Spiritual living

Spiritual mysticism for mystics and magical topics of any kind.

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Spiritual living

Post by Amit89 » Thu 21 Sep, 2023 6:36 pm

You attract who you are, thoughts


Work hard

Who you are
How you live


Have gratitude

How you live, who you are in this life, you'll attract, also depends on what you need to experience, what lessons you have to learn

Work (respect, honour, service, give your best,)
Money(respect, budget, save, do not be frivolous, take out too much credit)

Love (love yourself, respect the other gender, appreciate, do not condense, undermine)

Health (respect your body, eat right, sleep right, exercise)

Friends(be friendly)

Have respect for everyone and everything

Bad karma is passion, great endeavour, deadly sins, anger, resentment, bad thoughts towards others, disrespect, pettiness

Balance, harmony, peace
All virtuous

Read law of attraction, Seth, ponder, many others

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