practically impossible condition, for the religious admission, people have developed allergy towards any religion because the eligibility for admission is impractical.

The religious preachers have confused the whole situation by fusing religion and spiritualism. Religion is the context of GOD to establish peace and justice in this world. In this context, you must control your bad qualities so that you will not disturb the peace and justice and will not harm any good person in this world. If you disturb the world by your bad qualities, God will punish you. But, in this context, it is sufficient if you control the bad qualities since you cannot remove them. The Religion ends here. Some religions strictly end here without any spiritualism.

The spiritualism is the context in which you have to make efforts to reach God. In this context, you need not even control your bad qualities because, God has no personal objection towards your bad qualities. These bad qualities cannot be obstacles in any manner in this context. Moreover, when you turn these bad qualities towards the God, they become your helpers. Any quality whether good or bad, is created by God only to help you in reaching Him. If you realize the original aim of all these qualities, good or bad, why should you control these qualities, which are with you as a helper? No fool controls his helpers. So, any quality when involved in spiritualism is used for its original aim, it becomes a good quality. So all your qualities become good in spiritualism and you need not put any effort to remove or even control them. When the qualities are not used for their original purpose, they become bad qualities. Therefore, whatever qualities turned towards the world, are bad qualities. In this spiritualism, there is no need of any effort even to control these bad qualities.

Then, for what, our effort should be made? Our effort should be concentrated to achieve “Bhakthi” which is the love on God. “Bhakthi” is achieved and is grown by the knowledge of God. For example, you came to know that Bombay City exists. This is the knowledge of existence of Bombay. By this you want to see Bombay. As you know the details of Bombay more and more, your desire to see the city becomes more and more. Knowing details about the Bombay City is again the further knowledge. So, knowledge is directly proportional to desire. First Rukmini heard that there is Lord Krishna on this earth. As she heard more and more about Lord Krishna from Sage Narada, her love on Krishna increased enormously. Narada means he who gives knowledge. Therefore, ‘Jnana”(knowledge) generates and develops “Bhakthi (devotion)”. Due to Bhakthi, the Lord is attained. Gita says the same ‘ONLY BY BHAKTHI I AM ATTAINED’ (‘Bhaktya………’).

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Post by Metatron » Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:39 am

If you want a sense of inifinity concider the extent of ignorance in the world. -Voltaire

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Post by dattaswami » Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:56 am

Metatron wrote:If you want a sense of inifinity concider the extent of ignorance in the world. -Voltaire
When the Lord comes in human form, some devotees certainly recognize Him as God. However, such recognition of Krishna as God brings the concept that Krishna is omnipotent. This aspect immediately diverts even the devotees to get attracted towards solving their problems by using the omni potency of God. Thus the devotion becomes impure and the devotees are diverted to sideline of worldly affairs.

If Krishna remains as Krishna, this problem does not arise at all. The recognition of Krishna as God spoils the mind of the devotees. After recognition, the devotees are expected to travel in the right line, which is service to Him without aspiring any fruit. If the devotees go in this right line, then only they are said to be realized souls. If they take the loop line (using the super power for personal problems) from the point of recognition, they are as good as ordinary human beings. Therefore recognition of Krishna as God is not the end of the spiritual effort. This is a junction-station. If you proceed straight, you are a realized soul. From this point if you take the sideline, you are an ordinary human being.

In fact the ordinary human beings are always in search of God in human form for solving their problems. It is just like searching for oil wells in the ground. The search is for using the oil as a fuel for daily comforts. Therefore recognizing the human incarnation is of no use unless you proceed in the main line from that point. At this point, there are some guides to lead you to the right line. Such guides are the liberated souls who come down along with the Lord. They are scattered and mixed with the ordinary human beings. They recognize the Lord along with the other people. From this point of the recognition, the liberated souls proceed in the main line only without any deviation standing as guides for the devotees, who are with them standing at the point of recognition.

Therefore, the liberated soul is already realized soul who comes down along with the Lord to stand as a guide from the recognition point onwards. Thus the liberated souls are the close servants of the Lord who come down to participate in the divine play for fulfilling the divine mission. Seeing them as examples, at least some devotees may follow the main line along with them and may get liberated. A liberated soul is already a realized soul doing the spiritual effort (Sadhana) from the starting point to the end point to stand as an example for the human beings.

After recognizing the God, you can follow the path of the liberated soul who is acting as a devotee trying for success in the spiritual journey. The liberated souls will certainly succeed in their spiritual effort because they are already liberated and they try to achieve liberation only to guide others. Thus all the devotees who recognize the Lord without any proof and spontaneously participate in the service crossing over all the hurdles are the liberated souls. The liberation of such liberated souls is only a part of the drama. Role of the human incarnation can be taken up by the Lord only and not by the liberated soul.

When the Lord left Parasurama, who is a liberated soul, he could not maintain the status of the Lord. However, the Lord can act the role of a liberated soul. Lord Shiva acted in the role of Hanuman, a liberated soul. The devotee will fail to act as Lord. The Lord never fails whether He acts as the Lord or as a devotee.

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Absence of spiritualism is the reason for terrorism

Post by Truth_seeker » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:02 pm

What is the reason for terrorism?
Here are a few things that are true for me:
1. It’s the human element of greed for money and for power, which results in worldwide injustice and subsequently in terrorism.

2. True spirituality would be the answer but it cannot be forced upon people by government.

3. As for a political/economical system, I’m convinced that communism in the spirit of Karl Marx would be best for mankind. Unfortunately it doesn’t work! What works is capitalism! And this again is true because of the human element of greed. Full circle!

So what's the answer? I don't know. I think there isn't any.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:13 pm

Todays terrorists are tommorrows freedom fighters, I', old enough to remember the problems Britain had in the 50s and 60s. In Isreal the Stern gang, Cyprus with Makarios, and Ireland with the IRA, eventually they become members of the government and as such other governments talk to them and give them validity. There is no difference between Brit troops getting blown up in Palastine, Nicosia, 'Derry & the poor sods from 9/11 and ours in the London bombings.
Until polititians stop talking, those with guns and bombs know that eventually we will give in and we will let them sit at the peace table.
It's not political systems that make terrorists, it's ideologies.
Muslims are no worse or better than earlier terrorists, neither is their ideology different.
They all work on the same principle, take a young person feed them only that which you wish them to know,show them they are chosen and all the others are animals, 'wind 'em up and let 'em go'.
It's very curious that today in England the would be terrorists do not come from poor ill educated backgrounds, they are educated middle class people but they choose death and mayhem over life?

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Post by stan » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:47 pm


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Post by Truth_seeker » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:02 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:Todays terrorists are tommorrows freedom fighters,
The question is: Why is there a need for people to fight for freedom?

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Post by stan » Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:41 pm

Truth_seeker wrote:
Prof. Akers wrote:Todays terrorists are tommorrows freedom fighters,
The question is: Why is there a need for people to fight for freedom?
Very, Very good question! I think it's because of man's present condition. That is we have this sense of being in prison within this shell. It's like there is this memory from our past. Behind the veil of our birth, that's been so high and so fulfilling that we know deep down inside that nothing we can ever experience through our senses, will ever be good enough.

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