Any tips on weight loss

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Any tips on weight loss

Post by rozrokz » Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:42 am

I have put on alot lately ( no thanks to a many festive goodies). tried the subliminal message but seems not to help. Tries slimming pills but make my heart beat fast and I hate to exercise!!! Any miracles to recommend.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:03 am

hehehe....then I would have had billions on my account....sitting on a beach thinking life is really great.

As it is...I have no billions in the bank...and I struggle like most other :)

The only way that work is to change "eating" habit....yes I know....but you need a lot of "green food"  "white meat" "fish" NO CoCa Cola light or Zero  but wather.
No chips....use carrot and and other vegetables in nice shred together with a dip made from yoghourt and spice.....for chocolate use 80% cacao.
Start each meal with a tomato....never white bread and butter, drink much water.
Each calorie you have to work out again...if build don't need to run....make a trip or two to read the newspaper each day or twice a day :)

Good luck :)

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Re: Any tips on weight loss

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:54 am

rozrokz wrote:I have put on alot lately ( no thanks to a many festive goodies). tried the subliminal message but seems not to help. Tries slimming pills but make my heart beat fast and I hate to exercise!!! Any miracles to recommend.
Up until I was 28 I was what you call a skinny mini, I joined an organisation that everything they cooked had to be soaked in oil before they even thought about cooking it.  That was okay until I stopped exercising so I put on 25 kilos, then got pregnant adding another 15 kilos on top of that (fluid retention).  Any who just before I discovered I was pregnant I decided to do something about it.  I stopped driving my car to work and rode my bike, not very far to work but it was  a start.  Had to put those plans on hold until I gave birth and recovered.  All the weight I put on during the pregnancy dropped off thank the gods, leaving the lovely unsightly stretch marks on my hips and thights as a reminder.  I noticed a change in my body come spring I began to gain weight again so I knew my metabolism was on the move again and didn't want to be fat any more.  So I started walking with a friend every morning, starting off with short walks pushing our prams until the walks extended to 7 kms and an hour and half.  I cut out bread, soft drinks, juice, baked food, chocolate (very hard but did not really give it up as you need to treat yourself occasionally)  I cut our portion sizes down to a reasonable size filling but not bloating.  Drank water, with all this I my walks were five times a week.  I lost nine kilos and then winter came again and I platued but maintained my weight, I joined Weight Watchers come spring again as I didn't not feel confident to loose any more.  I lost five kilos with them and then discovered I was pregnant again.  This pregnancy has been a much healthy one and when I give birth I will be back at the weight loss again until I am at a healthy BMI.

Thought I would share.


Oh cheese, Chocolate and potatos are the hardest things to burn off

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Post by Gem » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:36 pm

Plan your meals ahead of time and go shopping for the ingredients when you are not hungry!

Make a list and then stick to it.

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Post by rozrokz » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:19 am

Where is the miracle cure :smt089 ! I hope the scientists will come up with the DNA that is causing fatness within this year and have the perfect cure. And I can still keep the boobs and ass. Just melt all the unnecessary fats :smt041. Yeay!!!

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Wouldn't it be nice

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon May 07, 2007 1:18 pm

I am afraid to loose weight and keep it off you need to work it off, don't go all gung hoe into it as you will probably hurt yourself and give up, a little at a time and slowly build up the excercise untill you loose all the weight and by that stage you probably won't hate excersise that much, walking is great and swimming is even better not so much pressure on the joints.  That and a healthy diet with smaller portions will set you onto the way of loosing weight healthily for ever and keeping it off.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue May 08, 2007 12:56 pm

One of my best students came to visit. She'd had a C section 2 years ago and couldn't get rid of that little pocket where the scar is humbling to say neither could I!
Anyone can help she would be grateful (if only to shut me up about her diet).

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Weight Loss

Post by kbolt » Tue May 08, 2007 3:42 pm

I know what is needed to be smaller meals more often....exercise....30 minutes of cardio per day...

I get started and life seems to get in the way....I was doing really good last year,but stopped to travel for work and never got started again....

It seems I need more drive to do what is needed...


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Post by Gem » Tue May 08, 2007 5:22 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:One of my best students came to visit. She'd had a C section 2 years ago and couldn't get rid of that little pocket where the scar is humbling to say neither could I!
Anyone can help she would be grateful (if only to shut me up about her diet).
Tummy exercises are the way :) As long as the muscles are healed then start slow and work on twists and dips, not sit ups, Horse riding is great or swimming, fun things that your student will enjoy and then keep up. Or domestic sweeping cleaning and wax on wax off lol, works well on stretching if done sideways.

Also a strict veggie diet can help change the balance, and empty the colon better so that the tum appears flatter.

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Post by Biorn » Tue May 08, 2007 6:24 pm

^Go here and figure out your maintenance calories then subtract 500 for weight loss. Some people find it hard to eat a restrictive diet and I would recommend eating high protein to begin with as it is more filling.

You don't have to do a whole lot of exercise. If you don't do any then just walk for half an hour every day and you will notice a dramatic change in your stamina and overall health. Take your dog with you, listen to your music, it's amazing how easy this becomes.

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hi rozrok,

Post by doc » Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:39 pm

hey friend,u cn join a gym for loosing fat..swimming is also considered 2 b wonderful for loosing wait..ammmmmmmmm

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Better than chips

Post by tlp7204 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:13 pm

I have found a great subsutute for chips. If you like eggplant which I grow right in my garden. Peel them and cut them paperthin. Place on a pan that you have sprayed with Pam or other non-stick spray. Litely salt and pepper or season with fresh herbs. Place in the oven at 350 degrees until they are nice and crisp. Let cool completely and place in a container or zip-lock bag. I keep them at my desk at work and munch on them all day. I have found that my co-workers are coming up and asking for them now because they have better flavor and are alot healthier for you. Good luck

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Post by cassienyc » Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:01 pm

after years of living an unhealthy lifestyle (both physically and emotionally), i discovered that the "easiest" way to lose weight was to live with integrity (which i define as eating wholesome, fresh, locally-grown, organic food) and "exercising" in a traditional way (which i define as moving my body as much as possible, which includes gardening, walking instead of driving/public transportation, walking my dogs, spending time outdoors instead of in front of the tv/computer).  these are life changes i am making, as it is a process for those of us who aren't used to it.  but in my experience it certainly beats joining gyms, doing workout tapes, and buying tasteless "diet" foods.

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Re: Better than chips

Post by rozrokz » Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:06 am

tlp7204 wrote:I have found a great subsutute for chips. If you like eggplant which I grow right in my garden. Peel them and cut them paperthin. Place on a pan that you have sprayed with Pam or other non-stick spray. Litely salt and pepper or season with fresh herbs. Place in the oven at 350 degrees until they are nice and crisp. Let cool completely and place in a container or zip-lock bag. I keep them at my desk at work and munch on them all day. I have found that my co-workers are coming up and asking for them now because they have better flavor and are alot healthier for you. Good luck
Just thinking about your home made chips make me salivate. Yum. Must give it a try.

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Post by Mali » Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:55 pm

Well for now a miracle cure don't exist.
I know it's what you don't want to heard but exercise is really important to lose weight.
I know what I am talking of as I can assure you that you're not the only going through this.
I've been struggling a lot to lose weight, trying as you also pills and even a magical soup(that's the way it's called).
The soup did work but after you stop taking it you regain the weight and even the double of it.
So at the end I took another approach, as you I didn't like exercises but I told myself since I've tried a lot of way to lose weight why not give it a try.
I've started to change the way I eat, I started to take balanced diet.
No coca cola or any other kind of such drinks.
Also for what you'll eat, it's better to eat fresh vegetables rather than the one canned and it's the same for other food.
What's the most important when you'll be planning what to eat, it will be better to already have all what you will need rather than wait the time you'll eat because then you will get bored and will not want to go shopping and eat whatever you see infront of you.
Don't eat between meals. Preferably to eat whole wheat bread than rice.
It's better to eat 6 little meals per day rather than eating a lot at just once.
Oh and also drink a lot of water which will help to clean the impurities throughout your diet.

Well good luck^_^

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