Could I have a reading please

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Could I have a reading please

Post by Autumnchill » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:22 am

My name is Heidi, I was born July 4, 1956 and I am from NB Canada. I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure in March and am on medication for it. Things settled down and all was ok until the last couple of weeks. I am now feeling very strange. I have contiuous headaches, pain in my neck on both sides, and my heart races all the time. My doctor says everything is ok...I feel anxious and afraid and I don't know why. Suddenly I am afraid of things I never was flying . I just came back from vacation to Florida to visit my brother. I was terrified flying to and from there. I feel like I'm dying but I also think that is a crazy thing to think. As I said, my doctor says everything is ok with me, but I am fearing something and I'm not sure if the fear is causing the symptoms or if the symptoms are causing the fear :smt017 I just want to know if everything looks ok for me healthwise for the future. I want some peace. I feel consumed with the fear of death..and that is so unlike me.

Thank you so much for listening and I hope someone can help me.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:48 am

Have you suffered from panic attacts before. That is what it sounds like to me.

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Please see your doctor again?

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:16 pm

Dear Autumnchill,

When I was going through menapause I got all of the very same symptoms, with high blood pressure, a racing heart, horrible headaches in the back of my head, overpowering fear, crying for no reason, and a desire to leave planet earth. . . I had had enough! *laughing*

The lack of estrogen lowered the seritonin levels in my brain and I really needed to replace the seritonin with an anti depressant. I had never been depressed in my life! Seritonin, is a chemical in the brain that is needed to make you feel good, (healthy). It threw off my body chemistry which produced all the symptoms over a period of 2 years. The doctor prescribed Zoloft when I finally sought treatment and within 6 months I was able to stop taking it and the brain chemistry returned to normal. (I do not know what normal is, so feeling healthy again!) * laughing*

The trip to the great 'hurricane' state of Florida visiting your brother subjected you to all the ELF and HAARP waves the government is messing around with, directing these hurricanes. I live here. It produces the same symptoms of headaches, racing heart, and lethergy. I thought I was dying before and during 'Katrina'.

You being back in Canada, if these symptoms are still present, I would immediately tell your doctor or gynecologist what is happening to you. Depression/seritonin levels can be corrected easily and you do not have to suffer like I did!

At the moment you need to take care of your physical and mental symptoms, and then we can do a reading on a healthy you! :smt002

I will be sending love and 'light. . . You take care of yourself!

Blessings! Linda :smt057 :smt060 :smt058

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Post by Sophe » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:37 pm

Dear Heidi,

My mother is going thru the same symptoms as you. She was placed in the hospital twice because of these occurances. She said the feeling was of such eerie that she felt as she was about to pass. My mother is around 50 and was treated for panic attacks. She now takes a medicine when the panic arises, which is not as usual as it was.

I have taught her some Tai Chi Breathing excersises and panic reducers and we have talked in length about the onset of this...and have determined that it has come from extreme stress she has been facing the last couple of years and not learning how to release it productively.

I don't suggest medication, but I would talk to your doctor again about the feelings..


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Post by Autumnchill » Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:09 am

I may be having panic attacks...I have never had them before though. I wondered myself if menopause was playing a part in how I am feeling as well. My doctor is a good guy, and a decent doctor...but I don't think he takes me seriously. The problem is, there is a shortage of family doctors here in NB and I live in a small town..there are no other doctors to switch to. I just want to feel better. I will try again with my doctor. Thank you for your help and insight.


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