Christian Prayer

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Christian Prayer

Post by tourbi » Sun May 04, 2008 3:18 pm

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. T
hy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation.
But deliver us from evil.

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Post by xaxaa » Sun May 04, 2008 8:59 pm

That's our daily prayer Tourbi. The most known of all. I'd never seen it in English before...
Thanks for sharing! :)

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Being Spiritual

Post by christiangrandma » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:32 pm

I believe that being a spiritual person is very important. As a Christian I try to be as spiritual as I can. I believe that prayer is just a part of being spiritual and that truly believing in God and Jesus Christ  is the only way to become spiritual. Prayer is an essential part of healing our own bodies, minds and spirits.  Without prayer we could not be caring and loving toward others. I always believe in signing off on letters and writings with May God Bless and Keep you safe, May He hold you in His Arms and heal whatever you are hurting from. The Lord's Prayer is just a sample of the way we are suppose to pray. As Christians we are to call upon the Heavenly Father and ask for whatever we need. We are never to go through anyone else such as the Virgin Mary because even though God used her to bring forth the Saviour she was never meant to be upheld as Holy. She was after all a human being just like you or I. I know this will make some of you angry what I have said but this is what I was taught and will always believe. I am also part Native American and believe that as a Native American we are to pray to the Creator(Heavenly Father) not to the Mother this is what we have been taught as Native Americans that the Creator is the one we go to for help. I am of the Protestant Faiths and believe that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only true religions on the earth. They were what God created and they are in the name Jerusalem ----Jew, USA, Islam -----Jews, Christians, and Islams So Jerusalem belongs to all of us because we are all descendants of Abraham. But God gave Israel to the Jews and to them alone. Israel is not just the area that we know now but reaches from Asia Minor to Egypt. Who else sees it this way. I do not mean to offend anyone, but this is what God has laid upon my heart to say.

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Post by tourbi » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:43 pm

I honor and accept what you believe for yourself.
I think the teachings of Jesus are beautiful.
I am not offended.  

I do think to be fair to you, you might want to know that I am a very Spiritual person myself and I am a Pagan.

In love and light and joy,

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Post by Doe » Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:45 pm

I am of the Protestant Faiths and believe that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only true religions on the earth.
Hi, Christiangrandma, and welcome,

I'm not offended, but this is something that I've been thinking about a lot lately (I guess I've always thought about it in one way or another).  I was raised (very) Catholic, but, for myself personally, I don't feel right deciding that one faith--or group of faiths--is the "true" one.  By doing that, I feel, I would be doing something that would, in the Creator's eyes, be counterproductive--setting one's ideas about who or what the Creator is above others' beliefs, when none of us can really know for certain what the "truth" is, at least in this life.

Although I choose not to adhere to any one particular religion (there are elements in almost all of them that feel "right" to me, and others that feel very wrong), I understand the human need to have a set of beliefs, and a strong faith in those beliefs.  But many people (including, as I'm sure you know, many Native Americans) have died or suffered as a result of others trying to force their beliefs on them.  I can't imagine a Creator who would condone that.

As for Israel, the Bible may indicate that Israel was given to the Jews, but many Palestinians still suffer because they lost their homes and their dignity when Israel was created.  Again, my own feeling is that this would not please the Creator either--we are all his/her/its/their creations, after all!

My own, PERSONAL feeling is that the best we can do in life is to try to love and be compassionate and tolerant of all living things.  What we believe about who or what the Creator is doesn't matter all that much, after all--what is, is, in spite of what we believe.  When it's time, we'll know for sure.

Again, these are just things that I think about a lot, and your post made me want to reply.

Thank you for sharing your views,


P.S.  I'm not trying to be argumentative, but it struck me that when you said something about "Jew, USA, Islam", my impression was that you equate the US exclusively with Christianity.  But there are SO many different faiths here--that's what makes it interesting  :smt003 !

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Re: Being Spiritual

Post by looking_glass » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:46 pm

christiangrandma wrote:I believe that being a spiritual person is very important. As a Christian I try to be as spiritual as I can. I believe that prayer is just a part of being spiritual and that truly believing in God and Jesus Christ  is the only way to become spiritual. Prayer is an essential part of healing our own bodies, minds and spirits.  Without prayer we could not be caring and loving toward others. I always believe in signing off on letters and writings with May God Bless and Keep you safe, May He hold you in His Arms and heal whatever you are hurting from. The Lord's Prayer is just a sample of the way we are suppose to pray. As Christians we are to call upon the Heavenly Father and ask for whatever we need. We are never to go through anyone else such as the Virgin Mary because even though God used her to bring forth the Saviour she was never meant to be upheld as Holy. She was after all a human being just like you or I. I know this will make some of you angry what I have said but this is what I was taught and will always believe. I am also part Native American and believe that as a Native American we are to pray to the Creator(Heavenly Father) not to the Mother this is what we have been taught as Native Americans that the Creator is the one we go to for help. I am of the Protestant Faiths and believe that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only true religions on the earth. They were what God created and they are in the name Jerusalem ----Jew, USA, Islam -----Jews, Christians, and Islams So Jerusalem belongs to all of us because we are all descendants of Abraham. But God gave Israel to the Jews and to them alone. Israel is not just the area that we know now but reaches from Asia Minor to Egypt. Who else sees it this way. I do not mean to offend anyone, but this is what God has laid upon my heart to say.
Upon the heart or unto the mind?

What is mother and father but understanding and love?

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