The Message of Christ

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:25 pm

From such dissesion wars are caused, calm down kiddies, the only time you'll know who's right is when you're dead and then it's too late.
I'm sure Lightening must have a bibilical quote on hair splitting.
Viewed from the outside this is hysterical, please carry on I haven't laughed so much since Diana died.

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Post by Andypants » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:35 pm

Danny wrote:Yes how nice, JC and his Daddy will come and exterminate those of us that don't agree with you. Because we got it coming.

You are so fortunate to stay behind as a minion forever and ever.
Never questioning anything they ever say or do, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
And what do you think you are?
You go to work everyday, and pay most of the money you earn to people who invest that money in schemes designed to take away your freedoms.
You believe you evolved from a monkey, and the universe starting from random combustion. Ever heard of cause and effect?
If there is no cause there is no effect, it is not possible for the universe to combust from nothingness.
I never heard the bible teachings until I was 18, the entire time until then I had been searching for the truth and found it to be severly lacking.
It is you who should question what you are being told.
Question the mainstream science, the Media, the System of enslavement.

You say to me I am a minion of Christ.

Then you my friend are a minion of the world. Doing as you are told, going where you are told. And your master is  not kind.

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Post by Danny » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:35 am

Last edited by Danny on Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Andypants » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:06 pm

Perhaps you should ponder your own thoughts.
There is no such thing as the devil if there is no such thing God.
Good cannot exist if there is no evil, for what would you compare that which is good with to know of its goodness?
Rightousness could not exist without sin, for what rightousness be if not compared with sin?

God gives us a choise, each and all of us, to live the life we choose.
Why do sinners exist? For the benifit of the rightous, that they may know all things and come to the fullness of knowledge of rightousness, that they might learn mercy through experiancing Sin themselves and having been forgiven of that Sin, and also that they might compare a rightous life with an unrightous life, to them is given understanding for they put aside there pride and accept the greater path onto life.
The wars and heartache, simply put, are character building for the rightous, that they may proove themselves worthy to recieve the blessings which shall soon come to pass. It is also the sinners might proove themselves to be worthy of the punishment they will recieve, being that through there pride and arogance they earned there place in hell. Being given to the master of the world whom they served willfully.

But what do you care right? Because you don't beleive the bible, so you don't believe in god, and you do not beleive in satan, so you do not believe in rightousness, and you do not believe in sin. And being that you do not beleive in sin, you do not believe there to be consequences for your action, and having no consequence for your action you have no reason to seek rightousness, for to you sin does not exist so for you rightousness does not exist either. And being that you seek no rightousness, you cannot grow in rightousness. So for you the purpose in life is yourself, and the only thing you grow in is pride. The more wise you become, the more foolish you become, because you have grown in nothing but pride.
But what do these things matter? For there is no God, so there is no life after death, for there was no life after death and the soul cannot be sustained without the body, because you are the body being taht you only existed the moment your body was created. You do not come from anywhere and you do not go anywhere. So why would you attempt to grow in rightousness? or anything such foolish concept, for at the end of this short period of time you call your life is nothing, it is death. Knowing at the end all progress will be of no worth, you do not seek it. But rather live for pleasure of the body, who to you is you.

Your life will be but a blink in the eye of eternity.

There exists no truth but through God, for me it is an easy question for I have been blessed to be shown many signs and wonders, I know God to exist and the Bible to be true. However despite how much I tell you it will never be enough to express the fullness of what it is to live knowing the truth.
It is like giving a definition of the taste of salt to a man who has never tasted of it.
How would you describe salt, without using the word salt knowing they have not tasted of it.
It is...erm..ah...salty?
You see there is nothing that compares to salt, to know of its taste, you must taste it, you must experiance it.
So it is the same with God.
There is nothing that compares to knowing the truth of God, nothing that I can compare it with that would give to you the fullness of what it means. It is simply something you will never understand until you experiance it.
You cannot truly deny God, because you do not even know what it is you are denying, a man can read the whole bible and still have no understand if his heart be not in the right place.

I pray to God that he send you tribulation, so that you may cast aside your pride and realize the truth.
May you recognize what you recieve from its source, and may your understanding be increased that you repent and seek the truth.
I have no family who believes in Christ, no friends who knew the way to God.
I did not find God, but he found me. You would not beleive me if I shared with you the experiances that brought me to God.

Recognise the mistakes we make in our lives are not a sign of a hateful God, or no God at all.
But rather a sign of a loving God, that he would allow us to make the mistakes for our own learning benifit, and then forgive us of these sins through the greatest sacrifice of all, that we may still be seen as clean despite previous transgresson.
I glad for both the good and bad times in my life, for they have made me the person I am today.

All things are for a reason, there is no coincidence or random evolution.
We did not evolve from monkeys.
I'm going to leave the conversation at this, as there has been little actual discussion.
What will happen to you after you die?
What is your purpose in life?
How did life begin?
Where di people come from?
Answer these questions for yourself to a satisfactory standard, and choose the path you wish to walk.
But know one day you will face the consequences of your choices.
Ignorance is no defence.

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Post by Danny » Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:10 pm

Last edited by Danny on Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:19 pm

God gives us a choise, each and all of us, to live the life we choose.
Here's yet another bit that seems wrong or certainly unfair.
We have a choice (you say given by god) and if you make the wrong choice you are damned!
What kind of supreme being are you talking about The Joker?
I thought he only existed in Marvel comics but looks like I'm wrong again.
Think about the supposed reasons why god created us and all the supposed gifts he bestowed on us inquiring minds,
'Don't eat the apple son.'
'Ok Dad.'
A body with nerve cells that fire off during sex,
'I said don't eat the apple son.'
'I won't dad.'
A friend to play with and she's got everything you lack and you've got everything she lacks.
'Don't you go near that apple, either of you.'
'Aw Dad we won't.'
Opps, to late.
Now we are all damned forever!
Yep, defintely Jack Nicholson time.
I still prefer the idea that all this came about because they stoned out of their heads on whatever grows there, makes far more sense.

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Post by Danny » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:44 pm

Last edited by Danny on Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:34 pm

LOL certainly rolling about here Danny, keep going

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Post by Andypants » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:08 am

Eating the apple was essential to bringing about the spritiaul growth of man.

In the beginning was Adam and Eve, who existed in a state of perfect innocence.
Knowing no Sin they knew no Rightousness, knowing nothing evil they knew know good.
Knowing no loss, they knew no love.
When the devil came and tempted them, having no wisdom, being they were still their original state of innocence, they could not distinguish between the evil of Satan and the Good of God. Just as you too fall in this trap by your denial of Sin.
Once they ate of the apple they knew of Sin, knowing Sin they could conciously seek rightousness. Being taken from the garden of Eden and Gods presents, they knew lose, having known loss they could experiance love.
All these things are essential to the growth of a person, hence they are present in todays society.
Gods gives us a choice, the choice is life or death. A sinful life or a rightous life.
You choose your outcome, what is not fair in that?

A personal experiance of mine.
When I was younger I lived with my Mum, she used to cook for me, clean my stuff, it was great. Except at the time I didn't realize just how lucky I was, and just how much she did, I did not appreciate what I was being given.
Then I moved out, and had to cook my own food, clean up after myself.
Suddenly all those things my Mother had done for me all those years ment alot more, now that it was gone, I missed it and very much appreciated it.
Now when I visit my Mum I am so thankful for even 1 home cooked dinner.
It was only through experiancing the loss of those priviledges, that I learned thankfullness for what I had been given.

You cannot understand Gods plan, if you do not know God.
It only seems like nonsense because you have no idea what you are talking about.

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Post by Danny » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:51 am

Last edited by Danny on Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:24 am

Andypants said,
'You cannot understand Gods plan, if you do not know God.'

Wow I didn't realise we were in such exalted company, you know god? WOW.
And god has told you his plan?
Who fills your head with all this rubbish?
Do they charge you for the privilege, if they do why? 'Cos you eveidently don't need them - you have a through line.
Next time you talk to him tell I think it's all Jewish fairy tales (Karl Marx had it right) and if he'd like to talk to me about it - well he knows where I am.

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Post by Andypants » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:29 am

I feel pity for you.
So the saying goes, let the dead bury the dead.
Goodluck in your life, and I hope for you that you find the truth, as your time of peaceful ignorance is just about up.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:34 am

Andypants I've already found the truth, this is it!
This is all there is.
Whatever happens after here, the me that is me won't be there; it may be a different me but when I die, I die - end of.

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Post by Danny » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:47 am


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