Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

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Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Post by dattaswami » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:55 pm

Why God keeps silent to somebody even after intensive cry?

Ans. A diabetic patient cries before a doctor to get a sweet for eating. The doctor has infinite number of sweets and he does not worry at all for giving a sweet to the patient. You are crying before God, who is the divine father (creator of all the souls) to give some wealth or to solve some problem. If He helps you, there is not even a trace of any personal loss to Him. Neither His wealth nor His power is finite and nor His love to souls is limited. The only factor that guides Him is to see the future position after the help. If your eyes are to climb the roof of your head after the help, God will keep silent. After the help you will fall down even from your present level and then you will cry again before the same God to lift you up.

If the doctor gives you the sweet, the level of sugar may go up and the emergent treatment is also the responsibility of the same doctor. Hence the doctor will not give you the sweet.  If the doctor is confident of your health, he may give the sweet. Sometimes the doctor gives the sweet and conducts the emergent treatment to show you the truth, if you are scolding the doctor to be unkind. The response of the doctor lies on his analysis of the situation and it is not the subject of the patient at all. You must have the faith in the doctor (God) that any response is for your good only and you must know that the patient is ignorant of his own real welfare.

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:44 am

because the crying is only our perception of the situation, it's the illusion. Here's something I once thought...  God created us so we created God. I think negative emotion is an illusion that stops us from improving our condition. God is there, God is here, God is in Heaven and God is in Hell. It's up to your perception to understand that, we are in Heaven sometimes and sometimes we are in Hell. But I have found that God never left me.

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Post by Raveness » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:45 am

What is Hell but a thought.

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Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:14 am

Post by dattaswami » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:38 am

Raveness wrote:because the crying is only our perception of the situation, it's the illusion. Here's something I once thought...  God created us so we created God. I think negative emotion is an illusion that stops us from improving our condition. God is there, God is here, God is in Heaven and God is in Hell. It's up to your perception to understand that, we are in Heaven sometimes and sometimes we are in Hell. But I have found that God never left me.
Do not ask any thing from God which is either related to present or future.  When you ask some thing in present or some thing in the future, it clearly means that you are reminding Him about the corresponding reaction that is to be immediately implemented in the need.  This indirectly means that God is not alert as you are.  This is insulting God.  Due to such sin the requirement is not answered.  If you are asking to protect yourself or somebody else, it indirectly means that He is not aware of the things to be done due to the irresponsibility and this also indicates that He is not as kind as yourself.

It means that God has potency to help but not kind enough to render the help.  On contrary, it also means that you lack unfortunately the potency.  It means if you fortunately have the potency you could have immediately responded and helped.  Therefore, when ever you ask for anything it clearly means indirectly that God has some type of defect, which does not exist in your case.  When you ask Him to fulfill the desire it looks as if that your desire is constitutionally justified.  But God is not positively reacting due to either lack of positive response immediately or due to lack of knowledge of the constitution or due to lack of kindness to help the needy.  All these points are very very subtle.  But God is the most subtle and therefore, the knowledge of this analysis will certainly restrict you from asking any fulfillment of your desire.  

Never bring present and future before God.  Confine to the past always before God.  Look back at your past life.  Hundreds of incidents are there where you were helped by God.  Even if you dispose some incidents through the incidental probability of success or through the efficiency of your efforts, certainly there are plenty of instances in which the help from God is clearly evident.  At least remember those few incidents and express your gratefulness along praise to God for His kind help that was already done.  The word Krutajnata means remembering the past help.  Kruta means the past help done.  Jna means identifying it by analysis.  If you confine to praying the Lord and thanking Him always about the past helps from Him, the Lord will be immensely pleased.  Then the present and future are spontaneously taken care of by the God.  But do not adopt this technique with a mind that you will be helped by God in the present and in the future by following this procedure!  

You should really follow this path and you should really forget the present and the future.   When large number of people came to hear the message from Jesus, they were hungry by the noon.  This point was brought to the notice of Jesus.  He never asked God to provide food for those hungry people who came to hear God’s word.  Had He asked for that, He would have insulted God.  God knows His responsibility very well towards the devotees who came there to hear about Him.  God has the power to fulfill His responsibility even in the last fraction of second.  Had Jesus told God to bless the devotees with food, it clearly means that God is not as kind as Jesus.  Jesus never asked for any thing.  He came to know that there were four breads.  He took them and showed to sky.  He thanked God for providing those four pieces of bread.  

Immediately the present was responded and the four breads became four thousand breads.  This application of analysis is limited to Nivrutti only.  You should not extend this to Pravrutti.  When you are hungry you have to beg the other souls because they are not omniscient to know that you are hungry.  Pravrutti and Nivrutti should never be mixed.

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