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Pravin Kumar
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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:47 am

Within the framework of the Buddhist Path, reflecting on suffering has tremendous importance because by realizing the nature of suffering, you will develop greater resolve to put an end to the causes of suffering and the unwholesome deeds which lead to suffering. And it will increase your enthusiasm for engaging in the wholesome actions and deeds which lead to happiness and joy.

- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Whatever is not yours, abandon it. When you have abandoned it, that will lead to your welfare and happinesss.

- Buddha, "Connected Discourses of the Buddha

From craving is born grief, from craving is born fear. For one freed from craving there's no grief so how fear?

- Dhammapada 216, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

From passion arises sorrow and from passion arises fear. If a man is free from passion, he is free from fear and sorrow.

- The Buddha

The Dharma Path is to keep walking forward. But the true Dharma has no going forward, no going backward, and no standing still.

- Ajahn Chah, "Still Forest Pool"

In the face of realitys illumination There is neither self nor other, No duality, no division-void of identity And yet neither void Nor not void, Theres no perceiver at all. Eh Ma! Until a mountain yogi Has realized well the meaning of this, He should not disparage cause and result!

- Drinking the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibets Beloved Saint, Milarepa

There is pleasure when a sore is scratched, But to be without sores is more pleasurable still. Just so, there are pleasures in worldly desires, But to be without desires is more pleasurable still.

- Nagarjuna, "Precious Garland

Loss of mindfulness is why people engage in useless pursuits, do not care for their own interests, and remain unalarmed in the presence of things which actually menace their welfare.

- Buddha

There is no sweet companion like pure charity.

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