Mysticism or Mental Illness?

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Mysticism or Mental Illness?

Post by soul.gist » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:35 am

I was recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
I was told that this affliction causes distortion between reality and fantasy.  
I was told that believing in magick is considered to be one of these symptoms.
Now i feel like people are trying to convince me that my faith is not real and simply a byproduct of my illness.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

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Post by suzisco » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:46 am

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that as a symptom of BPD.  Usually its more about extremes of emotion and turbulence within your emotional state.
Your faith should not be called into question and if anything a strong faith actually gives you an anchor and stops the feelings of abandoment and irrational fears you may have.

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Post by Soaring Eagle » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:17 pm

Many doctors that work in the Mental Health Fields tend to believe that the people who believe in magic (of any form) suffer from some sort of mental disorder.  Many times, and I my opion is that because of their studies in sciences and also their personal beliefs, they just are not capable of understanding someone who practices some form of magic.  I'm not saying all doctors are that way, just many.  Maybe it would be possible to find a doctor who is not so inclined.

Many years ago I had a friend who had mental issues that required a doctors care, and she actually found a doctor who was tolerant of her religion (wicca) and treated her problems, not her religion.  I agree with Suzisco that usually a strong faith in your religion helps, it doesn't matter which religion you belong to.

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Post by Evard » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:33 am

Mental Health keeps a tendency to put rational thought
in the category it may not be determined as [rank~ing]
the product of alternate lifestyle if it may not be medicated ..

giving pharmaceutical money to the mental health field and
allotting condition affecting Medicare to those who provide
monies system to the regard of mentality as differential .

Belief in games or paganism without regard to detaching
the mind of report to original prognostic on diagnosis : :
refers the "play on counted thoughts as ranking mental"
regard to consider the client at mental health psychology
as sanity inherent with detection of reality based on the
principles to begin Bill of Health to consider medication . , . rather thn the role we proscribe to alternate lifestyle .

The doctors may be good or lacking , though the proscrib-tion
system itself cannot be determined as promoting health of the
client on basis of Health . , . rather mental pharmacy referring
the client as Mental rather thn Health . The system of diagnosis
refers medication and can be positive in case of Doctor Health:
referring a more likely and likeable condition of the client and :
not trying to suppress the way we medicate if we agree with the
medicinal basis to begin Health with regard we thought the ways
additives to medication are prevalent and prevent per diem meds .

When the system of diagnosis will be seen as natural or subjective
as the learned ways of disagnosing for personal gain like egoism ,.
the system of doctor's referral begins the "doctrine" more like then
choosing between good and evil . A Doctor Health will promote the
natural sense of remissive condition and free-will so we may begin
prevail about our way to then be out of mental health prescribed condition
and be free to begin a term to "Legally Self Medicate" with Free Will and a
sense of self reflection and meditation . , . while the bad psychologist will
berate others <tisk-tisk> and make money on the sense of medication at
pharmaceutical payment though not listed with the MediCare subsidy nor
will it be given a 'free of charge' attitude about the dis-respect of Free Will .

I , though eccentric , say you have free will and should not be proscribed
a sense of abberence nor 'being forced into a long term payment system'
as mental health aggregate problem with suppressive doctrine reguard s
the client as unfit and tends to follow the 1950's doctrine of mania and ~
"sense to force the client into any form of madness toward condition" etc.

I realize my comments on mental health , though ahead of our time , will
not be readily accepted by those suppressed or depressed about Health .

A good doctor will bring health and help you . , . a bad practicioner will suppress the truth of Free Will .

Please accept this as written . I know my comments are unliked by some . I may avail n prevail if amenable .

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:02 pm

Trust in your faith of innate spirituality will see you through all the issues that arise. &nbsp;Finding a good doctor to understand your attachment to your faith is a good start to wellness.

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