Apology to All Readers & Members from Grayson

All Psychic Reading requests should be posted under this forum.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Apology to All Readers & Members from Grayson

Post by Grayson » Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:01 pm


By the rules of the Forum I should not have given a reading I posted today since this was a new member's 1st post. While it serves no one at this time for me to retract words already spoken or a reading already given, please know that I have only the highest regard for this Board and its Moderators and I do apologize for the error and any others I may have made.

This Board is a wonderful resource by which very many receive help. We most definitely should all do everything we can to make this resource available to all in a fair and equitable manner.

Once again please accept my sincere apology for my missteps.


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:42 pm

Rules, schmools.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:16 am

Hi Grayson, Image

The rules were put there I feel to discourage people who only come on these forums simply to get a free reading, then once they have they move on to another such website without making any contribution to our spiritual community in return for what we have tried to do for them. Hey if you only knew how many mistakes I have made personally on reading forums such as this one you could probably write a book.

The rules are put there for everybody as a general guideline, and it is then left entirely up to the readers and to their own inner guidance as to whether the request is out of a genuine need and in the spirit with which readings are given freely on this forum. We must never forget to remind members that we are imperfect human beings as well, by showing empathy at times by breaking an advisory rule now and then, if we feel that their need to know warrants our immediate help. This is especially the case where someone close to them has died or they now find themselves in a potentially dangerous situation and require urgent help from wherever they can get it.

Sometimes we serve as their last ditch attempt to make some sense of what is happening to them, and to finally be listened to by a real, caring person who will not immediately judge them as being weak for not being able to work out their often complex problems for themselves. Giving psychic readings should only be for the purpose of people helping other people. When we are simply here to impress others with what they believe are special psychic abilities, then I believe we will do more harm than good.

I therefore wish to take this opportunity to welcome you to this board as a fellow reader and as a friend, and I wish to assure you that nobody here expects an apology from you for you being a sensitive and caring human being with the purest of intentions to serve the members to the very best of your ability. If any reader or member on this message forum gives you trouble about such matters, we have I feel two of the most compassionate and helpful moderators you could ever hope to meet in the forms of Gem and angelwings, who will soon set them right about the spirit behind these rules.

You should not not need to put up with this type of behaviour entirely by yourself, as you are generously donating both your intuitive skills and energies to our members, for which we are all grateful. Also, if you are unwilling to make the odd mistake, you will also never achieve anything of real and lasting significance to you?

God Bless,

eye_of_tiger Image

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Post by Grayson » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:17 am


I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and your support. Thank you also for extending your hand in friendship for that is most appreciated as well.

As you know, I am new to the Board. For this reason it was important to me to explain to our moderators and to long time members that mistakes I've made in no way reflect any distaste for or disagreement with the rules that make this forum a level playing ground for all.

The person who noted my error did so in the kindest possible way. I have no issue with that at all. This forum should maintain high standards for both its readers and its members. It's the only way to ensure that it will continue to be a place where people can come knowing that they will be helped by persons of integrity like our moderators and you.

My thanks again, eye_of_tiger. You are so right about the need to shape the rules on the anvil of compassion. I'm delighted to participate on the Board with you and delighted to call you friend.


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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 31, 2007 5:51 am

The "rule" is to protect the reader....not the board :)

Every Reader stay free to put up his/her own restriction because they need to have the full control in what they feel are right or wrong.

If a reader get "good connection" to one that has only 1 post...then respond to this post in good faith.

The "rule" about at least 10 post protect you so that no one can say.."you gave to that one why not me?", then you can say contribute a bit more so I get the connection :)

And to be a bit cruel to some of our seekers.....It is a great egoism when your 10 post include 8 - 9 request about readings and 1 hello and we never see any Thank You....you destroy for many that comes behind you !

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Post by MangoMom » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:02 am

We all have a knowledge when someone needs the reading immediately or they need to wait.  You did what you felt was needed at the moment.  Thanks so much for the contributions you have made to the forum.


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Its cool

Post by Psychic Chef » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:33 pm

Hi Grayson
We all make our choices and good or bad thats what we do.
Its cool mate, the appology shows the strength of your character.I have wanted to answer 1st posts as well.
Cheers Pete

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:05 am

We do not like to restrict those from help or readers from helping.

I myslef have given first time posters readings as my guides have come in with the info they need to hear etc so at times it all comes down to self assesment.  
Dont second guess yourself grayson, you did what you were drawn and felt the need to do.  Theres no wrong in that!
We like to have contributing members get the best and faster chance of a reading but there are always circumstances that are beyond this and require personal touch.  Keep up the great work!

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Re: Apology to All Readers & Members from Grayson

Post by Dreams & Reality » Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:34 am

Grayson wrote:All,

By the rules of the Forum I should not have given a reading I posted today since this was a new member's 1st post. While it serves no one at this time for me to retract words already spoken or a reading already given, please know that I have only the highest regard for this Board and its Moderators and I do apologize for the error and any others I may have made.

This Board is a wonderful resource by which very many receive help. We most definitely should all do everything we can to make this resource available to all in a fair and equitable manner.

Once again please accept my sincere apology for my missteps.

Grayson, What a nice person you sound!
Best wishes
Dreams & Reality

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