Attention Posters

All Runes Readings requests to be posted here.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Attention Posters

Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:51 am

Hi there all you fellow posters!

Just to let you know for all you posters that are just posting to get your software registered.  I can not stop you doing this, but if you don't know anything about the topic please do not post in it.  These post that you are trying to make look as if they are being helpful are not helpful but dilute the topic for those who are generally interested in getting an answer or wish to learn more.  There fore I have decided until I am allowed to put them in the jail thread am going to move them into the topic "Sin Bin".  You will not be able to reply to this, but if you were generally posting to help and I have miss read it then please post in the Recommendations and Complaints area and I will repost them in the topic.  If you go by the above request there should be little heart ache or miss understandings.

Thank you



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