Law of attraction, intention manifestation

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Law of attraction, intention manifestation

Post by Rising_Sun » Thu May 08, 2008 9:44 am

I have been reading and following law of attraction related material for a while now. Do you believe in it? and if so, do you have any experiences to share?

I first heard of it in the film 'the secret', some of you may have seen this movie or read the book. I have also listened to some of the abraham-hicks tapes and read a seth speaks book, I found the matter in the seth speaks material very vast and widely interesting. I do believe in the subject matter, law of attraction and positive thinking helped me during a rough time in my life and i just keep getting benefits from it

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Post by squeaky » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:02 am

the law of attraction works on the surface , it guides by quite literally attraction to those things we want, this works well if you do not keep changing the goal post, it works partially if you do, and negatively if you cannot bring yourself to a good attitude to life.

the best expample i can find for this is always the ever dimishing car parking space, you could be absolutely sure that when you go to town you will get the space you need, or you could hope you will, or you can expect to have problems because it is always a problem, right? so you decide to practice the attraction method and you get into town and immediately see a spot,... but.... it is not close enough to where you are wanting to go, so you think, i put it out there so there will be a spot closer, and you decide not to accept that opportunity because it does not look quite good enough, you drive on up the road and just miss a park and as you continue it becomes clear that you will have to do laps to find one. as you are on your 3rd lap, you decide the law of attraction is a load of baloney or start to beleive that you cannot manifest your needs.

the truth is the law of attraction only supplies opportunity, nothing more, it is still up to you to learn to take an opportunity when it arrives and see it for the gift it is. not a gift from the universe, but the gift of divine timing.

the law of attraction and divine timing are one and the same. the world and its billions of people are not going to shift so you can get what you want. so when trying to utilize this law, accept the timing factor too. every one i have ever used the angel cards for have outwardly groaned when they got the divine timing card, for some reason to most, it implies a time of waiting. nothing could be further from the truth, it in fact suggests that your timing may be out or you are going too fast to slot into the flow that will provide for your needs.

another scenario, on leaving home intending to get the car park (again), one finds oneself behind a really slow driver, you pull out and overtake, you are in a hurry, you get into the main road leading into town, and a car pulls out in front of you, now you are annoyed, and overtake that one, at the roundabout, a pesky truck stops in the middle because someone is crossing the road, you sneak behind it. now you are driving up the main rd, and not one space is there, but as you look in the rear vision mirror you see a car pull out, you quickly turn down a side street do the block but when you get there it is gone. You were ahead of time, you can be behind time, so you have learned to take opportunities now you must learn about time.

then you get what you want after focusing on what you want, in this case you discover that you are not happy and this is not right for you in some way. at this point it is common to decide that maybe you need something different and will need to break down all you have created to be happy, your relationships, your career, your home or all of these.

we have moved into the law of resonance, this is a deeper law where the universe starts to look more like a jigsaw puzzle, you have made your life into a particular shape and are trying to fit it into a space, but it wont quite go, sometimes we try to force it, and the edges get broken or damaged, some parts may be bent almost to breaking point and sometimes a part gets broken if we push hard enough.

the law of resonance is about what is appropriate and fitting to our inner being, is what you have attracted to your life resonating with your inner being, the piece of the puzzle that you are needs to be placed appropriately and its edges smoothed into sync with the rest of the puzzle. The puzzle will not change for you, but you can change the puzzle, you can even complete your part of the puzzle. if you cannot resonate with the planet and all that is on it, you either need to get off, or you will struggle until you do.

both of these laws require that you find your place, they are not about the universe providing or changing. all that we require is there already, nothing is new so to speak, we are simply working out how to use it appropriately, the consequence of doing so is a happy abundant life.


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Post by tourbi » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:08 am

I had a teacher (channeled)  once say....... It is easier to lift a house and it's foundation up 10 feet, than it is to get a parking place thru positive intention, thought manifesting, because you have to manipulate a person to move the car, lift the house and foundation is just moving it up.  The difference, we believe we can make the person decide to move their car and we don't believe we can move the building.

Thank you for the memory.  
Thank you for the conversation.

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Post by kybunker » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:46 am

I think the secret is just to know.

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Post by squeaky » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:31 am

you are welcome, a worthy subject always

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Post by janke » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:19 am

I dont know if I believe that there are specific laws for attraction, but when I met my husband, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to marry him

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Post by tourbi » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:57 am

Personally, I think it is working all the time.
We are a magnet, we attract who/what we are every moment, every feeling and every thought.
So......... are we what we want more of?

Change a thought/feeling and change your energy and your whole life can change, or the smallest part.
Change a thought and change your energy and your are changed.

Now to do it consciously.  Wheeeeew.

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Post by innerg » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:27 pm

I completely believe in the Law of Attraction.  I have been using it to overcome my dis-eases, that I had in the past.  So far, I have had AWESOME results from it.  

I have also read Ask & It is Given & have recently started reading the processes.  I am completely psyched about starting all of them.  It can only get better from here.   :smt041

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Post by questor » Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:54 am

I haven't read any law of attraction books etc but i always believe that positive thinking will help people reach their goals...i seem to see things happening when i imagine that i have achieved it somehow..slowly, i get what i want...
maybe that's the law of attraction? but it is also affected by circumstance

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Post by Youdah » Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:52 am

I'm just learning to make it work in larger areas of my life.  But, I know that it can work...  Everyone I know is usually amazed how I can make things happen that way.  Here's some examples.  I decided I wanted a particular lens for my camera, but couldn't afford it.  Within a few weeks, I just happened to be in a store that had the one I wanted on clearance and I could afford the sale price.  Or, I decided that I wanted new speakers for my stereo, but couldn't afford it.  Again, I just happened to be in a store that had the speakers I wanted on clearance at a price I could afford.  Recently, I needed a suit, tailored, beautiful, and I needed to look extra nice and the event that I needed to wear it to required an "expensive" look.  My bank account was about empty, and there wasn't any way I could afford a new suit.  You know what a suit like that can cost.  Again, on the clearance rack, I found the perfect suit marked hundreds of dollars off...and it fit perfectly.  The same way with jobs.  Sometimes with money, too, when I really was broke.  Once I just looked down at the sidewalk, and there was the money I needed and no one was around who might have dropped it (maybe no one did).  All I ever do is announce to "the universe" what I need or want, then I start looking around for it, because I know it will show up.  Or, I say what I want, and how much I can afford to pay for it...and then it shows up at the price I can pay.  Sometimes it takes a little while, but what I want/need always gets here.

I've never had trouble finding a parking place.  I just imagine that it's there, and it's there when and where I need it.

I know it sounds fantastic and hard to believe.  But, I have had these experiences far too often to doubt it.  I always, always, spend a few moments silently saying "thank you" for the help, the item I wanted, etc.  I think sincere gratitude is a very necessary part of keeping the "energy" flowing and working for me.  If possible, I try to make sure I give something in my time, to help a friend, to give a donation, to do a reading here, to put a dollar in the hand of someone needy, give a box of things to the Salvation Army, etc.  This allows me to be an instrument to manifest for others so that the "energy" is there when I need it, too.

Recently, I've been trying to work with this more.  Not just to attract "things" but to also keep negative people and problems away, so that I can surround myself more with peace and love.  I am also trying it to achieve a lifelong dream of mine that there is no rational or reasonable reason that I could ever do it...unless "the universe" helps me.  I figure if it will help me get a nice new suit, maybe it can help me achieve my goal in life, too.  Why not?

Thanks for this topic.  I'd love to hear others' experiences, too.

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Post by Crow » Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:43 am

Thanks for sharing this info. Really feels good to know that there are others.  

Where is that I really don't "announce to the universe my needs".  Earth air water fire grant me my heart's desire. So is my will. So it shall be! This was something that came to me a long time ago.  I use it only for when I really need help.  Sometimes it isn't always best for me to get what I think I want.  Like Children who eat too much candy the night of Halloween.  Sounds like a wonderful idea until they get that belly ache. Ouch!  I believe in the laws of of attraction.  As long as it doesn't bend someone's free will I think it is fine to do.   Even by our thoughts, we can cause some mischief and not even be aware of it.  Relationships, jobs, money, all areas of life I have seen this work.  Still not sure as to the whys.  Maybe my brain will never understand all that stuff.

Love to read others comments reguarding this. I see there are many out there with their own little unique way of willing things.  That is awesome to see.  What works for one may not work for another. We know our own bodies, mind, and spirit.  

Safe Journey

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Post by Jolyn Woods » Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:16 pm

I strongly believe in it! in most of my tarot readings, I will bring it up. It can help anyone and everyone, if only they know and try!!!

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leap and a net will appear..

Post by Copper » Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:05 am

Not very long ago I had reached a point in my life when I was ready to make a change in my career, but a little afraid of failure. I would repeat the saying "Leap and a net will appear..." Soon, I met someone that hired me to do not only what I love to do, but paid me well for it, coincidentally named Janet - (remove the J and a net appeared in a very literal sense!) That was enough to convince me about the power of positive thinking and faith in the universe.

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Post by ravenuriel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:04 am

law of attraction does work. but you have to understand the laws of the Universe ..
there are seven principles to this..

Cause and Effect


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Post by Copper » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:03 am

Would you mind elaborating a bit on those seven principles? Specifically gender - that has my curiosity up. Thanks for taking the time....

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