Going vegetarian or vegan?

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Going vegetarian or vegan?

Post by Gem » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:37 pm

Anyone here on a vegetarian diet? I just wondered if there were any other veggies or vegans around the board?

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Post by MarcoAZS » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:46 pm

Im Ovolacto Vegetarian since i was borned if you want to know :)

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Post by Gem » Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:33 pm

Missed you Marco! where you been and ovo lacto so you have eggs and milk?

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Post by MarcoAZS » Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:42 am

yeah eggs and milk been very sad because the school in winnipeg dont like me at all, alhtough just discovered i got a very high mark that will help me going on university in brazil =)
cya all love ya all

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 11, 2007 1:45 am

I am in the process of transitioning back to veganism. My biggest problem is eating out. There's nothing to eat! But it's a small price to pay. Another hard thing for me is finding vegan bread, but I think I might bake it myself. It has go to be healthier that way, anyway.

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Post by Gem » Fri May 11, 2007 12:01 pm

Vegan bread? Why?  Most bread in the UK doesnt have any animal products in....  is that why American bread is so sweet? do they put milk or lactose in it?

.....dare I suggest...

get a bread maker and make your own? :) I have vegan recipies or swop the butter and milk with soya products?

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 11, 2007 4:51 pm

Yeah, the someimtes have milk or egg or honeyor butter, so I am going to do a search on the web for a good recipe, but I think I'm also gonna take your advice and modify my favorite recipe using soy products. That's a good idea. So bread in the UK isn't as sweet? That's interesting. Gonna have to find a UK recipe! In the US, they sneak animal products into the most rediculous thing, so you really have to search hard. We even have some soy cheeses with milk products in them.

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Post by Gem » Fri May 11, 2007 5:25 pm

yep Soy cheese might have animal rennet in it too :(  ugh!

When using soy margarines you might find that because they are emulsified oil and water that you need less or more flour depending on their mix.

Why are you veganising now? &nbsp; <<< is that a word lol? &nbsp;Any special reason?

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Post by mysticcrystal » Fri May 11, 2007 8:04 pm

I am veganising now because everytime I eat meat or an animal product, I can literally hear the animal scream in terror. Hard to eat meat like that! I use to go to college at an agricultural university and it really truned me off animal products. I started eating animal products again because I was tired of trying so hard to find food, but now I mostly eat home, anyway. It's much healthier for me and easier to find tasty foods! I love to cook.

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Post by Gem » Sat May 12, 2007 9:17 am

Ahhh, I do sympathise with you totally, I am very compassionate about animal care and understand totally.

It is hard to find food, especially when people think a tiny bit won't hurt or be noticed. Thank goodness you love to cook, me too :) &nbsp; So many times it would be easier to give in and eat meat, I am sometimes fed up saying I'm not hungry when I am starving lol. &nbsp;Seems cheese is the biggest hurdle to get removed from vegetarian food, everything seems to come with it plastered on lol.

I hear their screams too, and sometimes they are so loud I don't know how anyone can miss them. I used to do a lot of rspca and rescue work in my younger days, not so much now, &nbsp;and the noises will live with me forever.

So on a brighter note...... whats for dinner?

Any good recipes for Aubergine/eggplant?

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Post by alchemaze » Mon May 14, 2007 12:54 pm

I knew your name was Gem for a reason. :smt007
I have been Vego for 21 years,and on and off Vegan for that long as well.The last 3 years has seen lacto go and I will stay that way permanently. The best choice I made,Compassion wise and Environmentally.
We cant avoid animal by-products in technology,and some products like tyres. I tend to have weeks of not buying anything new,and cook for myself and my Vegan Dog.

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Post by Gem » Mon May 14, 2007 1:07 pm

lol, you're making me blush here! :smt004 you don't sound old enough to have been vego for 21 years lol!!

Vegan Dog..... oh wow! &nbsp;My 'hound of the baskervilles' is allergic to cereals and gluten so I'm afraid she has to survive on veggies and fish with some meat products, but I am always looking for substitutes :) &nbsp;

How do you all feel about eggs? If you could get free range, organic eggs from your own happy and healthy pet hens?

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Post by alchemaze » Mon May 14, 2007 1:37 pm

Well,the Old Profile <<<says I am 40yo,time flies when your trying to survive.I became Vego at 19yo..it adds up..and I wont look back.
Its up to the individual if they have there own Chickens,I feel,as to wether they use there eggs. For me I dont trust the Free Range industry and they do kill the male chicks.Some vegos dont want animals to work for them.. I wont wear leather. Dairy is out for me,cos the baby male calves get tenderised in veal crates for life than carved up.

As for my Pooch,shes 15yo and has been vego for that long. All you have to do with Dogs is not feed them Soy or Potatos and give them what you eat.They love Pasta and Legumes,Veggies hot or cold .They also want to be part of the pack,and are very adaptable,and will love you for it.Start now,they dont need weaning. She also eats Carrots like she would bones :smt016
That said Cats cant be vego.

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Post by Biorn » Thu May 17, 2007 12:06 am

A lot of people embrace veganism/vegitarianism with a false understanding that this is closer to how people traditionally eat outside of a modernist society. However I see a lot of veg-heads substitute with grain-based products which are worse for you than the fattier meats on the market. Grains hold a lot of phytates which inhibit mineral absorption. Essentially grains and starchy foods suppress your immune system. In addition to that they are probably the closest thing to being sugar without being sugar. Oats aren't so bad but corn is a major culprit in obese nations.

I was a semi-vegan for 4 years I ate fish as I was warned by many about the low protein. After I started getting more athletic the self made handicap was too much and I eventually started eating meats again.

Those of you who feel it is more spiritual to not eat meat, keep in mind that animals are held sacred in a lot of ancient civilizations and eaten all the same. For instance we eat ham on Christmas because ham was sacred to Frey.

Today I eat something closer to a "Caveman" diet. Meat, nuts, fruit and vegetables with few breads and starchy foods and no dairy. I feel a lot more energetic on this diet and "cleaner" on the inside since it doesn't have the food hangovers that the modern diet is typical of.

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Post by Eniki » Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:30 am

i was a veg untill my fiance made me eat me lol darn it lol i was going to lol oh well

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