Guardian Angel

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Guardian Angel

Post by prasanna » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:42 am

Dear Lord:

Could you spare some Guardian Angels
To give us peace of mind
As our Children wander from us
And stretch the ties that bind ?

You have Heavenly Legions Father
Could you send us just a few
To guide our eager youngsters
As we give them Lord to you .

Oh Thank you, Thank you Father
And Oh our glad hearts sings
We're certain that just now we heard
The swish of passing wings!

Guardian Angel

I've got my Guardian Angel watching over me;
Yet I must still step carefully.
I've been given the choice to decide;
But if I'm not careful I just might slide.

The same holds true for my spiritual walk.
I must take time with Jesus daily; and talk.
Cause if I'm not careful I could fall down;
Then my feet won't be on solid ground.

So I will live my life prayerfully;
And take each step through life carefully.

Then I'll be sure to keep
My Guardian Angel
Watching over me !

--  Danise Norwak Hahlbohm

My Guardian Angel

Dear Angel ever at my side,
how lovely you must be---
To leave your home in heaven,
to guard a child like me.
When I'm far away from home,
or maybe hard at play--
I know you will protect me,
from harm along the way.
Your beautiful and shining face,
I see not, though you're near.
The sweetness of your lovely voice,
I cannot really hear.
When I pray, you're praying too,
Your prayer is just for me.
But ,when I sleep you never do,
You're watching over me.

--  psalm 91:11-12

Angels Always There

Whenever I�m in fervent prayer
I feel God�s holy angels there;
Protective, loving, and serene;
Who stay nereby, tho yet unseen.
Thus, when I feel my heart might break,
I try to smile for Jesus� sake;
Whose angels let my faith not dim
That I might see the smile of Him!

- Sancie Earman King

Guardian Angels

God gave us each an angel
To watch over us with love.
They�re always carrying messages
To Him in Heaven above.

They warn us during danger,
Encourage us to do what is right,
And will always guard and guide us,
Throughout the day and night.

God sent them to protect us,
When crisis comes our way,
And to aid us with our problems
That we encounter every day.

Thank You, my God in Heaven,
For our Guardian Angels dear.
They�re just a token of Your love
To help us overcome life�s fears.

Shirley Hile Powell

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent of quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that sore above
Enjoy such liberty.

- Richard Lovelace

Silently one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven
Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots, of angels.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I went forth to find an angel
And found this effort brought
That life is full of so much good
The touch that angels wrought."

-James Joseph Huesgen

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Post by prasanna » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:46 am

dear moderator, sorry i have posted this poems twice by mistake,but   saw the topic heading was written wrongly as peom  in the first one, so please delete the first one. Thanks.

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Post by Molissa » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:09 am


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Post by prasanna » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:16 am

thank u so much molisa.

thank   u so much, dear  suzisco.

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