Favorit Novels

Have you recently read a good book which you would recommend to others? Have you come across a book which put you to sleep? Discuss and review the book here.

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midnit magik
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Favorit Novels

Post by midnit magik » Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:56 am

The Regulators, a novel by Richard Bachman (Stephen King's pseudonym)
A young child is possessed by a powerful and irreverent evil, which
materializes the child's toys into reality, and turns an entire
neighborhood upside down. Life-sized versions of the toys invade the
streets, and anyone standing outside is killed. Those who are left
cannot call for help or leave the neighborhood, because the evil
entity has sucked them all into a conjured world, from which there
is no escape but to play this thing through.

Rosemary's Baby, a novel by Ira Levin, a film by Roman Polanski
Rosemary and her actor husband, Guy, move into a swanky and expensive
apartment in Manhattan. Their elderly and intrusive neighbors, the
Castavetes, are actually the leaders of a Satanic Coven. Guy makes a
pact with Roman, the leader, to get a lead role in a very promising
Broadway play. In return, the Coven is allowed to summon Lucifer, who
impregnates a drugged Rosemary with the Antichrist. Rosemary tries to
get away, but the conspiracy reaches so deeply that she cannot. She
gives birth to the child, and eventually accepts that she is the mother
of the Son of Satan, and to make the best of it.

Phantoms, a novel by Dean Koontz
Two sisters are en route to a small town. When they arrive, the entire
place seems deserted. Then they stumble across the corpses of several
people, who all seemed to have died suddenly of some sort of virus.
Others seem to have been butchered so suddenly that they were stopped
in the middle of menial tasks. Arming themselves, the girls suddenly run
across a Sheriff and his two deputies. These men are from the next
town over, investigating what is going on in town after the local
Sheriff called them for backup. They hear screams coming from a local
inn, where seven guests were previously registered, but only one
body is found. After searching the entire premises, they find words
written in red lipstick on a bathroom mirror, "The Ancient Enemy by
Timothy Lyte". Suddenly, the body they found is missing. They return
to the sheriff's station, and attempt to radio back to their town.
But the transmission is cut off by terrible interference. They are
suddenly attacked by a large, mothlike creature, who kills one of
the deputies.  The rest of the story is about an ancient creature, who has
fed every couple hundred years on a small town or village, causing
the whole population to mysteriously disappear. Roanoke Island in
Virginia, and an ancient Aztec city are two instances. This thing
wants Timothy Lyte, and expert on mass disappearances, to come to
the town and see it, to tell the world to submit to its appetite.

4. Something Wicked This Way Comes, a novel by Ray Bradbury
The novel relates the tale of an evil carnival that comes to a small
town, in the fall, out of season. Two young boys discover by accident
that the carnival people and their devious leader, Mr. Dark, are luring
several townsfolk into giving up their souls and becoming slaves to the
carnival. The carnival's main attraction is a carousel,those who ride on this one are aged or made younger, depending on the direction the ride is
spinning. Several instances occur where Mr. Dark is able to convince
the boys that they are someplace that they are not, and that they are
being attacked by spiders that don't exist.

The Midwich Cuckoos, a story by John Wyndam
This classic science fiction/horror tale is the basis of the Village
of the Damned films, in which children have terrible powers to alter
reality and attack adults. The Midwich Elementary School in Silent Hill
proudly steals its name from Wyndam's book.

Sphere, a novel by Michael Crichton
Another Crichton work that  is the
famous Jurassic Park, in which dinosaurs roam the planet once again.
I feel, is the novel Sphere, which just recently
became a movie. This story plays with reality and the reader's head in
ways that remind me of Silent Hill. Also, one of the main concepts of
the book involves thought becoming reality, no matter how illogical
those thoughts may be. Monsters are generated simply because one person
unknowingly wills them into being.
that is controlling reality in  with her mind, and
that she is generating all the monster sheerly out of pure
thought.when the monsters are killed, they fade away after
some time

7. Hell House, a novel by Richard Matheson
. Matheson also wrote classic episodes of
Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. Needless to say, reality is not a
firm concept in any of his works, and irony in the situation of
characters is mainstay. This is especially true in Hell House, where
a team of paranormal detectives travels to a notorious house to
investigate. Upon first arriving, they discover a secret room which
seems to have been used for Satanic rituals, and the sacrifice of
living children, many of whom seemed to be burned to death. But things
are not what they seem. Luckily for Matheson readers, the author is
a bit more generous about explaining things at the end.
you should be able
to find it at the library, or a book collector's shop. You also might
enjoy his other work, I Am Legend, which was the basis of the film
Omega Man, starring Charlton Heston.

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