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Post by Azhar » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:36 am


Before, I proceed for my view on incarnation, Iwould like to draw you attention to the fact that there is no past life karma or rebirths in Islam God is creator and does not have to manufacture souls and spirits.It is actually out of body experiences and the spiritual worlds around us which has created doubts. Iwill write it on sometime if people get interested Coming back to topic, let us see what Islam has to say on incarnation and what has been my understanding of it. God  revealed to Prophet Mohammad [P.B.U.H.] in Quran ‘ They ask you, about the spirit ,Tell them it is my will.’’ When God created man, he had put his will in every one. It means that God is present in you me and every one. This philosophy is known as ‘Wahdatal Wajood’’which in simple words mean ‘In part one and collectively present in all. ’’This philosophy  has remained in debate for centuries in Sufis.
More over, there are three phases of human birth or you can say incarnations.
1;;- With the creation of Universe, God created the spirits and kept them at certain place. Here the spirits bowed down to his supremacy. He wrote the fate of every individual, in a book known as’’ LOH E-MEHFUZ’’.
2:-The first part ends, when the spirit is transferred to this world and or takes birth in this world  .The current material body is the uniform of this world .You can just say as astronauts use the space suit to walk on moon or space.
3:-The third journey begins, when one dies and what we call final abode. This  place is also known as’ ALAM E BARZAKH’.this is a place where spirits will live until the day of judgment ,when the spirits will return to their original bodies in graves to rise up again, and it is said that 70 people will come out of each grave. It is written in books that this ‘ALAM’’is present in this world.  The spirits visit their homes, with the permission of God and see their families .People who have their third eye opened come into contact with them, talk with them. There is a special style of talking to them through meditation and this knowledge in Sufism is known as ‘KASHF UL QABOOR’.
This is a brief note on incarnation according to my study from Islamic point of view.

May Allah bless you all.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:28 pm

We are all body, mind, spirit.  The spirit is eternal.  It is the part of us that houses the soul and consciousness to be eternal.  We grow and become throughout our earth life, through experiences, and we continue to grow in spirituality when we enter into spirit realms.  We all will go!  This is the progression of growth.  Eventually to be enlightened as spirit to return to the oversoul or God.

The growth occurs through our experiences and our abilities to allow them to lighten up our soul.  In other words, taking all our experiences and making them God-centred and spiritual.

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