God - Can someone point me in the right direction?

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God - Can someone point me in the right direction?

Post by wedekit » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:45 pm

I've always been in a strange condition. You see, I wish to believe in God and I can see how his existence is perfectly logical... but for some reason there is something holding me back. I spend my life daily pondering this pull I am experiencing. How can I prove to myself he exists? I know that this is such a hard question to answer but how do I kill the doubt that plagues my mind? I think my quality of life has gone down the gutter because I can't convince myself that my being will not disappear when I die.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Post by drvyas » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:22 am

Hari AUM..My dear Friend first of all we must kmow what is GOD.
".....Definition of GOD
God is beyond definition. But according to one's own vision or
receptivity, one will define God in one's own way. Some will say that
God is all Love. Others will say that God is all Power. Each one will
see God according to his own necessity, his own receptivity and,
finally, according to the way God wants him to see the ultimate Truth.

I see God with form and without form. I see Him as boundless
Consciousness, limitless and endless Consciousness. Again, I see Him as
energy, infinite energy. But usually I see the Supreme in the form of a
most luminous, golden Being. When I converse with Him, I also see this
form. I am extremely fond of this particular form. Here on earth, where
we judge beauty with the human eye, we feel that a particular child is
most beautiful. But I wish to say that the Supreme that I pray to and
converse with is infinitely more beautiful than the most beautiful
child on earth….Hari AUM
Dr. Vyas

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Post by wedekit » Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:05 am

Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for your response. I've always had a kind of intuitive imaginative idea of what God is like, but I was always afraid that He was something else.

I see God as the person who will be waiting for me when I die. I feel like our soul before we are born is like a neatly stacked pile of paper. Then the very second we are born those papers and thrown up into the air. As children we have to pick up what we have and run with it. Life is a speeding roller coaster and so we must go with the flow. I feel like we are supposed to take those sheets and find their proper order. Some have stains all over them, some are missing chunks, and some are simply lost and so we must start from scratch. I feel like it is our job to refine and perfect our soul like this through Good, Virtue, and love for others. We must ultimately bind those papers permanently into a book. When we die, we hand God our book and we ask "What do you think? Was it what you expected? Did you like it? Did it disappoint you? Are you proud?"  

No matter what his response, I would thank him for this opportunity to live on this crazy and mysterious planet.

Thank you again. I gained a lot of clarity from this. :)

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How do you know that there is a God?

Post by dattaswami » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:50 am

The straight answer for that, no need of quoting scriptures etc, because he will say that it is some theoretical imagination. The only proof for God is the human incarnation coming into the world, and straightly performing the unimingable miracle and by that He proves the existence of the unimaginable God and also He preaches about the unimaginable God. You are unable to know the unimaginable miracle and He is performing. Neither you analyze nor you perform the miracle. Thus human incarnation is the authority. Jesus told I came to fulfill the statements. The scriptures are fulfilled by the arrival of the human incarnation.

Jesus arose a person who died three days back, no body can do it, that is not possible for an ordinary man. The same Jesus told there is God. You could not analyze this miracle and you could not under stand the miracle, and hence the performer of the miracle is the sole authority in this field. Either you should also perform the miracle and say God does not exist. But you should do it in genuine way. Some body acts as if he is dead and ask him to rise; not like that not magic. If you can also do and say God doesn’t exits. Then we will agree and we will say that all these scriptures are just bogus.

That is why these scientists and atheist fight with miracles. They are only catching their throat. They are always enemies to the miracles. That is the only hard nut for them, if they cross that hard nut then they have won. Scriptures alone cannot stand, unless something is demonstrated it is not proved. That is I why Jesus told I came to fulfill the statement of scripture. I demonstrate or perform the theoretical knowledge preached in the scriptures. Only human incarnation’s miracle is the only answer for these atheist and scientists.

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What Does God Think

Post by scythian3 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:10 am

http://www.planet-healers.co.uk/ ad free, Jesus Lives in America still its just that no one can see him except Angel of God, If you truely Believe in Yourself God would be happy with that, if All you want to see Angels then Believe in God and All you'll ever see is Angels, ps God Live in the UK, county Yorkshire

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Gently Open Your Eyes and Look Inside

Post by Cosmiceyes » Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:18 pm

What a wonderful question to be asking of yourself! Congratulations!

If I may offer some insights for your consideration.

It has been my experience, that with that question about knowing God, you have created the conscious opportunity to awaken your authentic self.

There are an infinite number of paths that can be taken to self discovery about God. In my humble opinion, going "within yourself" is the most direct. There are the least amount of "distractions" and human misintrepretations. Truth is innate within the authentic self.

The journey into the deeper mysteries of creation, can last a monment or a lifetime. It is about giving yourself the freedom to explore personal meaning in life, outside of the self imposed box that limits your potentials.

When you are getting ready to go down what looks like a darkened or unclear path, without GPS, it is wise to hone the natural tools in your possession. DISCERNMENT (sensing illusion, using common sense, if it does not feel right there is usually a reason, kind of thing) is a primary spiritual tool you need as you start this journey. Stay true to your deeper self.

"God can be explained....ask anyone for an opinion."

When it comes to the exsistance of the Living God, hearing is one thing, experiencing is another. Trust your experience. Sometimes, good people unintentionally give misinformation. God is a personal experience. You can know as little or as much of God, as you are open to receive.  

When you ask inside of yourself to become aware of your own feelings about the exsistance of God, trust that this can be the most incredible journey you could imagine. Rich with meaning and continual self expansion into the potentials of your authentic self.

I consider the authentic self our "core nature". Our pure self. Who we truly are inside, outside of the filters and influences of this human experience. It is a sense of "knowing" deep within us. It is beyond our "feelings" that can be expressed in words. It is seldom rationalized away. It simply is an inner "knowing", unique in experience for each of us. It is usually a private experience you may be aware of, only once in a while. You instinctively know it is there, however.

It is in the stillness of that "knowing", that you will be able to experience the internal dialogue you are having deep within yourself. Your "conversation witrh God", if you will.

A rule of thumb, solutions are always inherent in the problem.

Knowing God is an inside job. If you are truly open, in your heart, to recieve the answers to your questions, you will be answered.

Insider knowledge.....Be couragous, you already know.  

Some basics; if you do not like your life....change it to make it better. It is difficult to be open to the "stillness" inside of yourself, if chaos and unhappiness influence your life.

Know that the quality of your emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical, inner dialogue, is reflected in your reality. Don't like what you see and experience in different areas of your life? Open your eyes to the conscious choice you have, to create the quality of life you want.    

Listen and observe any questions and conflict. Now, how would you "be" with a close friend you love and care about, who came to you with the life experiences you have had?

When you love and care about someone, you truly LISTEN, you are "present" with compassion and wisdom. You share their pain and give them loving support.

Let me introduce you to you new best friend....yourself.

You can give to yourself, by receiving, all that you need within, to live a connected life.

It is getting past the illusions in life that takes self discipline to master.  

In wisdom, you know that there is no power to reverse the past. Do you allow the past to over influence the decisions you make in your present life?What you choose to create in your present, becomes the past, and guides the direction of you future. It is simple. Now live it, every moment. You will find God within your dynamic journey.

When you consciously choose to adminsiter love, first into yourself, you begin to open to your heart to the joy of life. Joy and love become infectious.

The longer you maintain a healthy perception of life that reflects balance in all areas of life, you will experience the manifestation of the living qualities of the Beloved, reflected in the positive changes in your life . The journey to knowing God is the journey of knowing the authentic self.  

If I were to ask you what qualities you wish to embody in this moment, what would you choose, that would greatly influence the quality of your life?

Answering; to embody the qualities of joy, compassion, kindness, Love, justice, honor, integrity, generosity of spirit, and other qualities of positive creation, you choose to know of God.....the living heart.

All the concepts and intellectualizations of the existance of God, pale by the intimate journey of experiencing God, within the discovery of yourself.  

I hope I have given you some seeds to water. What you cannot use, what does not resonate within you, do not follow. This is all about you.

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Post by Molissa » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:57 am

wow. I'm really impressed with the intelligence in the replies here.  I admire all of you.  
All I can add is that faith works.  Take a leap of faith in belief of God, and watch/feel the miracles daily.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:16 pm

By definition soul = breath.  So we have the breath of life - soul - from God.  He is as near as your next breath.

Then again, just another explanation of God?

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Post by papa6955 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:59 am

I think that the best step would be to talk to a clergy member. Talking to someone about why they would devote their whole life to God would be a great start in my opinion. I grew up an atheist and met someone in formation to be a Catholic Priest. After talking to them for a while, my faith was ignited.

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Post by hado » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:50 pm

Dear pal I think you need to read this topic

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what you need is trying first to understand who is God ,then you need to remember Him every time(in good and bad situation) then your doubts will be from history

with best regards..[/b]

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Post by jarday » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:18 am

,then you need to remember Him every time(in good and bad situation) then your doubts will be from history (Hado).

I too am going through a journey of understanding and getting to know God. In fact, I began studying Theology. The advice from Hado is spot on. Acknowledge that God is around and involved in your life and the world. It helps me to accept Gods involvement and I think he appreciates the acknowledgement and chats.

Working out who God is can be soo difficult. I think finding out who your own image of God is, is essential. I was taught to see God as the powerful, caring and disciplinary father figure, but I related this to my father who is not perfect. I have since learned to see God as my friend. True friends love unconditionally, are accepting, are supportive, are forever.

Whichever the method, whichever the image, go for God. To know you have a powerful support like God can only make your life more special, positive and less lonely.

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In response

Post by crash_bomb » Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:32 pm

In the name of Allah the most merciful and most compassionate.
The concept of the existance of a greater superior force is predominant in nature , everyone and everything knows deep down that there is a God , even though , culture and enviromental factors may cover this natural instinct.

To all of you out there who wonder of the existance of God , if you have ever been in a life or death situation , where you know that noone can save you except the one who created you , your instinct will rise , and you will Ask God with all faith to save you , many of you have been in this situation , , now human nature aside.

Look at your hand , move your fingers , think of the proccess , do you think that anyone except an All knowing God could have created that , look around you , the trees the birds , did they just form out of no where ? or is there a God that created them in his infinite wisdom ?
heavenly religions tell us about God , Islam , judism , christianity , they all speak of the belief of God , however one will be confused as he reads in the bible that God was overtaken by one of his prophets , or that he had a son from a human woman , or according to the jews , one of the Angels is the son of God, That is just absurd, and the obvious tampering of the holy texts manifests itself in the presence of hundreds of different versions of the holy books.
My friends. , is one God better or multiple Gods ? Islam dictates that one must believe in one God , Allah , the one who has created all. In Islam ,  there is one holy book, the holy quraan. one version of it that is used everywhere. Islam tells us to believe in God,  Allah , His Angels , his holy books , ( quraan , bible , toraah .. ) his prophets ( all of them , Muhammad , 'eesaa ( jesus ) , moosa , moses and all prophets peace and prayers be upon them all) it tells us to believe in the last day , judgement day , and believe in fate predestination of everything being good or bad.

a chapter in the holy quraan
The Chapter of Sincerity or Purity (Al-lkhias). This name is most famous as the Unity of God has been discussed with sincerity and purity in all comprehensive- ness

SURAH AL-IKHLAS (The Sincerity or Purity)
Revealed at Mecca, 1 Section, 4 Verses.

Allah in the name of the Most Affectionate, the Merciful

1. Say you, He is Allah, the one.

2. Allah the Independent, Care free.

3. He begot none' nor was He begotten.

4. And nor anyone is equal to Him.

I encourage you to visit this website http://www.scienceislam.com/bigbang.php also , learn about Islam , learn about the prophet Muhammad peace and prayers be upon him , you will learn a whole lot and you have nothing to lose.
I wish Allah's guidance befalls all ,

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Post by Andypants » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:35 am

Jesus was not a prophet he was the Son of God, if you say he is only a prophet then you call him a liar.
If you say God Begot non then you call God a liar. As you deny his only begotten Son. And all his words in the Bible.
I suggest reading the Bible, it will lead you to the truth.
Best place to start is with Jesus Christ, as he is the way, and anyone who has shown faith will testify to how their lives were changed.

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the bible says the truth.

Post by crash_bomb » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:34 am

The bible is the truth , a true book from Allah, but not the ones with you , the original one that was given to Eesa , Jesus peace and prayers be upon him.

i dont want to start a religious debate but think about this.
1-I would hate to think so petty of God that he might be attracted to one of his creations.
2-Maryam peace and prayers be upon her must have been the prettiest , hottest woman to have ever lived for God almighty to consider her
3-God have created many women , why did he choose her and only her, to whom did he leave all these other women ?
4- in such case , most of the worlds males are better than God , my father including , my father (thank Allah) has 4 children. , God has one ???
5- If you say Jesus peace be upon him was the son of God , then why has he ( Allegedly ) been killed by minor creations of God , to wash away your sins ? why should he take the rap for all the things you did wrong, also , why would God let his ( alleged ) son die ? would a king have his only son get hurt for anyone in the world ???
6- your bible says that one of the prophets peace be upon them all beat god in a fight, i would just go body build for some time then i wouldn't have to fear God.

these are just simple things I thought of , i am not a scholar,  i am justa regular person .
Please , have an open mind.
|Again , i dont want to start a religious debate , You have your religion , i have mine.  I am just saying , that i learned about other religions, everyone should too.
In the end I pray Allah forgives me for sins.

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Post by Andypants » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:56 am

I'm not even getting into it, i suggest you find yourself a true bible.
Jesus Christ is the only way to God, as the apostles taught throughout history.
Without him you are covered in the stench of your own sin.
The ruler of Sin was the one whom sin derived from, which is Satan.
And Satan has many lies concieved so that he might keep you under him, and might rule you through the stain of your sin.
There is only 1 truth, and it is obtained through Jesus Christ, i hope you find it.

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