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Post by swetha » Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:59 am

Chapter 19.











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Pravin Kumar
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Palmistry Lessons. Chapter No.19

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:16 am

Now we begin with the study of the Mounts and their Fingers. Only four mounts have fingers attached to them. Mount of Jupiter, Mount of Saturn, Mount of Apollo and Mount of Mercury. Mars, Moon and Venus have no fingers attached to them.

Each mount has its plus and minus i.e. a person with a specific mount prominent will have positives pertaining to that mount as well as negatives pertaining to that mount. Stars, Squares, triangle, vertical lines are all good signs on all mounts barring some exceptions. Cross, Grille, horizontal influence lines, islands are bad signs on any mount but on Mount of Jupiter Cross is a good sign to have. This is an exception on to this mount.

Every mount shows how a person will look heightwise, face, body, hair etc. etc. and also each mount has its health weakness. Each mount shows up the character of a person and if the subject is purely Jupiterian then the character and appearance of the person can be easily described but there are so many combinations of mounts in each person that it becomes difficult to decipher easily. The Permutation and combination of various mounts in a person (if the person does not happen to be a pure specimen of a particular mount) which are prominent or nearly important gives vast choice and makes it that much more difficult to analyse a persons character. By systematic reasoning as mentioned earlier one can find a persons nature, character through his hand.

Jupiterians are prone to eating voraciously. They are so sound in health and confidence that they care little for their health while drinking and eating.

As discussed in Chapter No.18 a strong mount is denoted by hardness of the area below the finger, vertical line on it, prominent finger of the same mount (if such a mount has a finger), pinkish or reddish colour of the blood, flexibility of the finger. The centre of the ridges on the palm below the Jupiter Finger is to be noted. If it is exactly at the centre then the Mount is strong. If it is inclined towards Mount of Saturn then the Mount gives up some of its qualities to the neighbouring mount. If the centre is towards Heart Line or Head Line then the qualities of that particular line will get magnified. If it is towards Life Line then the qualities of the mount decreases.

Pravin Kumar
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Chapter No.19A

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:30 pm

In this Chapter is given how a Jupiterian lives, what are his strong points viz religion, ambition, self sufficiancy as indicated by the three phalanges. Positive qualities of Jupiterian and negative qualities. Jupiterian marries early and is generally unhappily married as he does not get the woman of his choice. The colour, flexibility, size of the finger, tips of the finger, how the thumb appears with which phalange prominent and so many other things as detailed in the chapter shows how he will be in real life. Pink Blood is best for him and next best Red. Light Hair is good and Black hair is more sensual. Red hair is even more vigorous and will make the subject more ambitious and commanding in an autocratic manner.

His  health defects generally arise from indigestion which affects his stomach and brain. He is a voracious eater and drinker and hence excess of this leads to problems in the brain.

After going through the Chapter in detail one will realise how just one Chapter on Mount of Jupiter if studied in detail can give wealth of information to a person's nature by studying the hand.

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