Soul Mates - Real or Imagined

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Soul Mates - Real or Imagined

Post by sderenzi » Wed May 06, 2009 6:52 am

Are soul mates real or imagined do you think? Is there a difference between the two? I'm curious because I feel a connection to this person and yet so clearly it's impossible, so I wanted your thoughts. Have you ever met a soul mate only to change your mind later? What have been your experiences in this life? Are soul mates people you knew in past lives?

How funny life can be, I hope to hear some interesting stories :)

Personally I believe in soul mates, but I'm not sure we can't just label them kindrid spirits like ourselves. Altough maybe there's someone you just sense is more than a kindrid? Oh well some say not to think of such things but me I always do, lol

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Post by Aegeus » Thu May 07, 2009 3:08 pm

Larimar is recent mineral to be discovered and is reputed as good for healing karma between soul mates, and dissolving the energies which keep them apart.  It's possible to think more then one is one's soul mate. There's also soul group, which I believe to be different, and is souls which were created at the same time and share a common purpose. There's crystals which are reputedly good for identifying members of soul group, and bring a group back to it's original purity of purpose before incarnating.

I've found all sorts of myth to support belief in soul mates. In the garden of Eden before Eve Adam was with Lilith. Lilith didn't accept her role, her place or something. She didn't want to be on the bottom for love making. So they parted then Adam meet Eve, and then things began to degrade. Interpreting the story this way it can be thought that there are for all of us a counter part that can not be replaced because there is no one quite like them. I can go on to wager that the perceived separation from our true loves, is what is the cause of so much trouble in the world. When the basic family structures are abandoned, then the support system for life is compromised.

In another culture they have a cute term for it, they say you have to find your naranka(spelling; na ran ka) which means the other half of your orange. Very successful artists have had a counterpart that helped make their work more palatable for the world.

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri May 08, 2009 11:24 am

Soul mates - yes definitely. I married mine, how rare are the odds - both single children of single children, both adopted, she was a widow, I was divorced.
She had her major operation on my birthday, I had my first op. on hers a year later, then I had my second one on our wedding anniversary.
It just goes (and get's boring for others) so yes they exist and if you are very fortunate you'll find them.

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Post by zoey7879 » Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:04 pm

I realize that this is a fairly old post, but I'd like to put in my few cents worth.

I feel that soul mates very much do exist. However, I don't necessarily feel that a soul mate is someone you've known in any previous life, I don't necessarily feel or believe that it is someone that you will have a romantic involvement with. I do not  believe that a soul mate has to be a member of the opposite gender. I believe that they can be of any status in our lives, of any age, of any gender, of any background. A soul mate will always challenge us to reach our potentials, not rub our failures in our faces, put a boot in our rears when we need it and don't realize, and they will, if need be, hurt us emotionally if that is what it takes to move us from one bad point in our lives into a better light.  ... My opinion anyway :)


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:20 pm

The science of it all....everything in life is about energy.  In which case we will resonate with some and be repelled by others.  It is just a natural chemical balance.  

When we meet someone we feel we have known forever, they resonate right to the very core of our being.  They can be a best friend, a lover or a partner.  They can be the same gender or the opposite.  And that is all good.  It is the resonating of the energies that is the key.  

My best friend in life is a good same gender friend who I could call and pick up a conversation like we just spoke a moment ago.  We resonate and can feel each others' pain and sorrow.  I feel I lost a best friend when my hubby died last year.  This is another type of soul mate.

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