Meeting An Angel?

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Meeting An Angel?

Post by MysticMari » Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:29 pm

Has anyone had any experiences with seeing angels?

Quite a few years back I was going through a very difficult time in life, and one day at work I thought I had reached breaking point.  I started to cry and in a nut shell asked God "what the hell!?" wondering if there was even any point in anything and asking if there was anything to hope for.  15 minutes later I saw a man walking across the street, he was looking around as if he was trying to find a building and was lost or trying to find some place specific, at that point I had this weird sense of "knowing" something was up with that person and that something was going to happen. Sure enough, a few minutes later he had come into the building. He as average height with slightly darker but almost powder like skin and without hesitation he walked up to me and said "I'm supposed to tell you that within 4 years you will have 3 stars in your life with the first one coming in just a few months, so don't worry because things are going to get better." He continued to say something after that but for the life of me I could not understand him. When I asked him to repeat himself I still could not understand him, it was as if he was speaking gibberish, so stupid me.. i replied with "I don't have any money" lol . He just smiled and walked out the door. I was completely dumbfounded and in a daze over the whole situation that I think I stood perfectly still for 10 minutes. .. Well within the 3 years you could say I did have 3 stars. Within 4 months I married my ex boyfriend who was also my best friend (which was completely impulsive, sudden and unexpected), and I had 2 beautiful sons within the time frame.

I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any kind of input on the situation?

It is my feeling that I BELIEVE he was an angel (it just seems co-incidently impossible to be anything else), however I question this based on all the research I have done on angels. From various sources of information, I have read that angels, although they can appear to you, can not actually speak with you.  

Does anyone have any insight on the situation, or if possible do a reading on it for me?


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:32 pm

Angels can speak to us.  Sometimes they just have the right message for the time you needed it.  That is why some are called earth angels.

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Post by npb » Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:44 pm

for me, usually i read the numbers...or sometimes i always seeing or speaking the particular number over and over for few weeks

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sabbath siren
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Post by sabbath siren » Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:12 pm

Mari, how wonderful :)

I had an angel experience earlier this year, though it was not the same type of situation.  Any time, if you'd like to know about it, Mari (or anyone), message and ask and I will gladly give a link to a brief myspace blog entry I made about it.  It's just a simple account of what happened.


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Post by happyme » Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:13 pm

I have never gotten anything as intense as that. That must have been a really beautiful experience for you MysticMari.

I was just saying in another post today that I get a lot of angel activity because I interact with them a lot and lean heavily on them for guidance or to intervene in others' lives who I feel need it at the time. What I have experienced is a dream with one speaking to me in a deep voice (unfortunately I didn't remember what was said which I beat myself up about often, because I know it was something important) a really really bright yellow glow surrounded him. It was almost blinding. When I woke up the light still stayed with me when my lids open it felt nearly blinding.

Another time I remembered being so sad and depressed that I went in hysterics I was in my room which was a huge mess and filled with chaos perhaps it represented my life at the time it was probably the first sign that reintroduced me to angels and my faith in spirituality again. Out of nowhere a feather appeared and glided in the air and fell on my bed with me. I picked it up and felt sudden a peace of mind and comfort even happiness.

I also often experience bright flashes of lights sometimes green, blue, a bright violet, and gold or clear, their size and brightness often remind me of christmas lights they have a sparkling quality, these usually come when I am sick, sluggish or depressed, and in a matter of time whether minutes, hours, a couple days, I am well again.

I hear singing usually upon awakening in the mornings not all the time though, so real that I think the tv is on when it's not, or somebody is here when nobody isn't, after that I stopped questioning when I hear it and instead embrace and welcome it for what it truly was.

When I am reading or watching something or simply doing nothing and suddenly get a hunch but doubt it, I would hear angel mentioned at that very given moment in a show or a movie, and it seems either offbeat or irrelevant to the contents of the show. Either that or I will see an angel sculpture, or somebody drawing an angel in a show or movie, again it would seem kinda out of place or really random. I also hear angel repeatedly in songs or hear a specific word repeated a lot in music or while watching tv. It might be in the same song or show, or keep recurring in various shows and songs over a given period. Often it is in patterns of 3. Sometimes I hear Angel plus the name of an archangel. That usually tells me that something specific is being communicated to me, and at that point I look up the given archangel's portfolio for more info.

I get a lot of numeric synchronities too, 1234, 456, 234, and other ascending patterns,111, 11:11, 10:01,12:12, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888, 999 and variations those example, 11:55, etc. These are usually followed with a feeling of warmth or tingles or vibration.

I see shadows from the corner of my eye and rays of sunlight or other light but in ways where i don't see the source of it. Hard to explain this one.

Dreams in which I feel warmth and sunlight and see flowers or experience a lot of laughter and love. They are very vivid and I wake up with them strongly in my mind and the feelings of warmth, happiness and laughter still with me. I believe this is the presence of angels too. I think it comes when I am sad or depressed or feeling lonely and insecure in myself.

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Post by fisk_82 » Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:35 pm

never met any angels before but i'm sure that they are real...
once i nearly bite by a poisonous snake while i was in my sleep... i didn't know how but the snake came through a tiny hole that on my bedroom wall
i was in my deep sleep and wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and see that a snake came from inside the wall
i think that must be an angel that saved my life...
some people who saw and understand about snake told me that it's really a dangerous one, and if it bite me... i might died instantly

Sir Mullich Vn
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Post by Sir Mullich Vn » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:37 am

In Vietnam at least hundreds of people can talk to passed-away people. The Center for research on Human potentials (same address with the Physics Institute) located at Dao Tan street, right next to the Australian Embassy is where people may be permitted to talk to the telepathists for help.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:36 pm

Sir Mullich Vn wrote:In Vietnam at least hundreds of people can talk to passed-away people. The Center for research on Human potentials (same address with the Physics Institute) located at Dao Tan street, right next to the Australian Embassy is where people may be permitted to talk to the telepathists for help.
Spirit communication is called mediumship.  It is popular and available all over the world - in every religion, in every culture, in every human being.

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