My declaration as present human incarnation

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My declaration as present human incarnation

Post by dattaswami » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:53 am

My declaration as present human incarnation
From my side, I never declared that I am the human incarnation. I gave the spiritual knowledge.  The devotees started telling that it is very special and never heard or present in any book.  They started calling Me as Datta. Some of the devotees were pressing Me to show the miracles which were spontaneously expressed.  Therefore, I stated that Datta possessed Me and gave this knowledge and also showed miracles.  What is wrong in my statement?  because this is the concept of any human incarnation.  Gita says that God possess a human body for His divine mission.  I did not believe or declare simply based on the words of devotees unless I had my own proof since I am basically a scientist.  Science never denies the practical proof and it gives a logical explanation of any truth.

Such logical explanation coincides with scriptures and therefore the truth is constitutionally valid.     When the devotees raised some points believing Me as human incarnation, I answered those points assuming that I am a human incarnation, because such points relate to any human incarnation in general.  The answers are valid whether I am the human incarnation or not.  Devotees have repeatedly stated that My knowledge is special and wonderful.  This statement of devotees is the basis on which I developed the subsequent analysis.  The special and wonderful knowledge can be given only by God as per Veda and Gita.  This means that God entered my self and is speaking.  When God enters the human body, that is the human incarnation as stated by Gita and Bible (Manusheem Tanum, God in flesh).  

This does not mean that God has become the human body.  God is in the human body.  The concept of human incarnation is only this much.  Such God given through human body to the devotees is called as Datta. This concept of double personality pacifies the jealousy of even higher devotees.  They accept this and their jealousy is pacified. Even such higher devotees cannot tolerate if  I say that I am the God.  Even though Krishna told  Arjuna that He is God,   He also told in Gita that the God entered human body (Manusheem Tanumaasritam) and also clearly stated that God has not become the human body (Avyaktam Vyakti…).  This means that the God present in the body  of Krishna spoke “I am God” and this statement is not uttered by Krishna.

Arjuna was higher but not highest devotee.  Gopikas were highest devotees, who believed that Krishna is God, who came down directly to the earth.  Krishna made their belief become true because for them God pervaded all over the three bodies including the external gross body.  God super imposed (Adhyasa of Sankara) Himself on the gross body as a human being super imposes His self on the gross body. In the case of God the super imposition is with knowledge due to necessity and in the case of human being the super imposition is due to ignorance.   For them there is no need of any clarification and hence no need of Gita.  But if that concept is revealed to Arjuna, Arjuna will totally reject it because he was a higher devotee and not the highest devotee.  

The highest devotee is only one in millions.  Higher devotees are many like Arjuna.  Therefore, Gita is Universal and is not necessary for Gopikas.  When Uddhava tried to preach the concept of this dual personality (God as possessor and the human being as possessed), Gopikas rejected him totally.   Even this clarification does not pacify the jealousy of some people because they cannot tolerate even the presence of God in a particular human body only.  They want the presence of God in their bodies also. This is the highest degree of jealousy.   Since such highest jealousy is a common point to every human being, the Advaiti revolts against the human incarnation by generalizing that God is in every human body and gets the support of majority.   This is the revolution and the formation of the union of people, who feel that they were suppressed.

 This is communism revolting against capitalism. This is politics in philosophy.  This is a special situation because philosophy enters every subject.  The degree of philosophy (Ph.d.) can be taken in any subject.  Therefore, you have philosophy in politics which is general and normal.  Even though I also felt that this knowledge is wonderful, I never said it because it will be misunderstood by the ignorant people as self praise.  Therefore, if the devotees stated this and if their statement is correct, there is no doubt that I am the human incarnation based on the concept of at least this  dual personality as per the analysis related to higher level of devotees.

Such analysis can be extended even to the highest devotees, which prevents them  from  falling  down to the higher level from their highest level.    This concept of dual personality will at least fix the devotee to the higher level preventing from further fall. The people who fall down from this higher level also, believe God but not the human incarnation. They say that either no human being is God or every human being is God.  Either the concept is totally rejected or is extended to every body.  Let no body be rich or let every body be rich.  There should not be one richest person.  They hate the richest person and gradually they hate even any richer person.  They want equality of every human being.

This is good in economics or sociology (Pravrutti).  But the subject of spirituality (Nivrutti) is completely opposite to the subjects of the world (Durmeti Viparite Vishuchi--Veda).  Sankara had to act like a communist even in the spirituality because in that time the country was filled with atheists of communist-psychology in pravrutti and for them Nivrutti was totally absent.  Hanuman is also an incarnation of Siva like Sankara, but he followed the extreme capitalism in spirituality, which is quite opposite  as said in Veda.  The spiritual knowledge was given by Krishna to Arjuna, when Arjuna fell down on the feet of Krishna with complete surrender as a servant. Krishna said that one should become servant of Guru before receiving the spiritual knowledge (Tat Viddhi Pranipatena….).

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

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Post by stan » Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:22 am

From the descriptions you have given of the journey-yes your God.

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Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:14 am

Post by dattaswami » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:36 pm


Krishna analyzed God and world - clearly in Gita and finally told
Arjuna to take final decision, - same knowledge is fruitful in some,
In some it becomes waste, - Arjuna listened but not Duryodhana.
Same rain becomes mud in pond, - but becomes pearl in pearl shell.
Rain and shell are equally important, - in fact shell is more important.
The samskara or attitude accumulated – for the past millions of births
Becomes the main responsible factor, - a wet stick will not catch fire,
Your matchbox becomes empty, - attitude is generated from deeds,
Attitude again generates deeds, - it is a cycle with fixed composition.

Good and bad are fixed in a ratio, – the ratio is fixed in all the births.
The soul rotates and rotates in the – same cycle continuously forever.
The soul comes down from upper worlds – with the remains of attitude.
The composition of this attitude – will generate deeds in the same ratio.
The fresh deeds yield fruits, - now you may say that your past deeds
Are responsible for your present fruits, - it is exactly correct statement.
Your past deeds in a specific ratio – generated attitude in same ratio,
Your present deeds are also in same ratio, - yes, your present fruits
Touch the past deeds as root cause, - in the chain of deep analysis.

The attitude should be strong to – generate a deed in action for fruit.
A weak attitude gives feeling only, - it has very little fruit, no fear.
As long as some body is not hurt – practically, you are not punished.
Even the weak attitude is not good, - it may become strong shortly.
Punishment for sin and pleasure – of heaven for good deeds is
Limited to Pravrutti only and not – in Nivrutti, a totally different field.
Nivrutti is limited to God and your self  - God is never hurt by you.
In Nivrutti every attitude and deed – is sacred, God sees your love only.
The attitude can change its ratio – by hearing spiritual knowledge only.
No other method like fasting, chanting etc., - is useful to change attitude.
You can come out from routine cycle – by the sacred knowledge only,
So says Gita, in the new ratio sin may become – zero and full good.
Then you will do good deeds and – enter heaven again and again.

You can even change attitude to – reach the eternal abode of God.
Analysis of knowledge is your duty, - clear all your doubts from Me.
Attitude is the main factor to lead you – to hell or heaven or God.
Attitude is generated and changed also – by the power of knowledge.
Hence, Satguru, God in human form – is the most important guide,
His spiritual knowledge is real path, - He is your real goal also finally.

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Post by stan » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:33 pm

Thank you! At one level, I see separatness. On another there is only two. On the other there, the two become One. Once one is in the One, it is still not the highest goal. As it has been written, he who neglects compassion has not achieved the highest aim. He must return and live simultaneously across all planes as an instrument of Gods Bidding. Is this correct?

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Post by peddling_pony » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:34 pm

dattaswami wrote:stan;

Krishna analyzed God and world - clearly in Gita and finally told
Arjuna to take final decision, - same knowledge is fruitful in some,
In some it becomes waste, - Arjuna listened but not Duryodhana.
Same rain becomes mud in pond, - but becomes pearl in pearl shell.
Rain and shell are equally important, - in fact shell is more important.
The samskara or attitude accumulated – for the past millions of births
Becomes the main responsible factor, - a wet stick will not catch fire,
Your matchbox becomes empty, - attitude is generated from deeds,
Attitude again generates deeds, - it is a cycle with fixed composition.

Good and bad are fixed in a ratio, – the ratio is fixed in all the births.
The soul rotates and rotates in the – same cycle continuously forever.
The soul comes down from upper worlds – with the remains of attitude.
The composition of this attitude – will generate deeds in the same ratio.
The fresh deeds yield fruits, - now you may say that your past deeds
Are responsible for your present fruits, - it is exactly correct statement.
Your past deeds in a specific ratio – generated attitude in same ratio,
Your present deeds are also in same ratio, - yes, your present fruits
Touch the past deeds as root cause, - in the chain of deep analysis.

The attitude should be strong to – generate a deed in action for fruit.
A weak attitude gives feeling only, - it has very little fruit, no fear.
As long as some body is not hurt – practically, you are not punished.
Even the weak attitude is not good, - it may become strong shortly.
Punishment for sin and pleasure – of heaven for good deeds is
Limited to Pravrutti only and not – in Nivrutti, a totally different field.
Nivrutti is limited to God and your self  - God is never hurt by you.
In Nivrutti every attitude and deed – is sacred, God sees your love only.
The attitude can change its ratio – by hearing spiritual knowledge only.
No other method like fasting, chanting etc., - is useful to change attitude.
You can come out from routine cycle – by the sacred knowledge only,
So says Gita, in the new ratio sin may become – zero and full good.
Then you will do good deeds and – enter heaven again and again.

You can even change attitude to – reach the eternal abode of God.
Analysis of knowledge is your duty, - clear all your doubts from Me.
Attitude is the main factor to lead you – to hell or heaven or God.
Attitude is generated and changed also – by the power of knowledge.
Hence, Satguru, God in human form – is the most important guide,
His spiritual knowledge is real path, - He is your real goal also finally.
It must be nice to copy from one place to another. To repeat words is one thing. To understand is another. Lay at the fee of no one unless he be God himself.

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Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:14 am

Post by dattaswami » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:36 pm

This physical world, which consists of the inert objects like Sun, Moon, Stars
Air, Earth etc., is not the world, which is binding you and this is not
The world from which you have to attain the liberation or salvation
If you get salvation from this physical world it is called the death

Death is not the salvation since even after death you are bound by the bonds
The bonds are not with the physical world but they are with your family members
It is this family that constitutes your entire world from which you must be salvated

The physical world is real and it is unreal for the creator only and not for you
You are a part and parcel of this world and if you say that this world is unreal
You too become unreal, your unreal world is your own family, which is created
By yourself only and why this is unreal?

If you analyse, these bonds did not exist
Before this birth and do not exist after this birth and hence are not existing
During this birth also, Sankara told that temporary is always unreal
Therefore, Gita emphasizes for the detachment from these worldly bonds

Jesus goes one step further and advises you even to hate these family bonds
This is surprising but if you analyse, I should say, He is absolutely correct
If you analyse deeply, these family members deserve your hatred and not love
The reason is that these family members were very vehement enemies to you
In the previous birth you stole their hard earned property and fought with them
Now they have come to collect their wealth from you along with the
Compound interest, they are in the form of wife and children and you are bound

To pay them according to the force of Karma Chakra i.e., associated with Kala Chakra
Payment of loans is Karma Chakra and payment in this birth is Kala Chakra
The same is said “Runanubandha Rupena Pasu Patni Sutalayaah”
The three strongest bonds are with money, wife and children and these three
Are called as “Eeshanaas”, which are the stainless steel chains, which never
Corrode, the secret in the force of these three bonds is only the force of Karma
The Karma is the payment of the loans with interest and for that you have to earn
Therefore, you are forced by Karma to earn the money and that is the spontaneous
Attraction to the money, the Karma is dragging you to earn the money so that
You can pay to your enemies who are surrounding you for the collection of loans

Thus these three bonds are inter related and amalgamated by the force of Karma
These enemies are in the mask of friendship and love with you and you do not
Remember your previous birth, which is again due to the force of karma only
If you remember the previous birth and that enmity you will not repay the loan
Therefore, by the force of Karma Chakra only you do not remember previous birth
These enemies can collect their money only under the mask of love and friendship

These enemies are collecting their money in the form of work and also money
The mother repays the loan by doing work like bathing and clothing the children
Such sacrifice of work by the mother is coming under Karma Sanyasa
The father repays the money by giving his hard earned property to the children
And this repayment of direct wealth comes under Karma Phala Tyaga.

But these enemies are not satisfied with simple repayment of their loans
If a thief steals your money and if you catch him will you leave him
Just by taking your money? You will torture him and then only leave
Similarly, you have stolen their property and you tortured them
Therefore, they have caught the thief in this birth and collect their money
Apart from that they will torture you by dragging you down from the Lord

If you progress in your spiritual path and reach and please the Lord
You are saved permanently and attain eternal happiness here and there
Now these enemies obstruct your spiritual path and drag you back
From that Eternal divine benefit and due to that you will fall in this world-cycle
In this cycle, which is the permanent hell, you are tortured forever
By this, their vengeance is subsided and they stand around you even
In your last minutes so that you will be attracted by them then also

And you will not remember the Lord even in the last minute
This is the reason why all your family members reach you even before your death
They reach you when they hear that you are seriously ill, they are very alert
But you fool! You are not alert about them and remember them only even on the
Death bed! Is your this world not really unreal? You analyse the fact

I say this family world is the most unreal world because these bonds are not only
Unreal according to the analysis of Sankara, but also they are the bonds
Of enmity and so must be hated according to the Holy Jesus
You are thinking the enemy as your friend! How unreal is this bond?
First you come out of this unreal world created by you due to your past deeds

People say often that the world is unreal, yes! It is absolutely unreal
But the world is not this physical world created by the Lord
The unreal world is your family created by yourself due to your past karma

Similarly, your religion is another broader unreal world created by you
Your fellow religious people obstruct you from entering Universal spirituality
Because they are your enemies in the mask of friendship in this birth
You harmed them spiritually in the previous birth and therefore they have come
Now here as your friends belonging to the same religion and revenge upon you
When you come out of these two worlds, which are well and river
You will enter the Universal Spirituality, which is the infinite ocean

Some people try to get detachment from the family bonds
Without the attachment to the Lord, they can detach from the family
By attaining self through self-analysis but in this case they can get rid of
The worries and misery by attaining the self, which is pure awareness
Such detachment without attachment to the Lord is not permanent.
The attachment to the self is not as strong as the bond with the Lord
Therefore, such people who get only peace by self achievement cannot
Remain in that state for a long time, bliss is stronger than peace
Because God is stronger than the soul, soul gives peace and God gives bliss
Therefore, detachment from the family by attachment with the Lord alone
Is real and final, the scholars get attached to the self by analysis
And think that the self it self is the Lord and they feel that they are the Lord.
These pseudo Advaita Scholars are dragged again by the families and
They are insulted by the Maya and they are shown the reality.

The service to be done to the Lord should not be decided by yourself
You are pleased by doing the service to the Lord as per your desire
Your desire and your pleasure should not be the final goal of the mission
You must do that service, which is desired by the Lord and which pleases Him
His desire and His pleasure should be the final goal of your service
Mere service is not important but the service required by Him is important
Some devotees serve this society to uplift all the human beings
Such social service cannot please the Lord unless He wishes so, without His wish
If you serve the society, that is only to fulfil your desire for the fame
Sankara condemned this concept of social service i.e., Loka Sevaka Matam.
The Lord knows when, whom and where to uplift in this entire world
Whether it is His mission or His personal service, His desire is important
Even in His personal service the angle in which He desires is important
If His hand is paining, what is the use of pressing His legs?
Therefore, at every step the desire, direction and final pleasing of the Lord
Is the only essence and goal of the entire spiritual effort
The Lord alone can protect you and not this world, social service indicates
Your love on your fellow human beings, who constitute a bigger family only.
You have to sacrifice everybody, everything and even every concept for that
He tests you by asking that thing only, which you cannot sacrifice
He always attacks your strongest bond and conducts the test
One test is sufficient because if you can break your strongest bond for the
Sake of the Lord, all the other bonds, which are weaker need not be tested
The sacrifice of strongest bond with any thing other than the Lord alone
Can prove that you have the strongest bond with the Lord only.
You have to cross the family bonds and even the bond with your life
As told by Jesus, Krishna says that you have to cross even Dharma or Justice
For the sake of the Lord because as the protector of justice, He is greater than
The protected justice “Sarva Dharman …” is said in Gita.
Thus Datta conducts only one test and gives you the final report
You will always try to sacrifice all the weak bonds for His sake
Then you claim that you can sacrifice everything for His sake
The Lord smiles at your talented dramatic action and keeps silent
If you go on still shouting that you are His best devotee, then
He will enter the field and touches your strongest bond or your weakness
You will utterly fail at that point and your mouth is shut forever

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Post by dattaswami » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:37 pm


The Lord appears as a human incarnation in order to make Himself available to our direct perception. Thus He satisfies the Vedic statement 'yat sak?at aparok?at brahma, which means that the Lord is available to direct perception right here. The bhagavad gita also says the same thing; “manu?i? tanumasritam. When the Lord takes human form, it is important to recognize Him as the Lord. Prophet Mohammed gave thirty three signs to identify the human incarnation of the Lord. Thus actually Islam also accepts the human incarnation of God although the prevalent form of the religion is averse to this concept. When these signs are followed the human incarnation can be identified and the statements of the scriptures which assert the direct perception or pratyak?a prama?a are satisfied. People cannot accept God right in front of them owing to their ego and jealousy.

They try to place God in some other world and some later time (after death). These are people with a lower maturity. The mature people who have conquered their ego and jealousy accept God in human form in this world. The ?gveda says ihacetavedit atha satyamasti na cetmahati vina??i, which means, “That which is here is true. That which is not here is not true”. The acceptance of the Lord right here, available to direct perception is desirable as it satisfies a scientist or a rationalist too. Science is based on direct perception as the means to establish the validity or existence of a statement or an entity. From the above discussion, God in human form is not an obscure, unverifiable entity. He is available here and now for direct perception. 'yat sak?at aparok?at brahma means that God is here itself. He is not to be known through some other medium of questionable validity but by direct perception. The statement that God is here, does not mean that every individual soul is God. The individual soul is certainly different from God. However God has taken up a particular human body and lives among us.

Salvation is freedom from all worldly bonds. It is also here. It is not in some other world. In this world we have a lot of attachments. These bonds with other souls and material things impede our salvation. All such bonds are temporary and changing. Today we are attached to some person and tomorrow to someone else. Salvation consists in breaking all such temporary bonds. This is achieved by developing and nurturing the single permanent bond with God. In no relation, or no action performed for any other soul here, is there permanence. By attaching to God alone can one free oneself from all the temporary bonds of the world.

The soul is made of the life energy or the superior energy called para prak?ti. The para prak?ti is a drop in the ocean of the totality of the superior energy called the para sakti or maya. The para sakti is the Power of the Lord. It gives rise to Creation. The individual soul has attachments to other souls which are also para prak?ti. Additionally it also has attachments with material things which are a grossified (inert) form of the para prak?ti called as apara prak?ti. The apara prak?ti includes all inert objects such as wealth, land, house, cars and so on. Now the individual soul is in this world. It has bonds to other souls and to inert objects, which are both in this world. The breaking of these bonds is also in this world. Therefore salvation is in this world. It is here and now. It is not after death, in some other unknown world.

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Post by peddling_pony » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:39 pm

again copied out of metareligion..though it was posted by you before. what's the point of posting? You might as well put a link up.

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Post by dattaswami » Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:04 am


The relationship of the devotee with the Lord is called devotion. Devotion is love for he Lord. Love is proved by service or seva. Claims of love without service are fraudulent. Praying, meditation, intellectual discussions, words, feelings or singing hymns does not substantiate devotion. If a husband loves his wife then he must serve her when she is ill. If he just sits by her side with his eyes closed or meditates upon her or chants her name aloud, while refusing to practically serve her by giving her medicines, food and drink, then he is only making a show of love; he does not really love her. The one who really loves her will serve her.

The Lord is pleased only with total devotion. The Gita says “eka bhakti? visi?yate”. He wants the devotee to love Him alone; not anyone or anything else. Nobody or nothing should be equal to Him. He will make the devotee reach this stage of devotion. This is the essence of all the datta parik?a or the tests of the Lord. The devotee will be tested severely till he breaks all bonds with everyone and everything in the world, till only the bond with the Lord remains. The Lord does not compromise in this aspect. He will not tolerate even a drop of the devotee's attachment to anything or anyone in the world.

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Post by priya159 » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:41 am

why do i feel that u are logiacal foolinf urself.

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Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:12 am


Post by janke » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:59 am

What is incarnation?

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