The "change" 2012 and other theories....

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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The "change" 2012 and other theories....

Post by Amethyst-Jen » Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:03 pm

I was thinking about this last night and wondered if you would all share your thoughts as well.

I've read many predictions about what will happen come 2012.  Yet, I wonder if these are 'true' predictions, or imagination?  I do not intend to insult anyone, so please don't think I am making light of anyone's gift. I just wonder if its possible that the theory of "something big" happening in 2012 has more to do with the theories about the Mayan calendar ending at this time and other theories along the same line, instead of true visions?
It's almost like when you are in the woods and one person says, "I hear something, do you hear that" and you are more inclined to "hear" something...a little like suggestive thought, etc?  

Again, please don't take this as an insult to any one person's gift.  I know some people have had visions about the future, but I don't understand visions and therefore I am just questioning how they could come about.

The power of suggestion IS very powerful, after all.

Thank you!

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Post by Samson » Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:36 pm

The changes that are going to happen will be taking place well before 2012, some you will see and some you won't and it also doesn't mean the end of the world like some have stated. The visions that the people are receiving are visions of what's to come, some seem to be a little blown out, but most of them are right on the mark.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:42 pm

Samson wrote:The changes that are going to happen will be taking place well before 2012, some you will see and some you won't and it also doesn't mean the end of the world like some have stated. The visions that the people are receiving are visions of what's to come, some seem to be a little blown out, but most of them are right on the mark.
Right on the mark based on what?  

I can see many of the changes already, so I do believe you when you say that (I've seen you state that elsewhere).  However, I just wonder about some of the theories that seem so similar, but have that doomsday quality to it.  

I guess what I am asking is, these visions people are having about what is to come, are they real or suggestions that their imagination runs away with?

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Post by Samson » Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:51 pm

Amethyst-Jen, a person who has a vision of whatever is to come doesn't look at it as a joke, I myself have had them as well, but the ones that I have been given the pleasure to see I would rather not talk about.

Now about the right on the mark statement, this is for the people who believe in what they see and what they know, if your a non believer you will never understand, what we get can never be proven by science because science doesn't come into it, it looks to like your looking for proof in what people can see, you won't find any, they give you what comes to them.


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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:11 pm

Samson wrote:Amethyst-Jen, a person who has a vision of whatever is to come doesn't look at it as a joke, I myself have had them as well, but the ones that I have been given the pleasure to see I would rather not talk about.

Now about the right on the mark statement, this is for the people who believe in what they see and what they know, if your a non believer you will never understand, what we get can never be proven by science because science doesn't come into it, it looks to like your looking for proof in what people can see, you won't find any, they give you what comes to them.

Thank you for responding. I am not a non-believer, I am just trying to wrap my mind around what I read in here. I DO believe that people can see things and they are truly lucky.  As I've said, I'm not trying to make light of the gifts that some people have, I'm just trying to have a better understanding of it.  I question everything, all the time. I'm sorry if that comes off as being rude or non-believing but that is who I am.  

I really do feel bad that you perceived my inquiries as making a joke of the visions that you good people have, I truly am not.  I am just very interested in this topic since I have never had a vision of a future event.

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Post by Samson » Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:39 am

Amethyst-Jen, I understand where your coming from, I am myself only just discovering my Psychic abilities, I have still alot to learn and with the help from my three lovely guides who will help me understand what is to know about my abilities. We all have the gift, all you need to do is open up to it and you will soon discover a whole new world.

Thank You for understanding,


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Global Warming will trigger Positive Changes

Post by passionatepainter » Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:59 pm

I believe we as a species have the power to make changes we need. The current attention to global warming will trigger that survival instinct and we will support the development of alternative energy such as solar etc. If everyone had continued developing solar when we had our last oil crisis we wouldn't even have this problem ---- at least not at this magnitude. I believe the coming changes will be POSITIVE ones. We will begin growing our own food to ensure it's purity, we will begin generating our own electricity to maintain a clean environment, we will begin using electric or hybred cars for the same reason, hopefully we will begin valuing life and stop wars. We can support the peoples of the world if we use technology toward that goal rather than toward aggression and war.

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2012-A new beginning or is it the end

Post by spunspinner » Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:37 pm

2012-A new beginning or is it the end? I 'm sure over the last few yrs may of us have asked this very question,worried in one way or another of how this date mite effect us or our loved ones.Some of the greatest minds in history have thought deeply on this subject,"When will life as we know it end?"
I believe many of us on this site are old enough and wise enough to look at this question as a loaded one,and some like myself simply have to laugh!
Life as we know it has been coming to an end for a long time now.When times were simpler,and what one thought or said effected only the ones close to them. Today, with the simple touch of a button,my thoughts here could have an effect on on people I have never met,in lands I will never be able to travel to.
 Thoughts,the hidden power within us all.Energy in its' purest form. Thoughts have the ability to move moutains(so the story goes) if we but
truly believe.They have the ability to create and destroy,to heal or to cause
One persons' thoughts can ripple across our time line and effect millions if not billions of other minds that are touched by them.We but only have to look at our own history to prove that.
It took the thoughts of one man to open what some mite consider the gates to "Hell on Earth" others know this as "World war II."One man's thoughts having the ability to effect others and cause such pain that it can still be felt in the hearts and minds of millions today.
Thought,pure energy,the ultimate power source !The answer to all our questions and the problems that may come from it's misuse.
Yes the world well come to an end as we know it in 2012 if we all believe it will. There it is ,its out there, in plain black and white,for all to read.
But to many of us today that know that nothing is truly black and white, that  our world and the worlds we have yet to learn about are full color.
The thoughts of enlightened ones color our worlds uniting them for the greater good of all.
It is these thoughts that must be allowed to grow and expand,helping to bring the next level of our development into being.Bringing our world closer than it has ever been in joinning the cosmic community.   :smt006

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Post by Dragonfly2758 » Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:55 pm

This date was foretold in the Mayan calendar and while I'm not one to poopoo those noble races who can do such grand things as they did in such a very sophisticated society as they once had, I have to bear in mind that they, as a race, are no longer a part of our modern society.  They blended into other races.  

There was also much made of the turnover from 1999-2000 and yet nothing became of all of that hullaballoo.  Nothing stopped working, nothing crashed, no nations suffered a technological meltdown as a result.  It was a date like any other.  Much ado about nothing.  

The only true way to know for sure is be there on 2012 - wasn't it supposed to be in May? - and see what happens.  Some say it is a true forecast of things to come and considering the unrest on a global level we are experiencing today, I don't doubt it for a minute that something will "give" and soon.  Too many differences of opinion are in the mix right now, which never works for peace.

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