What do you think about spirit channeling?

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What do you think about spirit channeling?

Post by ImperfectBeauty » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:20 pm

From my personal experiences I didn't know whether to post this in spirituality or paranormal. But I want to learn more and learn other's opinions on this as well.

My grandmother is Buddhist and she has an alter in her living room. The mirrors above the alter she always told me were "gates" for the spirits. You'd always here a "tick tick" or "tick tick tick" and she said they were coming or going. I never really believed her about spirits and things until a trip to Thailand to see family and we went to this celebration and she was apart of it with her sister.

I didn't really know what was going on but later learned they were spirit channeling and it was a little scary to me to see something take over someone I know like that. They did not appear at all like someone I know and love, they fully appeared different, acted different, spoke different... it was really eye opening. I can't really find the words to describe it well, other than I would still never believe it if I hadn't seen it myself.

Now I find myself questioning a lot of things she's told me and things I've seen when I was younger. Like things in the house I told myself I was imagining.

Basically I'm looking for other's opinions and or experiences with spirit channeling and spirits in general. Or maybe even interesting facts I may not of known about it. Looking forward to any replies.

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Post by Celestial » Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:15 am

Hi Impie! Well, it certainly seems like you got a good education with your travels and experiences! Basically, spirit communication takes place in many different parts of the world. There are those who are more adept at this sort of thing than others. They know how to avoid the pitfalls of being too eager to engage in this form of communication with the discarnate without full knowledge of what they're getting into.

There are always precautions that one should be aware of before engaging in such practice. One must always invoke prayer first to God for protection. Surrounding oneself with pure, white light is also essential. One should, of course, also be grounded. There are many books available on this fascinating subject matter. Those authors who know more by experience can share a wealth of information.

There are, of course, different forms of communication with the discarnate. There is voice communication, physical mediumship (though quite rare these days), clairaudience, clairvoyance, automatic writing, etc. One thing to also guard for when engaged in this work is that spirits are more than anxious to "break out of their shell" so to speak so they are very "opportunistic", in general! This means they can come in at any time during a session unless one has specifically called for a particular person from the other side.

Also, sometimes a spirit may purport to be the one that you have requested when in effect, they are imposters. Therefore, it is essential to *Test the Spirits* as the Holy Bible says. When one does so, one must ask if they are from God. The spirit must answer this clearly and truthfully and if they are not, they are to be dismissed Immediately as more than likely they are malevolent in nature and would not serve one's highest good!

So, as you can see, I have not even touched the surface about this but needless to say, there are many things to keep in mind with such work and in experiencing or wanting to experience spirit communication.

We know there is the spirit world that overlaps this one right here but does so at a much higher vibration so that essentially, it is invisible to us though we are not to them.

As I write this, I can detect many angelic beings (who are of course, in spirit) gathering around, perhaps due to curiosity of what I might be writing about them. I can see them as they appear, with quick "sparkles" of light around and in front of me. The lights are of a different color usually when they appear and that announces their rank in the hierarchy of spirit. For example, a sparkle of Yellow usually means a lower angel. One that appears in dark Purple is of a higher angelic order usually an archangel. One that appears in White is still much higher so that is how they can let one know of what rank or order they belong to.

I hope this helps you some. Take care and many blessings to you!

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Post by ImperfectBeauty » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:19 am

Thank you very much, Celestial for taking time to give such a thorough and insightful reply. I think I will look into some books to learn more about it. I certainly don't want to do the action myself I'll admit I'm too scared to tamper with that haha, but it certainly is an intriguing topic to me so I wanted to just know more.  :)

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Post by Celestial » Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:08 am

ImperfectBeauty wrote:Thank you very much, Celestial for taking time to give such a thorough and insightful reply. I think I will look into some books to learn more about it. I certainly don't want to do the action myself I'll admit I'm too scared to tamper with that haha, but it certainly is an intriguing topic to me so I wanted to just know more.  :)
You're very welcome! Reading more about this subject matter is always best. And you're right in not wanting to tamper with something you don't fully understand. After all, a good motto to use here is "Better Safe Than Sorry!"

Have a truly Great Day! :)

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Post by stephybabes92 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:26 am

Wow this is interesting. Celestial does the bible say whether talking to spirits is good or bad? Because I have been told that speaking to the dead is forbidden but haven't actually seen it in the bible with my own eyes!

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 31, 2012 3:44 am

stephybabes92 wrote:Wow this is interesting. Celestial does the bible say whether talking to spirits is good or bad? Because I have been told that speaking to the dead is forbidden but haven't actually seen it in the bible with my own eyes!
Hi Stephy, The Holy Bible strictly warns us that when dealing with any kind of spiritual activity that we should ALWAYS first Test the Spirits!

The Apostle John presents this Scripture to back that up.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of anti-Christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." -- 1 John 4:1-3 (KJV)

The above Scripture is very succinct and to the point on the fact that we should always test the spirits because many are indeed not from God, thus evil. So, when one tests the spirits the first question to ask them is whether or not they are from God. They must answer this question. If they cannot proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God and came in the flesh, as the Scripture says, then they are not from God thus, they are the malevolent spirits of anti-Christ. And also please know that when a person becomes a Christian and is "Born Again" they attest to the fact that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh and is the Son of God, thus, they are Saved.

I was also thinking that perhaps due to the speaking to the dead part, thus mediumship and its dire spiritual implications, may be why these website forums do not allow that practice!

Just as you say, there are indeed some Churches that teach that speaking to the dead is forbidden but something to also be aware of is that there are some religious denominations that speak to or pray to "saints", thus spirits, but they may not consider it as doing that for some reason despite the fact that all "saints" have made their Earthly transition as is known to many. Of course there are also many who do not consider the making or declaration of a "saint" to be under the purview of any man but rather only under the purview of God. I also believe that only God can make a person a "saint."

Suffice it to say that the speaking with the dead is something that has its strict guidelines under the Bible just as you are inquiring about.

Thank you for your great question! May you receive God's blessings always in all the special ways He remembers His children!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:30 pm

Imperfect Beauty:  Speaking with spirit is called mediumship.  Done with all the clairs already mentioned, means an opening of what is sensitive/psychic in you as an individual human being.  

Doing anything alone (meditation, mediumship, psychic) mean the use and sometimes abuse of ones own physical energies.  When properly connected to spirit sources, they will reenergize the practitioner so that they feel almost buzzed at the conclusion of a session.  

I, for one, believe in using that much energy there needs to be a good purpose behind it.  This is why psychics do reading - to help others - service is the highest calling.

Stephy:  There is a story in the bible where Samuel contacted witches (the witch of endor) and was admonished not to speak with witches.  It is the one reference given when mediums practice as an admonition against mediumship.

I have a course for study of mediumship through Psychic Influences In The Bible which is quite popular with those familiar with bible studies.

Celestial:  Please look again at the topics in this web site.  Mediumship Development is still a topic for study and understanding.  Mediumship is done on this site.

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Post by Celestial » Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:58 pm

spiritalk wrote:
Celestial:  Please look again at the topics in this web site.  Mediumship Development is still a topic for study and understanding.  Mediumship is done on this site.

Spiritalk: I have seen the topics. However, please go back and reread what Stephy was asking about. But if you prefer, here it is: "stephybabes92 wrote: Wow this is interesting. Celestial does the bible say whether talking to spirits is good or bad? Because I have been told that speaking to the dead is forbidden but haven't actually seen it in the bible with my own eyes!"

Therefore, she is quite plainly asking me her question in context with Biblical teachings and I have responded as the Bible teaches.

While I understand that there are different topics on this website keyed to different practices, etc. this question is unique in that Stephy is asking about what the *Bible* says and as it concerns the Christian perspective as is outlined in the Holy Bible.

And to correct you, Mediumship is NOT allowed on this website. It is forbidden to give mediumship readings! Please see this thread and especially the third paragraph in Eye of Tiger's response to Steph.  http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 8733127202

For further information please check with Swetha and/or Eye of Tiger on this.  

Last edited by Celestial on Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:47 pm

We all work in our own way Celestial.  Just as you preface your reading saying it is intuition, so many read through the skills they know as their psychic/mediumship abilities.  As they are joined, there is no way to determine one from the other.  A medium does not turn off the psychic to practice mediumship and a psychic does not exercise their mediumship while reading.

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Post by Celestial » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:24 pm

spiritalk wrote:We all work in our own way Celestial.  Just as you preface your reading saying it is intuition, so many read through the skills they know as their psychic/mediumship abilities.  As they are joined, there is no way to determine one from the other.  A medium does not turn off the psychic to practice mediumship and a psychic does not exercise their mediumship while reading.

True, we all do work in our own way, Spiritalk.

However, that was not the premise of your statement. You said "Mediumship is done on this site." That was an incorrect statement and since you were addressing it to me I had to respond to that in order to set the record straight.

And of course a little fact you should know about is that while most all mediums are also psychic, not all psychics are mediums. But again, I believe my point was made in answer to what you had said.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:11 pm

Spiritualk why does it matter? Celestial has helped me so much and you have as well. X

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