Benefits of Rudraksh Beads

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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Benefits of Rudraksh Beads

Post by swetha » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:18 pm

Rudraksh beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. Its English name is UTRASUM BEAD TREE. These beads are found in different varieties ranging from one mukhi to fifteen mukhi beads according to the number of clefts on their surface.

This makes Rudraksha much superior and different than gems which are worn only according to astrology and can have negative and harmful affects if not found suitable therefore the most proven and reliable way to choose Rudraksha is by reading their properties of the beads and selecting the ones which closely match with your health.  You may wear multiple beads of the same Mukhi and multiple bead of different Mukhi in order to get appropriate combination.
Besides giving the user peace of mind, focus and concentration Rudrakasha beads prove to be a great help in curing physical illnesses.

The effects of a Rudraksha can be felt the very moment you hold it in your palm. Due to its Electromagnetic effects it will vibrate with energy and show pulsation like a lively object. It has tremendous power to heal you in each and every way.

1. Eka-mukhi (One face-round) Ruling Planet: Sun / Start day: Sunday
Shakti: Pleasing to Sun, increase confidence, victory, energy, fame, leadership, spiritual knowledge, and success in Sun related business such as politics & leadership.

2. Dvi Mukhi (Two faces)
Ruling Planet: Moon / Start day: Monday
Shakti: Pleasing to Moon, calm emotions, create unity, peace of mind, success in partnership & marriage, and success in Moon related business such as mental health & trade in liquids.

3. Tri Mukhi (Three faces)
Ruling Planet: Mars / Start day: Tuesday
Shakti: Pleasing to Mars, increase stamina, power, energy, nonviolence, nonaggression, and success in Mars related business such as military & construction

4. Chatur Mukhi (Four faces)
Ruling Planet: Mercury / Start day: Wednesday
Shakti: Pleasing to Mercury, steady nerves, comprehension, intelligence, foresight, communication, and success in Mercury related business such as communication (PR) & travel

5. Pancha Mukhi (Five faces)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter / Start day: Thursday
Shakti: Pleasing to Jupiter, blessings of Guru & teachers, wisdom, good fortune, good wealth, good health, humanitarian, and success in Jupiter related business such as religion and teaching

6. Shhat Mukhi (Six faces)
Ruling Planet: Venus / Start day: Friday
Shakti: Pleasing to Venus, comfort, health, pleasure, art, music, entertainment, sex, good food, fine cloths, love, and success in Venus related business such as arts and entertainment

7. Sapta Mukhi (Seven faces)
Ruling Planet: Saturn / Start day: Saturday
Shakti: Pleasing to mighty Saturn, tolerance, humility, steadfastness, patience, counteracts the harmful influence of Saturn, and grants success in Saturn related business such as iron & manual labor

8. Asta Mukhi (Eight faces)
Ruling Planet: Rahu / Start day: Saturday night
Shakti: Pleasing to Rahu, good luck, mysticism, deflects disaster, protects from and grants influence in underworld, safety, and success in Rahu related business such as stock trading & electronics

9. Nava Mukhi (Nine faces)
Ruling Planet: Ketu / Start day: Thursday midnight
Shakti: Pleasing to Ketu, remove obstacle's, safety from hidden enemies & mysterious disease's like cancer, and success in Ketu related business such as being a spy or double-agent, or a private detective

10. Dos Mukhi (Ten faces)
Ruling Deity: Pra Sri Maha Vishnu ALSO Ruling Planets: Sri Navaratna: 10 mukhi is the most ideal seed to set with the nine jyotish gems to achieve Nava Graha shanta or pacification of all the 9 planets.
Shakti: To acquire the mercy and protection of Lord Vishnu in all His Ten Incarnations. Also known to pacify Nava-graha or the Nine Jyotish Planets (Nava-graha shanta). Good fortune in all respects.

11. Ekaadasha Mukhi (Eleven faces)
Ruling Deity: Pra Sri Hanuman
Shakti: Hanuman personifies knowledge, virtues, dexterity, speed, bhakti (devotion), dedication (Sri Hanuman once rejected mukti or voidism in favor of Lord Rama's eternal service), and extraordinary abilities - these virtues are attained by one who wears an eleven faced Rudraksha.

12. Dvaadasha Mukhi (Twelve faces)
Ruling Deity: Sun / Start day: Sunday
Shakti: Pleasing to Sun, increase confidence, victory, energy, fame, leadership, spiritual knowledge, and success in Sun related business such as politics & leadership

13. Trayodasha Mukhi (Thirteen faces)
Ruling Deity: Venus / Start day: Friday
Shakti: Pleasing to Venus, comfort, health, pleasure, art, music, entertainment, sex, good food, fine cloths, love, and success in Venus related business such as arts and entertainment

14. Chaturdasha Mukhi (Fourteen faces)
Ruling Deity: Saturn (Maha-Shani) / Start day: Saturday
Shakti: Pleasing to mighty Saturn, tolerance, humility, steadfastness, patience, counteracts the harmful influence of Saturn, and grants success in Saturn related business. Especially useful to counteract the harmful influence of Sade Sati (Saturn Natal Moon transit). Fourteen face Rudraksha is considered to be Deva-Mani or most divine Rudraksha. Grants success, especially in the iron and mining trades

15. Panchadasha Mukhi (Fifteen faces)
Ruling Deity: Pra Shiva Mahadeva
Shakti: Fifteen face Rudraksha is the seed of Lord Shiva (Auspicious One) and is very helpful in economic success. It keeps one free of disease and poverty. It can grant great wealth (if one's karma permits), and even without because the 15 mukhi is a "symbol" of God's mercy. It is all auspicious (Shiva)

16. Sri Gauri-Shankar (Double-seeds)
Ruling Deity: Pra Shiva & Parvati - Ruling Planet: Moon
Shakti: Invoking the mercy of both Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati (Gauridevi) it grants all around well-being and prosperity. Pleasing to Moon, calm emotions, create unity, peace of mind, success in partnership & marriage, and success in Moon related business such as mental health & trade in liquids. Grants family harmony & unity

17. Sri Ganesha (Sacred Man-Elephant-god)
Ruling Deity: Pra Sri Ganesha
Shakti: Remover or obstacle's in all fields of virtue and economics. Also known as "Vigna-vinash" or destroyer of all obstacles, the Vedas dictate that no puja or ceremony may be started with out FIRST worship of Lord Ganesha

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Post by virinchi » Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:50 am

more info on these can be found at

you can make a free request a suitable combination acc. to ur horoscope

i've been using rudraksh since last yr and find them REALLY effective

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Post by swetha » Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:07 am

i tried wearing one rudraksh...for a month...but did not feel any difference:(

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Post by virinchi » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:43 am

whatever you try need to be done in proper way and with faith

without taking care of above, there's no point in just wearing'll be just a bead

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Post by swetha » Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:09 am

k... i understand... also they say u shd take it when having a bath as the soap will amke it it true?

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Post by virinchi » Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:13 am

yeah..its imp. NOT to wear them while in bathroom and when in physical contact with opp. sex

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Post by swetha » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:52 am

k..thats told for those wearing janevu also right?

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Post by nnt » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:29 pm

Hey Swetha,

Hi. I have few questions and some believes about Rudraksha.First I am a Brahmin so I wear Janoi...and yes it is true...that you should not wear it while doing some daily fars as Rudraksha is concerned should do that but it is optional...if you do the daily puja or does not matter....whether you keep it while bathing ...etc.....

Second...I believe all the Rudraksha can be wear by anyone and they do not have any harmful effects......

I will be wearing the The Siddha Mala....(1-14 ,GS,Ganesh and 1 mukhi half moon) I will let you know how I feel after wearing that...but I consider myself blessed that I will be  wearing it.

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Post by SuperStarlight » Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:45 am

I just got my beads today..I got them on EBAY...I put them on and I was doing a prayer while driving,..I tend to relax more even tho I do live in California...I love driving. I felt this profound fealing of thankfulness and happyness. I do not know if that what it was ment to do...but I sure felt happy I had them.

Later on I did had to take them off. I had a horrible neck and back of the head pain..I'm very sensative in my neck area..I never where any thing in my neck for that same reason. So I carried them around my left wrist and I felt real good as well. I will researching more on these beads..thanks to this post I found out about them and I'm very greatful. If you have any more info or want to share your experience that would be great.

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Learn about Rudraksha first

Post by STARMON » Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:19 pm

Rudraksh is formed by association of two words, 'RUDRA' and 'AKSHA'. Rudra is the name of Lord Shiva. Aksha means 'tear'. It is said that the plant of Rudraksh is originated from the tear drops of Lord Shiva. As per the vedic scriptures Rudraksh can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. Shastras say Rudraksh of any mukhis can never do any harm to the wearer unlike Navratnas, which have to be carefully chosen. No other necklace or bead is so auspicious and powerful as Rudraksh.
Rudraksh come in different mukhis or the clefts or furrows on the surface. Shastras speak of 1 to 38 mukhis but normally 1 to 14 mukhis are used for astrological benefits. Each bead has a different effect on you, depending on the number of mukhis it has. Each Rudraksh is very individualistic and has to be carefully matched with one's horoscope for it to be beneficial.

The seed of Rudraksh has been given a very special place and it is credited with mystical and divine properties. The botanical name of the Rudraksh plant is 'ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS'. This is found in the various parts of the world. It is said that the seed of Rudraksh contains the secrets of entire evolution of the cosmos within it.

The devotees of Shiva, observe forms of Shiva, Shiva-Parvati, Shivalinga etc. in Rudraksh. There are various stories regarding the origin of Rudraksh in various Puranas. Ancient vedic scriptures like Shiva Purana, PadmaPurana (Chap 57) Srimad Bagwata (Chap III to VII ) Rudraksh Jabbalaoapanishad, Mantra Maharnava, etc. mentioned about the greatness and wonderful properties of Rudraksh beads.
It is believed that one who wear Rudraksh on their bodies, cannot be affected by sins. Even if, one wears Rudraksh on his body, without doing worship and saying the sacred mantra, does no get near any sinful deed or thought.

The Rudraksh are worn for their specific benefits. These are much more powerful and can help achieve wonders, if energized and empowered the right way. Rudraksh of different mukhis pleases the corresponding planets. It may be sufficient to go in for only for those mukhis whose ruling planets, cause malefic effects. Before wearing the Rudraksh it is better to cleanse and purify it with milk, ghee, oil etc. and do pran prathista (give life to the Rudraksh) when the mantras corresponding to the mukhis are chanted, the Rudraksh gets activated

1. You shall not interchange the rudraksh mala with anyone.
2. Rudraksh shall be worn in a metal be it silver or Gold or copper or Punchdhatu. It has electrical and magnetic properties which enhances when worn with metal .
3. All Rudraksh beads have the same power , one cannot prove that one rudraksh is inferior to other.
4. Rudraksh impove the concentration level as well a improve the Memory of the person wearing it.
5. One can wear any combination of the Rudraksh beads.
6. One can wear the mala of 54 , 108 beads with different Mukhis in consonance with their requirement or birth chart.
7. Rudraksh never give negative energies therefore they do not have ill effects.
8. One can wear Rudraksh in a pendant form in Gold, Silver of Thread.
9. Anyone can wear Rudraksh , with any discrimination of sex, caste or creed.
10. One can feel the changes in himself and his attitude towards life after 40 days of wearing it.
11. Rudraksh shall be kept well cleaned and oiled.
12. Rudraksh can be kept in ones house or Puja Room to get positive energy flow in their house.

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Post by SuperStarlight » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:44 pm

I have one question. Since I do not know the pronounciation of the mantra I have not done it. Do you have any suggestion on how to learn it ?

My beads have 5 mukhis and when I researched it by internet it
has a mantra...but again. I do not know how to pronounce it.
I have worned it for 30 days now and often I hang it in my car
when I feel my neck heavy.

I'm very sensative around my neck and so I can not wear something
for a long period of time. My neck tens to fall forward as if I had
someone sitting on me.


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Mantras for Rudraksha wearing and Worship.

Post by STARMON » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:13 pm

Rudraksh should surely be placed in one's place of worship at home. This rosary is so powerful and effective that you can yourself experience it. When a Sadhak places such articles at home and regularly uses them then a time comes when he realises their power.

While stringing the beads each bead should be energised with Shiva Mantra and then the rosary should be washed with pure water chanting the Sadyojaat Mantra which is as follows.

Om Sadyojaatam Prapadyaami Sadyojaatave Namo Namah.

After this sandalwood paste, Agar and fragrance is rubbed on the beads chanting the following Vaamdev Mantra.

Om Vaamdevaay Namo Jyeshtthaay Shreshtthay Namo Rudraay Namah Kar Vilarannaay Namo Val Vikarannaay Namo.

Next the following Aghor Mantra is chanted while offering incense.

Om Aghorebhyo Ghorebhyo Ghor Ghor Tarebhaya Savebhya Sarva Sharvebhyo Namaste Astu Rudra Roopebhyo.

After this the rosary is smeared with saffron chanting the following Tatpurush Mantra.

Om Tatpurushaay Vidmahe Mahaadevaay Dheemahi Tannorudraay Prachodayaat.

then following Eeshaan Mantra is chanted on each bead.

Om Eeshaanah Sarvavidhaanaam Eeshwar Sarvabhootaanaam Brahmaadipati Brahmaadhi Patim Brahma Shivoham Astho Sadaa Shivom.

Next chant one round of the Mantra-

Om Param Tatvaay Naaraayannaay Gurubhyo Namah.

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Post by SuperStarlight » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:48 pm

Starmom...any idea on how to pronounciate these Chants?

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Post by richardredhawk » Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:21 pm

This is one of the best simplest explanations of the beads that I have found.
I acquired some of these about 2 years ago and have found them to be great and effective when they are used for their true nature and as a friend of mine was gifted some by me, found them to be rather stubborn  :smt017 when not used correctly.
Again thank you for the information.

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Post by SuperStarlight » Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:39 am

Is there a website or some form of way to find out the correct pronounciation of the chants..I hear that is very important
and that is one thing I have not perhaps I'm not seeing the positive effects that they can be producing in my life.

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