What is real

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God's creation? or Big-bang's creation?

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What is real

Post by siknsinful » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:06 pm

text  :smt017 I am somebody who is in search of knowing what I can trust to be real. I am somebody who has spent most of my life locked up for stupid mistakes that I made. I am somebody who has been screwed over by people that I thought were true to there self and what they believed in. Astrology is something I believe in (mostly vedic astrology) I would like like to know there is a god, but astrology has lead my faith into the support of the "big bang theroy."So much depth put into astrology; for most people only think about suns signs...not the details of other aspects with the other planets. I would like to know what people think is real as far as the planets and life exist.

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Post by wishiknew » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:19 pm

Big bang or God's creation????

the bible talks of creation taking 7 days...why can't it be that each day was an eon...why can't it be that the scientific theory (big bang) was the way that God created the universe?  why do they have to be two separate things? why not one and the same?

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Post by suzisco » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:37 pm

post moved to spirituality.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:44 pm

Well....there might be both :)

We"know" (most researcher angre upon it) that we had the big bang.

But something seldom occur from itself, and I for one define the the "force" that started it all for,... God.

As humans we are always in search for the "truth".

My advice for you is to listen, evaluate, and trust that what you find most natural, and that you feel inside is Your truth.
None can prove any of these theories, and we have a lot of different beliefs that all say they carry the truth, that is why you shall listen to your heart :)

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Post by dhav » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:54 pm

God created the universe by Big Bang.
If there is a spirit and the spirit is an energy so why can't we associated the Big bang as another work of God.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:05 pm

Most of you mention "Why can't it be both?"  I ask, why are those two our only choices?

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:28 pm

Bandit81101 wrote:Most of you mention "Why can't it be both?"  I ask, why are those two our only choices?
If you read the statement "Why can't it be both ?", then this is not given as the only choice...in fact there is given no limit at all.....because I further down said that you shall evaluate what you hear....and you shall choose what your heart tells you are the truth......because no one know the fact...we all believe :)

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Post by al64 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:47 pm

What I would suggest for someone who has doubts because the science is so strong is to get yourself an astronomy book (The Planets) that was printed before 1950. Then compare this with a modern astronomy book written since the space probes have actually gone to these places. You will find that the 1950's book is all wrong. When we move onto cosmology and the origin of the whole universe there have been no probes, no one was there and the knowledge is very sparse.
Think on this.

The guy who came up with the phrase “Big Bang”, Fred Hoyle, had another theory that the universe was eternal and in a state of constant creation. His theory was considered and rejected and yet there was and there is much evidence to support it.

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Post by wishiknew » Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:02 am

when I said why can't it be both I was thinking that it is possible for creation and the big bang theory to be one aand the same...the scientific explanation of creation...mans understanding of universal events of long ago

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Post by al64 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:47 pm

wishiknew wrote:when I said why can't it be both I was thinking that it is possible for creation and the big bang theory to be one aand the same...the scientific explanation of creation...mans understanding of universal events of long ago
Hi again
Yes, I've heard this before: that science is man's description of Gods work.
Firstly, science cannot and will not admit that God did anything, or as the story goes, it ceases to be science and becomes religion.
Science claims that the creation of the universe was some kind of happy accident that happened before the universe, when physics was in some way different and circumstances were right for a universe and given enough billions of years or whatever passed for time, it just happened. Science will tell you that the universe has no point and is a collection of totally random actions.

Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, you cannot have a creation without a creator and so the two points of view are incompatible – you can't have both. The spiritual universe has purpose and is far from random.

The same applies to evolution and you will find that the evolutionists will not take the theory back to a starting point. The reason for this is that if evolution is true, then it must have been present in the first living cell. However, the first living cell would have had a minimum of genetic material and any mutation – which is required for bio evolution – would have killed the cell. So, what we have is a series of circular arguments with the earlier arguments being used to prove the later ones. It's just a case of “it must be” at the end of the day. Again, the creatures of the earth are the result of happy accidents.

Spiritual creation of life has a purpose and is guided by the hand of the creator.

There is no middle ground, the two are totally opposed.
You must chose.
If you read the statement "Why can't it be both ?", then this is not given as the only choice...in fact there is given no limit at all.....because I further down said that you shall evaluate what you hear....and you shall choose what your heart tells you are the truth......because no one know the fact...we all believe  
Al :smt069  :smt119

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Post by wishiknew » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:55 am

al64 wrote:
wishiknew wrote:when I said why can't it be both I was thinking that it is possible for creation and the big bang theory to be one aand the same...the scientific explanation of creation...mans understanding of universal events of long ago
Hi again
Yes, I've heard this before: that science is man's description of Gods work.
Firstly, science cannot and will not admit that God did anything, or as the story goes, it ceases to be science and becomes religion.
Science claims that the creation of the universe was some kind of happy accident that happened before the universe, when physics was in some way different and circumstances were right for a universe and given enough billions of years or whatever passed for time, it just happened. Science will tell you that the universe has no point and is a collection of totally random actions.

Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, you cannot have a creation without a creator and so the two points of view are incompatible – you can't have both. The spiritual universe has purpose and is far from random.

The same applies to evolution and you will find that the evolutionists will not take the theory back to a starting point. The reason for this is that if evolution is true, then it must have been present in the first living cell. However, the first living cell would have had a minimum of genetic material and any mutation – which is required for bio evolution – would have killed the cell. So, what we have is a series of circular arguments with the earlier arguments being used to prove the later ones. It's just a case of “it must be” at the end of the day. Again, the creatures of the earth are the result of happy accidents.

Spiritual creation of life has a purpose and is guided by the hand of the creator.

There is no middle ground, the two are totally opposed.
You must chose.
If you read the statement "Why can't it be both ?", then this is not given as the only choice...in fact there is given no limit at all.....because I further down said that you shall evaluate what you hear....and you shall choose what your heart tells you are the truth......because no one know the fact...we all believe  
Al :smt069  :smt119

so there is no way knowing .... my belief is that the creating energy started a reaction and then it continued to grow and is continuing ...mankind has chosen to attempt to understand...which has moved mankind away from the spiritual side of creation... I believe that the creator continues to adapt the creation

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My Goddess Gave Birth To Your God

Post by SophiaLouise » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:05 am

I have to say that this is a case of a typical "Not me" situation, only opposite.

See, one millenium God was out playing in the Universe, messing around with the energy floating around.  Mother Goddess had told him to be careful and not disturb the particles of energy too much because She didn't know what might happen and didn't want Him to get hurt.

But God being the little guy He was ignored what Mother Goddess said and began really twirling up a mess.

Out of no where "BANG" and Mother Goddess raced over to little God.  "What have you done?"  She asked in tones of frustration and concern.

He was about to say "Not Me" when Mother Goddess turned and exclaimed "What have you done?!" with joy and awe in Her tone.  "What a magnificent creation."

"It was me" said the little God, even though he didn't know if it was or not.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:44 pm

Well for all you know one of the other theories maybe true, that we are actually a scientific experiment generated by an alien species and that all this was created on a fast track to see what we do so the aliens can draw some conclusions from it, to stop their own civilisation from ending its self with violence.

I love speculation, i also love the fact that there are so many people out there who hold onto their beliefs with grim determination and fight to the end cos its their belief.  We will never know if they were disapointed at death because we will never know ourselves until we die.

Wouldn't it be terrible if you had lived this life and deprived yourself of moments of great joy because your holy book, doctrines and holy people told you to and then when you die there is nothing.  What a waste of enjoyment that would have been?

I also wondered does it matter how we are created? We are here,we need to get on with it, rejoice that we are alive and human and perhaps get on with enjoying our lives?

These are all speculations please don't bombard me with hate mails for being irreverant.

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Post by al64 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:48 pm

Hi suzi
I agree with all you have said and in the great scheme of thing it don't matter.
However, there are some people who get stuck in science, evolution and all that and this prevents them from seeking other things. It's been my job to point-out that they don't know as much as they would have us think.
I used to read on the web site of a psychologist who treated people that had lost the will to live because of their scientific training. It had caused them to think that life had no purpose and so I do my bit for such as these.
Al :smt069

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What is real

Post by ksri10 » Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:46 am

For me, all this is irrelevant. What is important is that a human should try to find ways and means to reduce his miseries, which is again, avoid performing bad karmas and try seeking the internal bliss.

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