Our pets and other animals.

Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Our pets and other animals.

Post by Gem » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:30 pm

Did you know that animals have different chakras to us?

Did you know that they too can pick up these healing energies and some are very sensitive to them and react to them in many ways.

I personally find cats to be very sensitive but then I also find horses and dogs are too... I am beginning to think it is the indivdual and not the species that decides on the sensitivity. Perhaps those that are sensistve are reincarnated old souls?

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:42 pm

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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:58 pm

Thats really wierd, I must say I dont agree with most of that information. I wonder where they got it from, seems to me they have just transferred human chakras on to animals and renamed the palm paws lol?  When I work with animals I see totally different chakras, not just human ones superimposed, and they are all along the central spine too not dotted in other areas.  There is a key chakra called the Brachial chakra too that is the crux of the animals meridians or Nadis, energy lines, depending on if the animal is winged two legged or four.

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:07 pm

This was just a snippet I took from there Gem.. I couldn't be bothered cutting and pasting any more lol.
Gem wrote:transferred human chakras on to animals and renamed the palm paws lol
LOL  yeah I thought I read somewhere else that they ran along the spine too, am still looking into it but will leave it till tomoz. Need to go get some shut eye.

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Post by Gem » Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:00 pm

Sleep well,  its afternoon here lol  xxxx

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:06 am

According to Hal Zina Bennett, author of  Spirit Animals and the Wheel of Life, we have seven Spirit Animals. This is from the  teachings of the Native American first Wheel of Life which parallel the Hindu chakra wisdom. A little off topic maybe but interesting.

Crown Chakra: Eagle
The eagle has the ability to see the big picture, the balance between Earth beings and spirit; awareness of how our journey on Earth is not separate from our spiritual identity.

Brow Chakra: Mountain Lion
Quest for wisdom (tracking); the mountain lion has the ability to differentiate between human knowledge and universal truth. The mountain lion shows openness to the lessons of true elders, recognizing forces and truths that govern our lives and all others.

Throat Chakra: Personal Power Animal
Finding your own voice: discovering how to best use your personal gifts; learning to distinguish between self-power, power over others, or others’ power over you. Honoring your gift with courage.

Heart Chakra: Wolf
Development of ability to love and care for others; community awareness and awareness of relationship; joy in nurturing and supporting others, and receiving the same for yourself to achieve all of the above.

Third Chakra/Solar Plexus: Bear
The bear symbolizes self-knowledge and growth; standing in your own power; transition and change through the power of introspection; recognizing the limits of human knowing, power of humanity and forgiveness.

Second Chakra/Hara Center: Badger
The badger represents recognition of individual needs, care of self as separate physical entity. The power and vulnerability of the Life Force manifest within us, acknowledging its sacredness; healing energy for self and others.

First Chakra: Mole
The mole represents our learning to respect our dependence on the alchemy of the Earth. This chakra represents our first awareness of physical form, relationship to Earth, honoring the Source, respecting the alchemy of the soil that supports all life.

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:16 am

Another snippet of information. This one was found at colourtherapyhealing.com under articles and colour therapy healing for animals. This place has a fair amount of information in regards to color therapy healing.

Animals have chakras the same as we do and, in fact, their chakras are similarly situated – given that the majority of them are more horizontal than us, they are in very similar places. Animals do have another chakra, which is situated over the top of the shoulder, which is called the brachial chakra. This chakra is also sometimes called the key chakra since it is a powerful one and can give access to all the other chakras.

Animals receive energy from many different sources simultaneously and do not have the ‘brain filtering system’, as it were. This results in dispersed energy and their reacting to and being aware of changes in atmospheric conditions, in a different way to humans. Instead of the energy being passed through the brain in an orderly fashion through the chakras, animals receive and give out energy through individual chakras and this makes them very sensitive to subtle vibrational and atmospheric changes. As an example, some animals become stressed before a thunderstorm as they are able to pick up other types of vibrations in the air apart from electro-magnetic vibrations which we are unable to detect in the same way.

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Post by Antares » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:37 pm

As I'm working mostly with horses and finishing my equine aromatherapy course, I have informed myself of horse chakras. They do have more chakras than we do 11 and here is a picture showing where they are on their body.
Cannot copy paste so you have a link dawnoftheunicorn.co.uk/equinehealing.htm#124261132]horse chakra

And as I have found out during my work they are so sensitive to our emotions and are an enormous chanels of energy, unfortunately they also hold our bad emotions and store them inside themselves manifesting it as physical illness.

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