Some people are not interested in spiritual knowledge!

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Some people are not interested in spiritual knowledge!

Post by dattaswami » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:42 pm

Some people are not interested in spiritual knowledge!

A) Spiritual Knowledge  is meant for the people who are aspiring for God, who want God’s grace, who have recognized God and find  more value than the world, for those people only we are talking. We are not talking about the people who have satisfied with the world let them be satisfied. For example somebody studying and he says that just pass is sufficient, for me pass mark is sufficient, let me enjoy. If that is his attitude what we can do?  IF some body says I will under go all problems and I want to get first class, I want to get distinction; he will undergo lot of trouble and will get the result. Enjoyment of world is there, and if that is your aim nothing can be done. Those who recognized GOD, the value of God and eternality of God and eternal fruit of the God, they will only be interested in asking; What is the way to please the God, how to get the grace of God, only when such questions have started, we have started to ask the spiritual knowledge.

The fundamental and the basic stage in the spiritual knowledge is that people having recognized God and have given high value to God, what is the path, where is the God, how to please the God, how to get liberation from the world, only when such things are there we are showing the path. Suppose you are satisfied with world, and experience of world itself is highest for you, the whole spiritual knowledge will not open at all! Suppose you want to become a district collector, then you are asking what is the way, then I say you have to study IAS course ( a course for obtaining a prestigious administrative post in India), you have to study so many hours, so many books. If you have that aim, we are telling you the path. If you say that I am not bother about this, and say that if I become a peon or attender or coolie, it is beautiful and wonderful I am going to enjoy; for such attitude then there is no question of IAS post. The gate of the spiritual knowledge is closed to such people. Who feel that world is wonderful, who feel that the worldly experience is wonderful, certainly gate is closed for such people.

Those people who think that this worldly pleasures are not eternal; they are momentary, they are illusory; for such people only we are started the preaching of spiritual knowledge. Such spiritual knowledge will become irrelevant to such people. We want God we want liberation from the world, what is the path? Then only the gate of spiritual knowledge is open. If one say that I do not want God, I am satisfied with the world, the gate of spiritual knowledge itself is closed. So there is no question of discussing about him. You want to reach a goal and you are asking the path then only discussions starts. You do not want the goal, you feel that wherever you stay is the highest for you; and you are getting highest enjoyment etc OK. ; then gate is closed. The spiritual knowledge becomes irrelevant for such people.

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Some people are not interested in spiritual knowledge!

Post by ksri10 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:22 am

Quest for spiritual knowledge is inborn for most. It is the past karmas of their past lives which determines the extent of thirst or even absence of thirst for spiritual knowledge, in their present life.

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Post by priya159 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:49 am

i dont find whether somebody shold be spiritual seeking.
every human or living being is creation.
better being than becoming.
joy is for all.

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Post by priya159 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:59 am

i feel everting is eternal as created by divine power.
only fool belive is seeking answers.
we do want fame, money and power. it is our nature.
we are here to do our karma, not to seek results.
in that case a robber and a victims falls in same category.
if a robber is detached with his actions and do not seek results, do not seek control of events, and do work for fullfillment.
that is the karma yoga.
karmanye wadika raste, ma flasu kadhachan.
ma karm fal hetu burma, te sango na astva karmani!
more so every events is guided by higher wisdom. there is noting right or wrong. our mind percive it as right or wrong.
when someone feel that he is god forbidden spiritual he thinks wrong of wordly ppl. when u have no fear, u creat ur destiny and dont seek the god.
coz then you are god itself. u dont go to releigions masters. u go to spiritual masters. ans u become the one.
whether is ram krishan parmhansa, or deepka chopra. and by the way the love for humanity is the action for truly spiritual masters.
dont be so sure of the masters u are with, seek for truth as it is ur karmic action. some one name of swami could nt be the enlightned.
be you self.

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dont find whether somebody shold be spiritual seeking.

Post by ksri10 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:30 pm

Each one to his or her own beliefs...........

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if a robber is detached with his actions and do not seek res

Post by ksri10 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:52 pm

You say ' if a robber is detached with his action of stealing and do not seek results', then  what you mean to say is that a robber robs 'without seeking results'? Or is it that the robber commits a robbery, not being bothered if he succeds or not? and if claim its 'karma yoga'? if so exactly what is meant by 'karma yoga'? Can you please enlighten me.
Also you mention 'there is noting right or wrong. our mind percive it as right or wrong'. Am I to construe  that all actions and events are neither wrong nor right? And that, its all individual perception ? Natural events I agree, but what about  individual actions ? Or actions of individuals? Is there  nothing like ‘right and wrong’?

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Post by priya159 » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:33 am

dear ksri!

thank fr ur question!
its rare people ask question.
first of all i am also like you, not a enlightned person or guru.

first i quote deepak chopra here " there are no victims. every things happen as they should. random events are guided by a hogher wisdom, chaos is an illusion, all events all in total order, everything happen for a reason."

now as per phisycist the real world that we see everyday is all energy noting solid. we ourselves are made of photos.

i want to say here is the mind is not real me.

the mind like to judge control and want approval.

when we say i am the doer and i am doing this and that. this is ego. so even if a good person says i am doing all this good things to other, i am nice person, i do help people. and i will get appulause of people. they will respect me.
or a robber says i am so bad, i am goind to robb somome, i will gain money, people will be tehretned by me.

or if a person knows and does for the sake of his karma. not attached with the outcome and results. he knows his right is to do not to get fullfillment or result, he shold not attached himself to his actions. and be teh reason for results.

in other way when we know the mind is not real us, we increase our awareness. when we increase our awareness we are less threatned by the outcomes. we not judge others, not ask approval form anyone for what we are doing, and we do not try to control the things.

even we are in any profession or job we are happy with what we are doing.

see if u ask anyone what does he doing so  and so, and keep asking why for his each and every answer the last answer is that he wants happiness.

but many people do not get happiness. coz they say if something hapees so and so i am happy and then they try to control everthing and when they see outcome they freak out. blaim the fate.

when u accpet the present  as it is. you gain happiness then you work from freedom and inner gudiance. you start being rather than becoming.

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