Health, Angel's and various other Quotes

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Pravin Kumar
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Health, Angel's and various other Quotes

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:17 pm

Old times never come back and I suppose it's just as well. What comes back is a new morning every day in the year, and that's better.

- George E. Woodberry

I shall be a dawn made of all the air I ever breathed.

- Saint Geraud

It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?

- Eleanor H. Porter, "Pollyanna"

These things, I warmly wish for you-- Someone to love, some work to do, A bit o' sun, a bit o' cheer, And a guardian angel always near.

- Irish saying

You have absolute control over your personal level of fitness. If you push yourself to new heights, stay competitive within yourself, give it your best shot, then chances are, you are going to look and feel great.

- Martina Navratilova

Our mind is a sacred place for our thoughts to gather and spend time with angels.

- Kathryn Schein

A sweet old lady takes time to enjoy life. A grumpy old grouch is too busy complaining.

- Marilynn Webber

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

- Anais Nin

Thought of the Day: Smile at both the good and the not-so-good inside you. Embrace both.

- Barbara Ann Kipfer

Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten we were each Divine.

- Shirley Maclaine,
"Out on a Limb"

I am convinced that life in a physical body is meant to be an ecstatic experience.

- Shakti Gawain, author

What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.

- Mother Teresa

Here's a task: Be the bearer of only good news today. In living out this task, note whether you find it difficult to maintain. And if so, discover why within yourself.

- Caroline Myss and Peter Occhiogrosso

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.

- Thomas Huxley

The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.

- G.K. Chesterton

There’s a strange frenzy in my head, of birds flying, each particle circulating on its own. Is the one I love everywhere?

- Rumi

All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES.

- Nike Ad

The lifelong process of caregiving is the ultimate link between caregivers of all ages. You and I are not just in a phase we will outgrow. This is life—birth, death, and everything in between...The care continuum is the cycle of life turning full circle in each of our lives. And what we learn when we spoon-feed our babies will echo in our ears as we feed our parents. The point is not to be done. The point is to be ready to do again.

- Paula C. Lowe

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