Gems in vedic astrology

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Post by STARMON » Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:42 pm

GEMS:  In Vedic Astrology 7 Planets have been allotted ownership of various Rashies of the horoscope. These Planets are also significators of various Bhavas (house) starting from Ist Bhava to 12th Bhava. Sun (Surya) governs Leo (Simha), Moon (Chandrama) governs Cancer (Kark), Mars (Mangal) governs Aries (Mesh) and Scorpio (Vrichika), Venus (Shukra) governs Taurus (Vrishabha) and Libra (Tula), Mercury (Budha) governs Gemini (Mithun) and Virgo (Kaniya or Kanni), Jupiter (Vrihaspati) governs Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meena), Saturn (Sani) governs Capricorn (Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbha).
Apart from the above 7 planets Rahu and Ketu has also a major role in Astrology. Although our ancient Sages did not spell out the Rashi govern by them but they were of this opinion that Rahu (Head of Demon) own house is Virgo and Ketu's (Tail of Demon) own house is Pisces.
Further, the friendship among the above 9 planets is taken into account one planet can be either permanently friend or temporary friend to other or others or it can be permanent enemy or temporary enemy, If the planets are positioned in their own house or in exalted position and are the benefics for a Bhava, it will bring fortune or do good to the person. Otherwise it may cause misery. Since these planets either govern or own one or two houses, naturally they affect the various Bhavas and their significance. In the context of astrology, it is examined whether the planets are in their own house or natural house or exalted or deblitted. Depending upon these factors, the planet will do good or bad to the person.
Next one has to be see what Dasha (Period) and antardasha (Inter-period) a person is running. This will be very important because if the running Mahadasha is malefic it has to be corrected since the Mahadasha has quite a long period ranging from 6 years of Surya Mahadasha to 20 years if Mahadasha of Venus. Similarly, intervening inter-period will be ranging from quite a few months to few years depending upon the main dasha. In this situation, a person may have sufferings and miseries throughout the period.Hence, he can go for Gem Therapy, and it is to be decided by him and nobody else.
Our ancient Sages suggested that after examining the entire horoscope and its various shodasvargas such as Hora, Drekkana, Chathurthamsa, Saptamamsa, Navamamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Vimsamsha, Sidhamsha, Sapatavimssamsha, Triyamsha, Swedamsha, Akshvedamsha, etc.
Our ancient Sages have classified 84 types of Gems. Out of these, 9 are Ratna, i.e. gems and 75 are upratna (Semi-precious stones).The details of 9 Main Gems or Navaratna are given below: -

Ruby (Manikiya, Padmaraga)

Pearl (Moti, Mukta)

Coral (Munga, Provab, Vidrum)

Emarald (Panna, Markat)

Yellow Sapphire or Golden Sapphire (Pokhraj, Pushparaj)

Diomand (Heera, Vajra, Almosh)

Blue Sapphire (Neela, Indraneela)

Hessonite (Gomed, Medak)

Cats-eye (Lahasuniya, Sootramani, Vaidyamani)
The above 9 Gems relates to Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. All these Blue Sapphire and Cats-eye give collective effect. Hence a person should examine thoroughly its implication related to various Bhava not only his own well being but also the well-being of his or her related persons which are again represented within the same 12 Rashies. Foe example 2nd house stands for one's will, but at the same time it also denotes finally losses to his immediate younger brother or sister since this 2nd house will be 12th house of the 3rd house representing younger brother. In this situation a person increase his life by increasing the power of planets signifying 2nd house, it will no doubt help him in increasing his wealth but at the same time it may also bring losses to his or her immediate younger brothers or sisters fortune (Brother/Sister) if the 12th house of his Brothers and Sisters horoscope is not well guarded in their individual horoscope. Hence the decision of use a particular stone has to be taken after considering the various Bhavas and their nature linked signifiers.
You can read more in my blog at mysticboard/weblog

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