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Post by KHEM » Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:41 am

By Shashin

Most of us experience anger in some form or other almost every day. Anger is a negative emotion; it can cause violence, it can ruin relationships, it can lead to serious illnesses and it is known to kill. Yet, few make the effort to try and overcome this emotion. So anger continues to affect millions worldwide.

As children, we are taught to contain anger. An angry child is asked to be quiet. This is the conventional approach. As a result, the anger is suppressed. When we are angry and we try to appear as though were not, we are in effect masking the emotion. Children throw tantrums - an expression of anger - and get rid of the discomfort. Grown-ups on the other hand end up bottling it within. So the negativity gets buried deeper and deeper into the unconscious. Expression and suppression of anger, in the final analysis, are both injurious to health - to the individual, as well as to the community. Many of us are edgy and nervous, and could explode at the slightest pro-vocation. This could eventually lead to a nervous breakdown.

Anger impacts our body in several ways. Angry people are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, hypertension and cardiac diseases. Very hostile persons are especially susceptible to life-threatening stress-related disorders. Negative emotions like anger tend to release harmful toxins in the body.

Angry outbursts lead to chain reactions. Angry reactions help perpetuate violence.

It is important to first admit the fact to ourselves that yes, we do lose our temper now and then, especially when under stress. That is the first step to help us overcome the emotion. After an angry outburst, we either regret it or try and justify it. Strangely, though, most of us somehow manage to rein in the urge to express anger when we know it could lead to a disastrous situation like losing a job, relative or friend. Whether we are angry with someone or someone is angry with us, each outburst takes its toll on both parties. Recently, metros have witnessed the horrors of road rage, where stress and vexation have led to violence and even killings.

Once Buddha was sitting on the bank of a river and a man came and spat at him. Enraged, Buddha's disciples sought his permission to punish the insolent intruder. Gently wiping his face the Buddha thanked the man for giving him the opportunity to test if anger could overpower him. Buddha requested him to come again whenever he had an urge to spit.

Buddha's response shook the offender. He had acted deliberately to outrage the Buddha and had failed. The Enlightened One's calm face and compassionate eyes haunted him. Unable to forgive himself, early next morning the man fell at the Buddha's feet and cried for forgiveness. Pointing to the flowing water Buddha asked him to forget it, as it was past. To be a Buddha means to be in a state of awareness. True to his name, he did not react. The visitor realised Buddha was a normal man and no avatar, who had meditated for several years to transcend the ego and had attained a realised state. Tears rolled down his eyes and he was transformed. We can derive inspiration from this story to try and overcome anger.

Meditation is a great enabler.

Osho said: "The religious man tries to understand, not to control. He becomes more meditative simply watches, tries to understand what anger is, and in that very understanding he transcends. He becomes a witness, and in his witnessing the anger melts as if the sun has risen and the snow has started melting".
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Post by Aviendra » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:00 pm

Hello there

What an awesome post! I found myself nodding and smiling that someone has written what I tend to believe myself. Funningly enough, I was once close to becoming a monk. I had an interest in Tibetan beliefs ever since I was a steered me along a different path however :)

I have learnt many things about anger over the years...most of all, is that it actually does nothing in the long-term. Yes, it empowers you and makes you feel invincible and Godly by intimidating all those who oppose you but if you truly seek to help people....then really, getting angry doesn't help them and yourself.

It's an ugly emotion...I tend to say that its "tainted". Emotions that are tainted are only used (or 'should' only be used) by those who are evil. It blackens the heart and pollutes the soul as well as dismantling the spirit. I have never benefited by shouting at someone or de-moralising someone whilst consumed by fury. We must lead by example and it's a terrible lesson we are conveying to those we seek to help when we rant and rave and throw insults to belittle them. They will then only go on to copy what was done to them....and thus, starts a vicious cycle.

I have certainly become aware of the great ramifications of anger.
Again, awesome post mate  :smt002

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Post by wkatydid » Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:01 am

I agree.  That was an awesome lesson.  If only we could all be "Buddha's" and not let others' actions affect us.

Thank you for the reminder!  We all need that once in awhile!

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Post by KHEM » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:59 pm

Most definitely guys! :)
Thanks for stopping by!

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Post by Greyfox » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:23 pm

Anger is one of the masks that fear wears, fear being our only enemy.  Transcend fear, and anger becomes impossible.

However, I have not yet had the privilege of meeting anyone on this plane who has attained spiritual perfection.  Those odd times  when I choose to feel anger, I simply own it, and let it go.

When lucidity returns, I am grateful to the situation that "inspired" my anger, for giving me a valuable lesson and a blessing.

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Post by KHEM » Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:13 pm

I really like your definition of anger Greyfox. :) So true and uplifting...
The method you have is excellent. Realizing that it is fear disguised, helps a lot in the forgiving process.

Thanks for stopping by and adding your Light!

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Post by starsign20002000 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:17 am

        Your post is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

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Very good post

Post by Graceofthespirits » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:40 pm

This is a wonderful lesson, and so true, but does take alot of work, because fear and anger, are almost the same if u step out out of fear then the anger will never be.

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Post by Azayreon » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:06 pm

A few hours ago I sent my mother a phot of me I took via the webcam.

She said, that for the first time since I was a very young girl, there is no more anger in my eyes.

It has taken me a very long time to get there, but now I can move into any situation and not feel anger over the slighest thing.

Meditation has helped. It has helped a great deal. So has reconnecting with the Goddess and God, and finding out who I truely am.

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Post by KHEM » Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:50 pm

Azayreon wrote:A few hours ago I sent my mother a phot of me I took via the webcam.

She said, that for the first time since I was a very young girl, there is no more anger in my eyes.

It has taken me a very long time to get there, but now I can move into any situation and not feel anger over the slighest thing.

Meditation has helped. It has helped a great deal. So has reconnecting with the Goddess and God, and finding out who I truely am.
Congrats Azayreon!

Coming from your mother, it must have been really great to read/hear ! :)

Keep it up as you will have plenty of temptations...

It's no wonder Meditation did help and wish you the finest and most Blessed! :)

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