Mysticism today

Spiritual mysticism for mystics and magical topics of any kind.

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Mysticism today

Post by minaxie » Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:49 pm

Wonder why you are humming the song your spouse or friend just heard playing in their head? Wonder why at time you are gripped with a certainty that something has happened that you have no real proof for?
Why is it that the extension of our basic senses, that exists to varying degrees naturally in all of us, is doubted, rationalized, dissected and found illogical and baseless - flights of fancy? Who gave the doubters the right to play judge and jury? How can anyone give quantitative proof for something that is sensed, felt - totally in you? Why are we running away from the truth that is inside of us and looking outside - farther and farther away from the self - for all the answers? How does today's 'rational' world treat concepts that cannot be observed, measured, gauged, rated?
Coming from a very scientific background, and an equally strong cultural one that tell me the whole universe is an illusion- maya - I often find myself lost, grasping for either ideology to prove itself to me un-equivocally and irrefutably..
But again, science is finding and proving God.. not that we can ever measure or quantify the divine that pervades all... Ironic that the concept of multiple universes,  so common and taken-for-granted in ancient mythologies all over the world, prove to be an essential basic assumption for the success of the spring theory. Maybe we are finally ready to believe?
So are we, who believe there is something to mysticism, suffering illusions of grandeur on behalf of the human race, or is humanity finally ready to grow up enough to overcome the self-imposed myopia of disbelief and distrust of where its own basic self derives?
What do you think???

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:39 pm

As far as I'm aware there is no scientific basis for god.
Haven't read any papers with the title 'God - the Proof!'
We'll soon know about multiverses - CERN comes on line soon and either we 'em or we all vanish down a blackhole.
ONLY JOKING DON'T PANIC, any hole generated should (SHOULD) only last a millisecond and there is good evidence to suggest that minute black holes could be generated in the upper atmosphere on a regualr basis.

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