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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
Location: bombay


Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:56 am

Since the old days, it is said that "anger is the fire in one's mind that burns away all of one's virtuous deeds." Anger should be absolutely surrendered.

- Jae Woong Kim, "Polishing the Diamond"

Men of affairs who are in positions of wealth and rank yet are not trapped by wealth and rank, and are also able to break through the iron face of the mortal being and focus their minds on this path, must already have the seed of wisdom; otherwise, how could they reach this?

- Hsi-sou

This is what I say: Your mind is spiritual and so too is the sense-perceived world. The spirit is timeless and it dominates all existence as the great law guiding all beings in their search for truth. It changes crude nature into mind, and there is no being that can't be transformed into a vessel of truth.

- Brahmajala Sutra

Therefore the practice is like a key, the key of meditation. If we have the right key in our hand, no matter how tightly the lock is closed, when we take the key and turn it the lock falls open. If we have no key we can't open the lock. We will never know what is in the trunk.

- Ajahn Chah, "Living Dharma"


1. For the purpose of training I vow to refrain from taking life. 2. For the purpose of training I vow to refrain from taking what is not given. 3. For the purpose of training I vow to refrain from sexual misconduct. 4. For the purpose of training I vow to refrain from false speech. 5. For the purpose of training I vow to refrain from intoxicants which lead to carelessness.

- translated by Gil Fronsdal

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By self alone is evil done, by self alone does one suffer. By self alone is evil left undone, by self alone does one obtain Salvation. Salvation and Perdition depend upon self; no man can save another.

- Dhammapada 165

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