I think I saw a spirit in my house

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I think I saw a spirit in my house

Post by beleever » Fri May 02, 2008 11:12 pm

It was late one night a couple of months ago and I was still up doing washing, having some me time while everyone else was sleeping and I was walking a basket of washing down to the garage to put in the dryer, the lights were all off in that part of my house but I saw a blue light outline, see through of a figure of a older man with long hair standing at the kids games room, I instantly thought go away and he disappeared. I thought maybe I was losing the plot but my friend came to stay and she slept in that room and she said she couldn't sleep and she looked out the window and saw the same thing that I did, I never mentioned anything until she described him and then I said I had seen him too. We have just built and no-one has lived here before so I know its not haunted by anyone who has died here. Just wondering if anyone has seen them before and if anyone knows why he is blue in colour,  oh yeah and some advice on what to do with him would be good too. The kids bedrooms are up that end of the house but they prefer to sleep in our room or the lounge room for some reason, I don't want to scare them by telling them what I saw but I am wondering if he is the reason they won't sleep in there rooms.

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Re: I think I saw a spirit in my house

Post by Lady of Avalon » Wed May 21, 2008 2:59 pm

beleever wrote:It was late one night a couple of months ago and I was still up doing washing, having some me time while everyone else was sleeping and I was walking a basket of washing down to the garage to put in the dryer, the lights were all off in that part of my house but I saw a blue light outline, see through of a figure of a older man with long hair standing at the kids games room, I instantly thought go away and he disappeared. I thought maybe I was losing the plot but my friend came to stay and she slept in that room and she said she couldn't sleep and she looked out the window and saw the same thing that I did, I never mentioned anything until she described him and then I said I had seen him too. We have just built and no-one has lived here before so I know its not haunted by anyone who has died here. Just wondering if anyone has seen them before and if anyone knows why he is blue in colour,  oh yeah and some advice on what to do with him would be good too. The kids bedrooms are up that end of the house but they prefer to sleep in our room or the lounge room for some reason, I don't want to scare them by telling them what I saw but I am wondering if he is the reason they won't sleep in there rooms.

Spirits don't need to have died in the house to be there. They can come for several reasons. Perhaps from the ground underneath, perhaps with an object or person, perhaps they are drawn to someone at your house that they can connect with, so perhaps think about all these aspects. As you can see them then perhaps it is you that is drawing them in? Blue is a very usual colour to see around spirits, it is part of the lowest spectum of light and so works well.

Many people can sense spirit energy and feel uncomfortable by it. some feel it as cool or cold and many just get a bad feeling and don't want to enter the room or house whatever, much like your children not liking the room. Energy is felt by everyone, most commonly as temperature changes but some, like yourself can make sense of these and are sensitive enough to see outlines and differences between energy changes and fluctuations. Nothing to worry about.

Do you know or use portection or blessing techniques or whatever your beliefs use to keep you safe? Sort that aspect out first, let me know if you want help with this, and then perhaps allow the man to visit and ask him who he is or what he wants. This may be in the form of an impression, a thought, a shadow shape or a sound or voice.  It all depends on how you are tuned and how he is too lol.

Well thats enough to start :)

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Post by parallelmessages » Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:48 pm

I've been interested in this subject for a very long time.  I saw the image of an old man with long hair in the mirror of my grandparents living room when I was younger...it was dark and I was the only one in the room.
Recently I was in the restroom in a university gym and felt cold along the back of my left arm up to my shoulder and neck.  I could see in the mirror that no-one was there in the physical but I could tell there was a spirit in the room with me....oddly enough I felt at complete peace and knew that whomever it was mean me no harm.
I am now reading to try and develop my abilties to communicate with spirits passed on.

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Post by parallelmessages » Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:01 pm

I've been interested in this subject for a very long time.  I saw the image of an old man with long hair in the mirror of my grandparents living room when I was younger...it was dark and I was the only one in the room.
Recently I was in the restroom in a university gym and felt cold along the back of my left arm up to my shoulder and neck.  I could see in the mirror that no-one was there in the physical but I could tell there was a spirit in the room with me....oddly enough I felt at complete peace and knew that whomever it was mean me no harm.
I am now reading to try and develop my abilties to communicate with spirits passed on.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:01 am

                        Your post gave me goosebumps all over.

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Post by kybunker » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:48 am

We need to start a fresh posting spot for goosebump stories!!!
Oh that'd be fun!
Could sit here all night with my blanket and hot chocolate reading and being scared!
You guys are too fun

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