Who is ‘Hiranyagarbha’?

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Who is ‘Hiranyagarbha’?

Post by dattaswami » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:00 am

Who is ‘Hiranyagarbha’?
Hiranyagarbha means, he who has gold in the womb. Womb means hidden. A pregnant lady is having a child in her womb, the child is not seen outside. Here Garbha means hidden, hiranya means gold. What is Gold, gold is said to be most precious metal, so here Hiranya means God. God hidden in human form is called as Hiranya garbha or human incarnation. Jesus is hiranyagarbha  because God is hidden in Him. It can be applied to any human incarnation. We should not take the literal meaning. It is just like in old testament ‘lamb’ is compared to God, it means as lamb is innocent God is also innocent straight and clear, hence word ‘lamp’ denotes God.

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More pls.

Post by asheeshdube » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:40 am

Very good information about Hiranyagarbh. Now question arises how can you be sure that God is hidden in anybody. Can a person on its own become witness to his hiranyagarbh? If yes, then what is the way?

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Post by panky1987 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:19 pm

Very good information about Hiranyagarbh. Now question arises how can you be sure that God is hidden in anybody. Can a person on its own become witness to his hiranyagarbh? If yes, then what is the way?

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Identity mark for recognizing the human incarnation of the Lord

Post by dattaswami » Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:38 am

asheeshdube wrote:Very good information about Hiranyagarbh. Now question arises how can you be sure that God is hidden in anybody. Can a person on its own become witness to his hiranyagarbh? If yes, then what is the way?
Identity mark for recognizing the human incarnation of the Lord

The real characteristic properties of the Lord as declared by Veda are the Special Knowledge (Prajnana), the Love (Rasa or Prema) and the Bliss (Ananda). Veda also says that these three characteristics must be experienced by others if the possessor is having really those characteristics. The characteristic property of the fire is heat. Any person who is near the fire should experience the heat and then only we can say that the fire is hot. Similarly the Lord in human form must make others to experience the Jnana, Prema and Ananda. Veda says ‘Esha Hyeva Anandayati’, which means that He creates Bliss in the hearts of others. The Lord should not be recognized merely by the miracles because even demons performed these miracles. Miracles are only associated property like jewels.

Moreover the Lord in human form always hesitates to perform the miracles unless special emergency arises. The reason for this is that the Lord is dwelling in the human form, which is a product of this nature (Prakrithi). He is living in the nature. Therefore the Lord follows the rules of the nature and these rules were formulated by Himself only. No administrator will like to contradict his own rules. Even in the emergency when He voilates the rule of the nature, He keeps the voilation as a secret. When the administrator voilates his own rule, he will not propagate about that voilation. He maintains the secrecy of the voilation. Only demons voilate frequently the rules of the nature and also advertise about the voilation because they did not frame the rules. When Lord Krishna made artificial sunset by covering the Sun with His Sudarshana Chakra, He kept it as a secret. People thought that a cloud covered the Sun. Voilating His own rule itself is a mistake.

Exhibition of voilation of His own rule by Himself will be another mistake. In that situation the life of Arjuna who was His closest devotee was under threat. In that emergency only the Lord voilated the Prakrithi and used His super power (Maya). In the eighteen days of Mahabharatha war He never used His super power. Bhishma wounded the Lord with severe arrows. Even then the Lord did not use His super power. Therefore miracles are not the real characteristics of the Lord. Rama never performed miracles except in the case of ‘Ahalya’ and in breaking the bow of Siva. Krishna also performed the miracles in the child hood to save His own life and to save the lives of His devotees. All these situations were the cases of unavoidable emergency.

God loves every body. Every soul He loves and internally He is in Bliss. He loves every body and He is in bliss. That is not important. We should love Him, and we should get the bliss. Fire is hot, how to recognize the fire is hot? , unless you receive the heat from the fire, you cannot say that the fire is hot. Like wise you must receive the nature of love from Him. He must be able to make you love God. He must be able to keep you without worry, without tension, with bliss throughout your lfie. That is these two characteristic of Love and Bliss.

By preaching He should make others to get the knowledge. Not simply possession of knowledge. We should get knowledge by Him. We should love God. We should be with bliss without worries in our life.

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Who is the human incarnation in the present human generation?

Post by dattaswami » Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:38 am

panky1987 wrote:Very good information about Hiranyagarbh. Now question arises how can you be sure that God is hidden in anybody. Can a person on its own become witness to his hiranyagarbh? If yes, then what is the way?

Who is the human incarnation in the present human generation?

A) In the Chemistry laboratory the practical procedure is given to you and the salt is given.  According to the procedure you have to analyze the substance and find out the name of the salt by yourself.  Veda says that the infinite true special knowledge, which cannot be preached by any one and which generates love and bliss in our hearts is the main characteristic of the Lord.  He possesses super powers but does not use for exhibition due to egoism.  By these confirmatory tests you can find out the fullest form of the Lord (Paripurna Avatara) who is Lord Datta himself.  Of course all the preachers are the human incarnations of the disciples of Lord Datta.  Some are the partial incarnations of Lord Datta like Kalavatara, Amsavatara etc.,

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