Knowledge—Clearer and Sharper Than Ever Before

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Knowledge—Clearer and Sharper Than Ever Before

Post by dattaswami » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:52 am

Knowledge—Clearer and Sharper Than Ever Before
Ramanath (Bombay) asked that why such wonderful knowledge was not revealed by previous human incarnations. Lakshman (Bombay) asked that why My knowledge is becoming sharper and sharper day by day.  Both these questions have the same answer.  The first question was in a macro-scale and second question was in a micro-scale.  As generations passed, human beings have become more and sharper by the development of scientific logical analysis.  Therefore, a better knowledge is revealed at present.  Similarly, as My devotees become sharper and sharper, My knowledge is also becoming sharper and sharper.

The same God existed in the previous human incarnations also, and possessed the complete knowledge.  In this human body the same God exists everyday and God is not sharpened day by day!  The Veda says that the body is the chariot (car).  The senses are horses (wheels).  The mind is the controlling reins of horses (steering rod).  The soul is the owner of chariot sitting in the chariot (car).  If the driver is an ignorant person, the car will meet with an accident and owner will die.  Similarly, if you are proceeding in the spiritual path using your own intelligence or a wrong preacher as your driver, you are bound to go to the hell and fall in the liquid fire in the wrong path. If the driver is a human incarnation like Krishna, you are sure to travel in the right path and reach the final goal successfully like Arjuna.  In the darkness, your eyes cannot lead you in the right path and you will certainly deviate.  But the human incarnation is like the torch light and will lead you on the right path.  

I am giving this divine knowledge step by step with certain gaps in between.  The reason is that if the total divine knowledge is revealed, a real devotee will burst with surprise on understanding the total concept at single instance.  A farmer won one lakh [hundred thousand] in a lottery.  He was informed that he won the one lakh rupee lottery.  He was so shocked and surprised that he died immediately.  Therefore, this wonderful knowledge revealed in a single instance will shock the real devotee.  The devotee may become mad or may even leave the body.  The Gita says that the devotee hears the knowledge from God with infinite wonder (Ascharyavat…).  I am giving the gaps so that you are deviated by such intervals.  The interval will immerse you in Maya and thus dilute your seriousness and wonder.  The Lord not only knows the divine spiritual knowledge but also knows the method of injecting the knowledge based on the withstanding capacity of the receiver.

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Post by Kamose » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:48 pm

Where do you get this stuff from?

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Post by dattaswami » Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:59 am


Some devotees consider Me also as human incarnation of God Datta

I am provoked to site another miracle of Lord Datta shown through this poor fellow (Me) about cosmic vision.  On one day of Guru Purnima, I was giving a divine discourse to a small crowd of devotees in the house of Shri C B K Murthy at Vijayawada.  The speech went for three hours.  In the middle of speech, I stood suddenly for five minutes closing My eyes.  I do such things spontaneously without any plan or awareness of any point suddenly due to the will of God working through Me.  I consider Myself to be most undeserving for such reasonless grace of God on Me.  I never claim Myself even to be the dust particle of the divine lotus feet of God.  After five minutes, I opened My eyes and looked at two devotees sitting far from each other in the crowd.  They were Shri Ajay and Smt. Sitamma.  I asked both of them to explain about their vision. I told that they should say whether they had the same vision or different.  Both have explained their visions separately and both visions happened to be the same.  The vision was the same cosmic vision.  Both saw the Lord with the entire Universe in Him standing before a golden chariot and both saw Arjuna fallen on the feet of the Lord.  Previously some devotees were reporting visions on seeing Me.  

Some were thinking that it might be illusion of mind.  How both the devotees got the same vision in the same time?  How could I ask those two devotees only, when several devotees were sitting there?  You can’t dispose every thing by mere probability and coincidence.  It is by the grace of Shri Satya Sai Baba only, I give this divine knowledge and if any merit or miracle is exhibited, the credit of it goes to Him only.  If any defect is exhibited, I own it. Some devotees consider Me also as human incarnation of God Datta.

But I sincerely feel that all My devotees are the real human incarnations of God Datta.  I feel that God Datta is testing Me through them regarding the effect of injection of ego into Me through their praise. I know that God quits Me if the bad scented ego enters into Me as in the case of Parashurama.  Shri Shiridi Sai Baba always maintained God in Him by resisting ego by always saying that God is the master (Allah Malik).  Shri Satya Sai Baba also maintained God in Him constantly by saying that every human being is God already (Advaita).

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Post by Kamose » Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:42 am

from whence  do you hail?

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Post by dattaswami » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:22 pm

from whence  do you hail?

A few new visitors have posed a question to Me “Who are You”? I must mention the answer to this question here because every new reader is obviously attacked by this question. My name is Venu Gopala Krishna Murthy with surname ‘Jannabhatla’. This name belongs only to this outer most gross body, which is composed of the inert five elements.

The inner body is called as the subtle body, and is made of qualities and feelings which are like waves in a pond of water. The water is the pure awareness, which is called as the causal body or soul. If all My qualities and feelings subside as in the case of a realized scholar, the soul becomes like a pond with stand still water. There cannot be waves without water and thus the subtle body cannot exist without the causal body.

The subtle body always includes its causal body, which is made of life energy. This subtle body enters the gross body in the womb of mother and leaves it at the time of death. The subtle body has no name or surname. Therefore, I am only introducing My gross body through My name and surname.

Then, who am I? Am I the subtle body? If I become a realized soul and get full liberation My subtle body disappears and at last I remain as the causal body. Up to this there is no complication, because this is the inner X-ray photograph of any human being. In the ordinary photograph only the outer-most gross body appears. The X-rays of the spiritual knowledge reveal the subtle and causal bodies.

A special situation appeared in My case as one can see from My life history. The experiences of devotees and the unimaginable excellent divine knowledge that is flowing from Me clearly demands the presence of some extra item in Me other than these three bodies. Some call it as sixth sense or intuition, which is a categorical imperative. Some call the same as God, power of God or grace of God. The people who do not want to accept this extra item, which is beyond this world, are called as atheists. From their angle I am a trickish human being cheating humanity through My speeches. But even to them I have posed a question at the beginning of the introduction. Let them answer that question and if they can convince Me, I shall give up this Mission.

God is unimaginable and cannot be directly experienced. He donates Himself to His devotees through a medium and the best medium is the human body for human beings. People other than atheists are believers in God and are called as theists. Among these theists, the first type of people think that the unimaginable God entered and pervaded all over this human body. In this case the electric current that entered a medium of a wire pervades the wire. Such a wire is called as current itself. Fortunately or unfortunately almost all My devotees belong to this first type and call Me as Lord Datta. Swami means Lord and Datta means the Lord donated to human beings through a human body. Thus I am named as ‘Datta Swami’ by My devotees.

This is the state when Jesus said that He and His Father were one and the same. The second type of people treat Me as a devotee of Lord Datta, who like a father visited the house of My gross body and stays in the central room called the heart. Jesus as the Son sitting on the right side of His Father stated this state. Hanuman, a devotee tore his heart and showed the Lord in it. I (subtle body along with causal body) am the owner of this house and it is My fortune that My Father visited My house. The invisible Father does all the miraculous work and gives fame to the visible Me.

Such fortune is possible only in the case of the topmost devotee. The third category devotees never admit the entrance of God into any human being. These people worship formless God like space or cosmic energy. Some people of this category worship the energetic body of God as the Father in Heaven and some of this category worship statues and photos. The worship of all these people belonging to the third category is only indirect representative worship. This third category accepts that some power of the God enters a human being, who brings His message to the earth.

These people call the human incarnation as Messenger only. However these people believe in the messengers who were dead, but they do not believe the living Messenger present in their time. Such people like the priests of the Jewish temple had Lord Jesus crucified and did not accept Him even as a Messenger. For the same reason the Kapalika followers killed Sankara and conservative Hindus killed Swami Dayananda.

Therefore, I have to answer the question “Who are You?” for different people in different ways:

1. Yes, I am the very Lord Datta

2. Lord Datta is in My heart as I am His strongest devotee

3. I have been sent by Lord Datta as His messenger

However I prefer to stand by the third answer because that will not contradict the first two categories and is sharply accepted by the third category. The people standing on 100, 50 and 25 can commonly accept the least number 25. Lord Krishna gave the first answer because He was preaching the Bhagavad Gita only to Arjuna who believed in Him as the Lord. But I am giving My discourses to all the three categories of the people. A Messenger is just a microphone who is near to the speaker (person who speaks).

The nearness is only for the convenience of the speaker and should not be misunderstood as dearness. The speaker is invisible and the visible microphone appears as if it is speaking. Similarly, you think that I am generating this divine knowledge since the speaker in Me is invisible. Similarly, whatever miracle is experienced by the devotee through Me is from that invisible speaker alone. The movement of the visible fan is due to the power of invisible electric current in it. In this angle of Messenger, the final essence is that this divine knowledge is coming from the Lord Himself.

You can study it with utmost care and you can neglect Me since I am only a post man. The microphone covers only a small circle of people around it. But the amplifiers cover large circles and propagate in a big way. Similarly, I have propagated this spiritual knowledge through My speeches in small circles only. I am donating only My words and intelligence in the Mission of the Lord. But, My devotees are far superior to Me since have sacrificed not only the work but also the fruit of their work (money) in propagating this divine knowledge to the entire world.

They call Me as the Greatest. But they are greater than this Greatest. The Lord may be far or near the microphone or might have entered the microphone and spread all over the microphone to become one with it. In any case the microphone and the speaker are different. Electric current and the wire are different. The microphone may be very close to the speaker due to such a requirement. The amplifiers may be far from the speaker due to such a requirement. The nearest microphone does not mean that it is the dearest. Actually the amplifiers situated far from the speaker are doing greater service and become dearest to the speaker.

Thus My devotees are dearer to the Lord than Myself. The closeness of Myself is just for the convenience of the Speaker (the Lord).
I often say to My devotees that I am greater than them by the role that I have taken in this world-drama. But as an actor of that role, I have the least value. In a film an actor may act as the Lord and another actor may act as the devotee. The actor acting as devotee may be paid ten times more than the actor acting as Lord. The value of the actor in the role of the devotee may be far more.

Therefore, I say to My devotees “O fortunate devotees! When all of us go the Lord as His servants, you will be in the front and I will be in the back”. Bible says the same that the first will become last and the last will become first. This situation arises because we stand there as bare actors in front of the Lord since our roles are left on the earth”. The microphone, which is near to the speaker, must imbibe at least a little of the nature of the speaker. The speaker is invisible and is giving all the credit to the microphone. Unfortunately I am visible and cannot hide Myself to give the total credit to My devotees, which they really deserve. At least let Me give equal credit. The microphone and amplifiers are only instruments and there is no difference between instruments.

All of us are only the servants of the Lord. As a cook I have prepared the food. My devotees are catering this with utmost efficiency. They think that I have prepared this food with special taste. They don’t know that I have prepared this food with the help of the cookbook, which is hidden, in My pocket. The whole credit goes to that book as far as the special taste of the food is considered. However the book has nothing to do with catering. Thus all the credit of My work goes to the Lord only. But the credit of My devotees in the catering goes to them only.

I have many devotees who come to Me for their worldly problems, treating Me as an astrologer or a person having some power of God. I treat such devotees as the gravel stones and their number is useless. But I have a few devotees about whom I should express My appreciation here. They are the original gems. They are so few that they can be counted on one’s fingers. If the Lord really exists in Me, I shall certainly give a higher place to My devotees. Lord Krishna created ‘Goloka’, which is the 15th upper most world above His ‘Satyaloka’ so that the dust of the feet of His sacred devotees (Gopikas) shall fall on the head of the Lord.

He indicated this in His lifetime itself by asking for the dust of the feet of Gopikas to be applied on His forehead. It is the expression of the purest love of the highest Lord towards His top-star devotees who proved their devotion through service.

I am addressing the invisible speaker as Swami, who is experienced by the devotees through this human body. Swami represents the invisible current flowing in the visible wire. The miracles and the special knowledge are the electric shock (which is the effect) of that current. But people say, “This wire is giving a shock”. Therefore, the word Swami indicates this aggregate of three bodies (Wire), which is visible only in the external sense but in the internal sense the same word indicates the invisible fourth item, the speaker (current).
When we say that the Lord spreads all over the human-body like current in the wire or dissolved sugar in water, even then, the Lord and the human body exist separately. Here the word human body indicates all the three bodies together.

Therefore, the first part (the human body) should be also very careful about the other part (Lord). When Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to repeat the Gita after the war, Krishna replied that He could not repeat it because at that time the Yogeswara present in Him had told the Gita. The human incarnation is a two-in-one system. Even in the sugar solution the dissolved sugar molecules and water molecules co-exist. In the second angle the Lord and human body are closely associated like a transistor and a tape-recorder in one electronic instrument. In the third angle, the Lord and the human body are far from each other like the sun and a lens. Only the energy of sun enters the lens in this angle In the Gita,. when Krishna told that He was everything, it was the Yogeswara (the Lord) who was speaking. When Krishna told that He could not repeat the Gita, it was the human body, which spoke like that.

The Lord left the human body of Lord Krishna at the end. Arjuna cremated the dead gross body of the Lord. The subtle and causal bodies were not entangled in the cycle of Karma and therefore, both of them merged with the cosmic energy. Rama never spoke as Lord and worshipped the Lord. Buddha kept silent about the Lord and just lived like a saint. Even Sankara told in one of His prayers “O Lord, we both are qualitatively similar but differ quantitatively. The ocean is not in the wave but the wave is in the ocean”. Sankara prayed to the Lord through several songs. Jesus cried at the end O Lord, why did you leave Me?” Shirdi Sai always spoke that the Lord is His master (Allah Malik). Sri Satya Sai mentions the word Sai only whenever He gives statements like “No power can oppose Him (Sai). Sri Ganapathi Satchidananda uses the word Swamiji when He states that He is not touched by these worldly aspects. All this proves that the human incarnation should also be careful about the egoism of the human body.

Therefore, whatever analysis is given by Datta Swami regarding Datta Swami applies to all the human incarnations in the world in toto. Don’t think that the above analysis is limited only to the case of Datta Swami. It is in general about the human incarnation.

However, the devotee should serve the human body of the Lord with a faith that the human body itself is the Lord. Otherwise the concept of two separate items will not serve the purpose of the devotee. The devotee is assured of direct vision, direct conversation etc., with the Lord through the human body. Therefore, to such first angle devotees, the human body is the Lord, which is possible by His super power. The examples of sugar solution and current-wire cannot explain the concept of the Lord completely. There is no example in this creation, which can give (illustrate) the concept of the Lord completely.

The Lord and human body exist separately but close, for the people of second angle. The Lord and the human body exist separately and far from each other for the people of third angle. He exists according to the angle of the devotee. In fact dualism was shown by Krishna etc., from the point of a special concept. Whenever, a devotee or servant aspires to become human incarnation, the Lord fulfils it. Parasurama, a devotee, aspired for this and the Lord entered into his body, but when the Lord left, Parasurama continued to feel that he was the Lord. The Lord had to preach to him in the form of His next incarnation, Rama. Similarly, Balarama (Adisesha) also became a human incarnation. Adisesha is the L:ord’s closest servant. The power of the Lord entered into the servant and he was placed in the list of ten incarnations of the Lord. But Balarama misused that power by killing Bhurisravasa, a pot maker, who was presiding over a sacrifice.

Thus when a devotee or servant (Jeeva) becomes a human incarnation, there is a danger of posterior egoistic effect or misuse of granted powers. To warn His devotee or servant from such dangers, the Lord maintained dualism in His original incarnations like Krishna etc.,
You may ask a question “Why is the Lord so rigid in not transforming the individual soul (Jeeva) into the Lord Himself?” Jeeva (Y) is a part of the creation and the Lord is the Creator (X). Y can never be transformed into X. If Y is transformed into X, then the original X plus the new X obtained by transformation becomes larger. This would mean that the Lord grows whenever a soul is transformed. But the Lord never grows nor decreases.

Therefore, the only way left is to destroy the soul and make it nothing. If that is done, it is the greatest loss to the soul. Moreover when the soul does not exist, how can it recognize that it has become the Lord? If the soul remains to grasp this result, the soul is not transformed into the Lord. Therefore, you should understand the logical implication and you should not be rigid to become the Lord. Radha never wanted to become the Lord. She wanted to remain separately and enjoy in the Lord. That soul is given higher position (Goloka) and was kept on the head of the Lord. When you are attain a higher position, why should you insist on an equal position?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:06 pm


Recitation of anothers words does not mean you understand. Speakin gor writing about something also does not mean one understands.

I'm going to remind you of something I read somewhere..

Don't worship false idols.

Again - posted here: ... -5858.html

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Post by dattaswami » Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:39 pm


Even if the human incarnation is not recognized and not served, God will feel happy if the souls are happy. The father feels happy if the children are settled and peaceful living with happiness, even if they are not recognizing and serving Him when He comes to their house. Therefore God will not mistake you if you do not recognize and serve Him when He comes to your world in human form. He will feel happy if you are living with happiness. Therefore, He thinks about the ways by which you will be settled and live with happiness. He will not mention about the duty to serve Him when you are disturbed in this world.

Arjuna was very much disturbed and therefore the Lord started with self-attainment (Atma Yoga) only, which is the way to attain happiness and peace. He did not start with the sacrifice or service to God (Paramatma Yoga). When the child is disturbed, it needs the help from the parents in the form of sacrifice of work or sacrifice of wealth. Initially the parents help the child by doing both these but this cannot be continuous. As the child grows, he or she has to stand on own legs and settle in life. After such settled life only, the parents expect the child to serve them.

Similarly the soul has to attain peace and happiness standing on its own legs and this is the second chapter of Gita in which the self-sufficiency is to be achieved without any dependence. In Atma Yoga, the Lord in the second chapter of Gita taught about the self-realization which is the attainment of peace and happiness with the self-effort. When the life is settled, the issues are expected to serve the parents by sacrificing work (Karma Sanyasa) and by sacrificing fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaga). The parents are not in need of any wealth. Still they are the owners of the property. They are only happy if your love towards them is proved through the above-mentioned practical sacrifice.

Similarly the Lord is not in need of your service. The Lord desires to taste your love and feels happy through such sacrifice. In fact you are earning only due to the sacrifice of parents. Similarly all your wealth belongs to the Lord only. But the dualism is maintained because the taste of love exists only in the ignorance that is dualism. You have earned some money. The flesh of your body that is working is from your mother. The talent by which you are earning is from the wealth of your father. If you realize this and serve the parents, there is no real taste of love. Similarly the parents also realize that truth, there is no taste of love to them also. They can enjoy the love of their children only when they think that the children are sacrificing their hard-earned money in the parent’s service.

Similarly, if the parents think that the earnings of the children are only due to their help, they cannot enjoy the real love. Therefore, the real love is enjoyed only in the ignorance (Avidya). But if the children became ungrateful, then the parents have to educate them with the truth (Vidya). The Lord says in Gita that both Vidya and Avidya are created by Him only which are meaningful in their own contexts (Mattah Smrutir…..). Thus the Lord preaches the Atma Yoga in the beginning which is the attainment of peace and happiness by self-realization and then only proceeded with Paramatma Yoga which is the field of service and sacrifice to the Lord after settlement. If Gita stops with the second chapter, the story ends with Atma Yoga only which is the settlement of life of the children. If the story stops there, it would be Gita preached to the ungrateful ghosts and demons. Therefore, the other sixteen chapters of Gita concentrated on Paramatma-Yoga which is the sacrifice and service to the God when He comes to this world of human beings in human form.

But if you see the stories of human incarnation which is the same as that of the parents visiting the houses of their well settled children, the behaviour of the children proves worse than the nature of even the wild animals. Jesus was crucified! Krishna was shot dead! Sankara was killed by black magic!

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Post by Kamose » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:20 pm

listen, this is an insane amount of writing  to say what?................................
can we just get to the meat and potatoes of the questions here?
for instance if i ask where are you from? an example of a good answere might be
vegas, atlanta, new york, italy, sudan.............
what do you do?
painter, counselor, engineer, soldier, mystic, nutbucket!
whre is your information comming from?
books on mysticysim( hey did i spell that  right?), preacher, teacher, a dream, BS i just made up sitting around the house doing NOTHING...........................
just doesnt take a dissertation to answer simple questions

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:32 pm

dattaswami wrote:sidewalk_bends;

Even if the human incarnation is not recognized and not served, God will feel happy if the souls are happy. The father feels happy if the children are settled and peaceful living with happiness, even if they are not recognizing and serving Him when He comes to their house. Therefore God will not mistake you if you do not recognize and serve Him when He comes to your world in human form. He will feel happy if you are living with happiness. Therefore, He thinks about the ways by which you will be settled and live with happiness. He will not mention about the duty to serve Him when you are disturbed in this world.

Arjuna was very much disturbed and therefore the Lord started with self-attainment (Atma Yoga) only, which is the way to attain happiness and peace. He did not start with the sacrifice or service to God (Paramatma Yoga). When the child is disturbed, it needs the help from the parents in the form of sacrifice of work or sacrifice of wealth. Initially the parents help the child by doing both these but this cannot be continuous. As the child grows, he or she has to stand on own legs and settle in life. After such settled life only, the parents expect the child to serve them.

Similarly the soul has to attain peace and happiness standing on its own legs and this is the second chapter of Gita in which the self-sufficiency is to be achieved without any dependence. In Atma Yoga, the Lord in the second chapter of Gita taught about the self-realization which is the attainment of peace and happiness with the self-effort. When the life is settled, the issues are expected to serve the parents by sacrificing work (Karma Sanyasa) and by sacrificing fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaga). The parents are not in need of any wealth. Still they are the owners of the property. They are only happy if your love towards them is proved through the above-mentioned practical sacrifice.

Similarly the Lord is not in need of your service. The Lord desires to taste your love and feels happy through such sacrifice. In fact you are earning only due to the sacrifice of parents. Similarly all your wealth belongs to the Lord only. But the dualism is maintained because the taste of love exists only in the ignorance that is dualism. You have earned some money. The flesh of your body that is working is from your mother. The talent by which you are earning is from the wealth of your father. If you realize this and serve the parents, there is no real taste of love. Similarly the parents also realize that truth, there is no taste of love to them also. They can enjoy the love of their children only when they think that the children are sacrificing their hard-earned money in the parent’s service.

Similarly, if the parents think that the earnings of the children are only due to their help, they cannot enjoy the real love. Therefore, the real love is enjoyed only in the ignorance (Avidya). But if the children became ungrateful, then the parents have to educate them with the truth (Vidya). The Lord says in Gita that both Vidya and Avidya are created by Him only which are meaningful in their own contexts (Mattah Smrutir…..). Thus the Lord preaches the Atma Yoga in the beginning which is the attainment of peace and happiness by self-realization and then only proceeded with Paramatma Yoga which is the field of service and sacrifice to the Lord after settlement. If Gita stops with the second chapter, the story ends with Atma Yoga only which is the settlement of life of the children. If the story stops there, it would be Gita preached to the ungrateful ghosts and demons. Therefore, the other sixteen chapters of Gita concentrated on Paramatma-Yoga which is the sacrifice and service to the God when He comes to this world of human beings in human form.

But if you see the stories of human incarnation which is the same as that of the parents visiting the houses of their well settled children, the behaviour of the children proves worse than the nature of even the wild animals. Jesus was crucified! Krishna was shot dead! Sankara was killed by black magic!

Again, posted here: ... 17&t=12392

all crap.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:48 pm

dattaswami has a belief....and he is trying to enlighten people about it.

He is not harassing anyone....he is posting his script and that is that.

Since we have a forum that allow such thing....we shall respect his belief..and his post.

If we want to discuss....we must do so with respect....and take his statement and not the seems that you always get another copy and paste as discussion might not be that fruitful but to call it crap...or "make fun" of it is not nice......Carry in mind that he might see Your Religion as Crap....but he is not telling so..

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:57 pm

Rhutobello wrote:dattaswami has a belief....and he is trying to enlighten people about it.

He is not harassing anyone....he is posting his script and that is that.

Since we have a forum that allow such thing....we shall respect his belief..and his post.

If we want to discuss....we must do so with respect....and take his statement and not the seems that you always get another copy and paste as discussion might not be that fruitful but to call it crap...or "make fun" of it is not nice......Carry in mind that he might see Your Religion as Crap....but he is not telling so..
You don't know his intent. You can't, you know why, because he doesn't actually answer questions. All that is posted are scripts as you say. It's all reposted things from different sites. As to whether or not it is even his writing is debatable because he signs off with one name, but the teachings are of another person.

It is NOT a discussion, but a one-way diatribe, which is rather annoying considering the point of this place is to discuss if I can remember correctly. In that sense it is a form of harassment, spam if you will.

Anyway, your call master.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:11 pm

I fully agree with you....I have stopped to read his stuff long there is no way I agree with him.

The only thing I ask is that if any reaction shall be done...then do it with respect....or don't do it at all.

By doing it with "Bad statement" (remember I haven't enough word to write the right don't read me letter by letter) you only make him  as "crucify", it gives negative impulses to those who gives "more positive feelings " towards the one you attack ..... so in sum you might help him more then you "destroy" him....and if you read those threads you pointed will see he can carry a lot of such behaviour, the only thing is that MB cant.

This is general.....not only towards you SB....I have noticed that several of our members have put in their I am only put in mine.

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Post by stan » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:15 am

I would just like to comment that if the poster really wants to get his message  across why not meet us at our level and talk. On the other hand he is communicating his message in the style he is entitled to choose. What I wonder is, have we learned something about ourselves from this encounter? LOL

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Post by Kamose » Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:15 am

Good point stan. and i know i've learned something about myself. just can't remember what it was at the moment. lol

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Post by stan » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:24 pm

Kamose wrote:Good point stan. and i know i've learned something about myself. just can't remember what it was at the moment. lol

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