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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:59 am

He is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lusts not, but lets things come and go as they happen.

- Bhagavad Gita 12:17

Hidden creatures good and bad always touch the heart. The touch of the angel is inspiration; Satanic touches temptations untold. Tarry with patience until your confusion is resolved and you know whom you rejected and who became the leader of your heart.

- Rumi, "Mathnawi"

From him come all the seas and the mountains, The rivers and the plants that support life. As the innermost Self of all, he dwells Within the cavern of the heart.

- Mundaka Upanishad

True charity remembers not only those in need who ask, but also those who are prevented by some reason from asking.

- Sura 51:19

It’s possible to be courteous without being meek. Bring an advocate with you.

- Judith Stone

To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age.

- Amos Bronson Alcott

You've got to continue to grow, or you're just like last night's cornbread--stale and dry.

- Loretta Lynn

You'll meet more angels on a winding path than on a straight one.

- Daisey Verlaef

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:12 pm

"You'll meet more angels on a winding path than on a straight one."

- Daisey Verlaef

:) That quote I can agree with, based on personal experience :) ! God's mercy is interesting.



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Post by santhosh.G » Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:53 pm

"He is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lusts not, but lets things come and go as they happen. ....." this is the sentence...infact this is the very state of Krishna...wish, I could ever even be upto one millionth of that  sentence.
that heavy stuff of ignorance between ME and me..when shall it get burnt...May the lord,our  Guru,save us.

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:28 pm

santhosh.G wrote:"He is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lusts not, but lets things come and go as they happen. ....." this is the sentence...infact this is the very state of Krishna...wish, I could ever even be upto one millionth of that  sentence.
that heavy stuff of ignorance between ME and me..when shall it get burnt...May the lord,our  Guru,save us.
As your guru said :) "persistance and patience!"

love you,


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Post by santhosh.G » Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:11 am

hmm...very right.."sradha ,saburi..as baba says..(persistance and patience).
I feel a strong will and self effort is  required to overcome laziness,hold the mind from its urge for quick results..and .sometimes, to overcome a feeling of vanity and a sensation of 'no signals' from within.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:06 pm

santhosh.G wrote:hmm...very right.."sradha ,saburi..as baba says..(persistance and patience).
I feel a strong will and self effort is  required to overcome laziness,hold the mind from its urge for quick results..and .sometimes, to overcome a feeling of vanity and a sensation of 'no signals' from within.
Sant :) I always had strong will, alot of self effort, and no patience. :)

I wanted quick results and I wanted them "now"! :) NOT :) things do not happen that way. I did show enough persistance though that the Divine took me in hand and from there things started becoming simpler and results faster. I have learned tons of more stuff in the last eight years than I learned in the first thirty. And all I did to do this was discover that everytime I gave Lord Shiva a hug I would just wake up to new knowledges.

Sant, try teaching that tradition to others :) things are not suppose to be that simple :)



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Post by santhosh.G » Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:09 pm

right . practising and then teaching is surely a great thing and I would love same.perhaps even our writings with good intent seves the same purpose..
reading some articles,that someone has posted in this forum,esp the one on reincarnation theory and karma,  i am sad, the way false interpretations are creating too many misconceptions all which may look logical from their end.when i read one or two such articles, i just feel dismissing them as i believe, one should, on one's own, travel towards light from the darkness of ignorance.
the pain when 'researchers' take up chandokyopanishad and other scriptures and 'analyse' bringing up perverted theories is really big.From the heights of vedanta..where absolute oneness has ever been perceived..the very word 'brahmin' means the one in whose subconscious thoughts too there is only God..the name could be ram,krishna allah,jesus....the meaning of bhrahmin,kshatriya,vysya and sudra are radically different from what 'researchers' now understand and these denote subtler natural tendencies of the mind ,which indiacte separate course of sadhanas for salvation which determines a school of thought.
there is absolute misunderstanding of even the word 'karma' when people try to study the same  and the entire literature of weaving karma and varna is wholesomely wrong.the enormity of the mistakes is too high that once,taken up for correction point by point, it can become a very large post.I feel one should take up for research only what one can thoroughly grasp. and that work should be one that he can wholeheartedly do..and where one can do justice with an open mind.once the above qualities fill one's mind , the very thought of criticising one path and its visions in total and applauding another will be the most dreaded thing,one can think of.Each path has its vision,its concept,its visions and its deeper perspectives.
when we fist possess an open mind then when one asks the people who have studied the same, one can surely get the true understanding.then alone can one attain  oneness of things.then only shall there be peace..then only shall there be love.

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:27 pm

santhosh.G wrote:right . practising and then teaching is surely a great thing and I would love same.perhaps even our writings with good intent seves the same purpose..
reading some articles,that someone has posted in this forum,esp the one on reincarnation theory and karma,  i am sad, the way false interpretations are creating too many misconceptions all which may look logical from their end.when i read one or two such articles, i just feel dismissing them as i believe, one should, on one's own, travel towards light from the darkness of ignorance.
the pain when 'researchers' take up chandokyopanishad and other scriptures and 'analyse' bringing up perverted theories is really big.From the heights of vedanta..where absolute oneness has ever been perceived..the very word 'brahmin' means the one in whose subconscious thoughts too there is only God..the name could be ram,krishna allah,jesus....the meaning of bhrahmin,kshatriya,vysya and sudra are radically different from what 'researchers' now understand and these denote subtler natural tendencies of the mind ,which indiacte separate course of sadhanas for salvation which determines a school of thought.
there is absolute misunderstanding of even the word 'karma' when people try to study the same  and the entire literature of weaving karma and varna is wholesomely wrong.the enormity of the mistakes is too high that once,taken up for correction point by point, it can become a very large post.I feel one should take up for research only what one can thoroughly grasp. and that work should be one that he can wholeheartedly do..and where one can do justice with an open mind.once the above qualities fill one's mind , the very thought of criticising one path and its visions in total and applauding another will be the most dreaded thing,one can think of.Each path has its vision,its concept,its visions and its deeper perspectives.
when we fist possess an open mind then when one asks the people who have studied the same, one can surely get the true understanding.then alone can one attain  oneness of things.then only shall there be peace..then only shall there be love.
Sant :) no truer words were ever said that what you have posted above!

What you have posted Sant is the reason that i am a true mystic and follow no tradition. Only God can teach you about God :) and everything i know is based on experience with God. Some times it takes awhile to undersand these experiences but they do always sort themselves out into understanding.

I do not have any followers because the first thing I do is attach my students to God and then they do not need me anymore :) . From there they and God are off on an exellent adveture. This is why I will never be famous and will never be rich. Which is ok with me, that stuff really cuts into one's meditation time :) .

love you,


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Post by santhosh.G » Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:01 am

..i know doubt is a spiritual poison..so is fear and guilt. a voice from deep within can heal all thre.but when shall we hear the same?

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:01 pm

santhosh.G wrote:..i know doubt is a spiritual poison..so is fear and guilt. a voice from deep within can heal all thre.but when shall we hear the same?
Sant, I would say that in your case that you are already hearing The Healing Voice. Or you would not know the things that you know or say the things that you say :)

Knowing and understanding that you feel doubt, fear, and guilt as a spiritual person is a very important step. One needs to know that things are not well before things can become well. And once you discover that Lord Krishna loves you and forgives you and accepts you as you are, the loving beauty and grace of the presence of Lord Krishna can then heal you and guide you gently into where the Divine dwells.

Most folks think that this healing and guidence will be done with words or pictures. So they miss a bunch of stuff for awhile :) what actually happens is that you just slowly start waking up a new and different person and it is done all by the loving grace of the presence of Lord Krishna. Oh and you might add the loving hug, but if you don't you will eventually.



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Post by jedi001 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:07 pm

I had a question about this quote mentioned in this post-

"He is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lusts not, but lets things come and go as they happen. - Bhagavad Gita 12:17"

If as humans we are given senses and feelings how can we not want the pleasant and run away or fight away the painful?

On one hand the knowledge of vedic astrology exists or was made available by divination so man can use it as a guideline to achieve material happiness like success in career, marriage etc.. (and spiritual happiness)......but isn't that running behind the pleasant and away from the painful. On the other hand we should watch out for our actions since they bind us karmically and ideally we are supposed to live and act in a way that does not generate "more karma".......which i have never understood either!

How does one live by that quote?

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