Vedic Astrology Lessions

For vedic astrology discussions and general questions.

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Vedic Astrology Lessions

Post by astrobhadauria » Mon May 14, 2007 2:17 pm

Jyotish is often discussed as the instructional element of the Rig Veda, and as such is a Vedanga, or "body part" of the Vedas. Jyotish is called the Eye of the Veda, for its believed ability to view both phenomenal reality and wisdom itself. Part of a larger Vedic curriculum including mathematics, architecture, medical and military applications, it superficially has much in common with ancient and modern Western astrology (and the early traces of the descent of various schools of astrology from the Harappan and Egyptian cultures, Chinese and the Chaldean, through the Arabs, Greeks, and early Romans show complex interweavings that are assessed variously by diverse camps of scholars -- who, however, currently find little common ground as to the exact historical development). Jyotish has many facets, and some of its basics are clearly also cornerstones of Western astrology, such as symbolically endowed signs, houses and planets. But Jyotish has its own sophisticated reference to the noumenal: the planets are "grahas", semi-divine consciousnesses or forces that seize or act upon created beings and influence their actions and fates.

Jyotish has historically been part of a continuous "holistic" approach to living and to spiritual practice within the life of Hindus predominant in India.


Jyotisha's many lineages or paramparas emphasize that its study is a sadhana or technique of mental and existential development. In modern times it is a chief source of reference for many Hindus and other spiritual practitioners with common ties globally. In addition to sustaining its own lore, commentary and debates on the dilemmas of fate and free will and the philosophy of karma, jyotish maintains a virtual materia medica of remedies for difficulties found in horoscopes.

Vedic astrologers will frequently prescribe special stones, or specific therapeutic practices or meditation techniques using mantras to those facing difficult or unclear futures as predicted by means consistent with Jyotish methodology. In past centuries, Brahmins have been the primary practitioners of Jyotish.

In the last century, a renaissance of study of Jyotish and other Vedic sciences has emerged in India and the west. Although the subject of much controversy among secularists and skeptics, as of the late 1990s and early 2000s, Indian universities have begun to create courses and curricula in the discipline.

The Vedas are replete with references to astrology in that cosmology and divinity are indistinguishable from the movements of Nature and planets and the growth of understanding in man as he lives in harmony with his highest spirituality. Surya, the Sun, is a manifestation of Vishnu, a central aspect of the Supreme, and is also the Atman within man.

The term "Vedic astrology" has been recently introduced by American and Western astrologers in the 1980s and 1990s, leading to collaborative organizations such as the now-international Council of Vedic Astrology.

Jyotish is still commonly used to aid in important decisions in modern India.

In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their jyotish charts, and jyotish concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life and science. Astrology is vital to decisions made about marriage, opening a new business, moving into a new home, etc.

Hindu and Western Astrologies

The most easily referred to difference between the two lies in the method of measurement of the Zodiac. Vedic astrology uses primarily the sidereal zodiac (in which stars are considered to be the fixed background against which the motion of the planets is measured), whereas most Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac (the motion of the planets is measured against the position of the Sun on the Spring equinox).

Of course, the ancient rishis were aware of the tropical, season-based cycles of northern and southern declination paths of the Sun and used them also when appropriate. But in the popular mind, the main difference between the two systems is that Jyotish uses the sidereal zodiac and Western astrology uses the tropical.

The most obvious effect of the sidereal/tropical difference is that about 80% of planets in a Western chart will move to the previous sign in a sidereal reading of the same chart.

Both Jyotish and Western traditions have existed for millennia. Vedic astrology includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction incorporating unique sacralized elements not found elsewhere, such as its specific system of lunar mansions (called nakshatras, encompassing a pantheon of archetypal deities).

The nakshatras are used to pick auspicious times of day or month for every human activity as well as to provide insight into the motivations and guiding characteristics of humans and events coming under their influence. Nakshatra cycles, or dashas, are developing a reputation in contemporary culture for the accuracy with which they time events.

A further unique concept in jyotish not seen in Western astrology is the concept of Dashas - a mathematical analyses that breaks down human or the subject's lifetime into various sub-periods based on the location of Moon at birth.

Predictions in jyotish incorporate various elements around the birth chart - influences of transits (similar to Western Astrology though more focused on houses or bhavas) as well as Dashas.

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Some thing is good and some thing is bad !

Post by astrobhadauria » Fri May 18, 2007 5:17 am

Know Your Future Yourself
hi everybody

Due to Shortage of time I will not be able to take all ur I have come up with the idea that i will be posting in this thread some facts about your Kundli. Which will help you to know about your future and personality.

And we can discuss about the planets and there placements here.

If You all agree we can start this so that every body has a clear picture of his/her future.
Last edited by astrobhadauria on Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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vedic astrology

Post by cesarampe » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:47 am

As the earth sphere is divided into the Western & the Eastern hemispheres by the Prime Meridien (the Greenwich Meridien) so is the Celestial Sphere divided into Western and Eastern hemispheres by the Celestial Meridien. As the globe is divided into northern and southern hemispheres by the Equator, so is the Celestial Sphere divided into the nothern and southern hemispheres by the Celestial Equator. The Four Major Mathematical Points of the Zodiac In Astronomy the Eastern Horizon is called the Ascendant. 180 degrees from it is the Western Horizon called as the Descendant. The intersecting point where the Ecliptic cuts the Celestial Meridien is called the Meridien Cusp (MC) and 180 degrees from it is called the Imum Coeli (IC).

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:13 pm

The twelve Bhavas or Houses
An individuals horoscope is divided into 12 Bhavas or houses, based on the position of ones lagna in the chart. The nature and qualities of the rasis, planets and the nakshatras explained so far are their basic inherent qualities. Once a persons chart is analyzed from the lagna point of view, based on the way these planets and rasis are placed from lagna, gives them a personal touch and helps us to understand the various aspects and events of ones life.
The sign in which your lagna or ascendant is placed becomes your 1st house. The sign next to that (clockwise in the south chart and anticlockwise in a north chart), becomes your 2nd house. The one next to that is your 3rd house and so on till the 12th house.
The 1st, 5th, and 9th houses are called Trikonas or trine houses. They are the most powerful and auspicious houses. They are also called Lakshmi sthanas as the rule all kinds of prosperities.
The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are called Kendras or quadrants. They are also auspicious and powerful houses next to the konas.
The 3rd and the 11th houses are called Upachayas or houses of growth.
The 6th, 8th, and 12 houses are called Dusthanas or bad houses.
1, 5, and 9 are Dharma houses.
2, 6, and 10 are Artha houses.
3, 7, and 11 are Kama houses.
4, 8, and 12 are Moksha houses.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:14 pm

The First house or Lagna called Tanu sthana, represents your birth, body looks and soul, personality traits and inclinations, longevity, health, character and nature. It also rules your head the head, longevity, health, character and nature of the native. It is a kendra a trikona and Dharma bhava, and it is at the same time . It is one of the most important and auspicious house in the horoscope.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:15 pm

The Second house called Dhana sthana, represents your wealth, speech, family, face, right eye, mouth and the food you eat and charity and death.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:18 pm

The Third house called Bhatru sthana represents your younger brothers and sisters, courage, servants and subordinates, communications, talents and skills, sports, business, short distance travels.

The Fourth bhava called Matru sthana, represents mother, home, relatives, office or factory, emotions, domestic and house related happiness, landed property and conveyances, education mental peace and chest and lungs.

The Fifth house called Putra sthana, represents children, education and intellect, creativity, mantra, tantra and pooja.

The Sixth house called Shatru sthana, represents health, illness, injuries, loans, sports, maternal uncle, enemies and opposition

The Seventh house called Kalatra sthana, represents spouse, sex life, reproduction and genital organs, partners, enjoyments and Kundalini shakti and death.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:20 pm

The Eight house called Ayu sthana, represents destruction, accidents, physical pains, inheritance, legacies, death and insurance.

The Ninth house called bhagya sthana, represents luck, prosperity, guru, father, religious and spiritual progress and knowledge of the scriptures, sadhana, pilgrimages, foreign travel and foreign trade, grandchildren

The Tenth house represents your profession, business, authority and power and honours and achievements.

.The Eleventh house represents gains and income, good news, money, elder brothers and sisters, friends, long distance travels, air lines and entertainment.

The Twelfth house represents losses, waste, expenses, foreign countries, imprisonment, death, sadhana and Moksha or final liberation.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:21 pm

In a Male nativity, when he is passing through Venus Dasha ,irrespective of the Ascendant, ownership & sign of placement of Venus , when Tr Jupiter arrives at the sign opposite the sign in which Natal Venus is placed, that one year during which Jupiter moves in that Rasi , will cause physical setbacks and various traumatic issues to female members of natives family, especially his wife
Eg--Assume in a Male nativity with Libra rising , Venus in the Birth chart is placed in Taurus and currently the native is passing through Venus Dasha. From the Day, Jupiter in Transit enters sign Scorpio(opposite to Natal Venus) , till it leaves Scorpio, natives wife and other family members of the fair sex , will be plagued by physical discomfort and various problems

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:21 pm

If Sun-Venus-Saturn conjunction occurs in a sign in strength , devoid of Nodal company, , identical with Angle, Trine or 11H , Rags to Riches syndrome is observed in the life of the native

Notes--The combination to be effective , the Ascendant Lord should be in strength and well-placed

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:24 pm

If 9L conjoins with 12L in a Benefic sign , then the subject will be charitably disposed

Those born with Cancer Ascendant generally had a unhappy married life. Interestingly ,no other Ascendant is repeatedly seen , causing strained relations as Cancer Ascendant,whilst examining cases of seperation or divorce

He (she) who is born with Aquarius Ascendant will always have secret enemies akin to shadow that follows the man. Interestingly these secret enemies will be at par with the native , I mean, they will be equals in every respect with the native

8th Rasi Lord ,reckoned from the Ascendant , in direct mode ,occupying sign Scorpio (The 8th sign of natural zodiac), gives interest in Astrology and allied occult disciplines

For Libra Ascendant, the dasha & subperiod of Ju/Ve & Ve/Ju are usually found to be loaded with adversities

For Gemini Ascendant, Moon joining Rahu in 6th in Scorpio devoid of Jupiter's aspect , will lead to abnormal or unnatural death of family members .At some stage of life , subject will be the victim of food poisoning .If Saturn aspects this combination, subject will be predisposed to animal or reptile . bite

Let me tell u abou the planets and their effects:

Sun or Surya is a royal planet and the king in astrology. He represents the soul, will power, father, paternal relations, the king or the high officials. Its hot and angry, colour is red, metal is gold and gem is ruby. Sun represents the eastern direction.
The sun stays in each rasi for one month and takes one year to complete the round of the zodiac. Its motion is quite fixed and a lot of Indian festivals are as per the suns entry into the various signs. For example on January 14 it enters Makara and this day is celebrated as Makara Sankranti, On April 13th/14th it enters Mesha and this day is celebrated as Baisakhi. The change in seasons is also linked to the suns entry into various signs and nakshatras. He is the Pitrukaraka or planet connected with father

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:25 pm

Moon or Chandra is also a royal planet and is the queen in astrology. He represents the mind, emotions, sensitivity, the mother, house and domestic comforts, milk, sea and all things connected with the sea, hotel and food industry, textiles and apparels. Its cold and calm, Its color is white, direction north-east, metal is silver and gem is pearl. The moon is the fastest moving of the 9 planets and takes approximately 2-1/2 days to travel a sign. When the sun and moon are in the same rasi it is called Amavasya or new moon day or the 1st day of the dark fortnight. The lunar days or Tithi changes with every 12 degree difference between the sun and the moon. When the sun and the moon are in the exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart, it is called Poornima or the full moon day or the 1st day of the bright fortnight. He is the Matrukaraka or planet connected with mother.
The sign in which your Moon is placed in the birth chart is called your Janma Rasi. The star constellation in which your Moon is placed is called your Janma Nakshatra.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:26 pm

Mars or Mangala is the commander in astrology. He represents, energy, courage, younger brothers & sisters, armed forces, the police forces, commanders, administrators, men in high position, land, engineering, metals, real estate agents and surgery. Its metal is copper and gem is coral, color is red and direction south.
Mars takes about 45 days to travel one sign. He is the Bhatrukaraka or planet connected with brother.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:27 pm

Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are Natural Benefics.
Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are Natural Malefics.

Sun Dasha is 6 years
Moon Dasha is 10 years
Mars Dasha is 7 years
Rahu Dasha is 18 years
Jupiter Dasha is 16 years
Saturn Dasha is 19 years
Mercury Dasha is 17 years
Ketu Dasha is 7 years
Venus Dasha is 20 years
These are called Mahadasas

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:30 pm

Should Lagns Lord be in Lagn itself, the native will be endowed with physical happiness and prowess. He will be intelligent, fickle-minded, will have two wives and will unite with other females.

If the Lagns Lord is in 2nd house, he will be gainful, scholarly, happy, endowed with good qualities, be religious, honourable and will have many wives.

If Lagns Lord is in 3rd house, the native will equal a lion in valour, be endowed with all kinds of wealth, be honourable, will have two wives, be intelligent and happy.

If Lagns Lord is in 4th house, the native will be endowed with paternal and maternal happiness, will have many brothers, be lustful, virtuous and charming.

If Lagns Lord is in 5th house, the native will have mediocre progenic happiness, will lose his first child, be honourable, given to anger and be dear to king.

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