Jupiter in Scorpio

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:13 am

What is your name on yahoo. Mine is blondeeagle30.

Here is what I live with: developmental and learning disablities, flat feet that blister easily, mytro valve prolapse, myofascular pain syndrome, lazy eye, depression, social anxiety, unspecified personality disorder, aspenger's syndrome, and hypothyrodism. Yes I attended special ed classes as a child where I would be the only female in the because boys are more likely to become learning disabled than girls are. I guess my whole them against me mentality started in childhood. I graduated high school from an academy designed for the learning disabled. Hell I even had to have special physical education classes too when I was a kid. A few of my learning disablities are eye hand and eye foot coordination and gross and fine motor control. I have had many people tell me my handwriting is attrocous to the point I am scared or embarrased to fill out forms any more. It goes back to kindergarden when I was learning how to write the printed alphabet. My eye could see what the letter A looked like but my hand couldnt form it to look like that. I would get frustrated and in turn the teacher would get frustrated with me which would lead me to always come home crying. Speech problem could be that I say things before thinking it through which usually gets me into trouble. Aspenger's syndrome falls into this area. Elaborating things aint easy for me. I am usually short simple and to the point. I have the kissing cousin to fybromalagia which is myofascular pain syndrome which is a muscle condition. Any more questions feel free to ask.

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Post by AstroMan » Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:14 am


Oh, I know something about your condition as I am going to school to earn a degree and national certification in massage therapy. Myofascial release is an important part of the schooling, as well as trigger point therapy, Shiatsu and a host of other modalities. It is interesting that Chiron sits directly atop Mercury as well as your Sun/Mars midpoint. In ancient astrology, Mercury rules speech, vision, writing and day to day correspondence. Chiron's location upon Mercury would suggest wounding in your ability to communicate and write.

According to the Combination of Stellar Influences by Ebertin, the Sun/Mars midpoint rules muscular tissues. That Chiron occupies this point in your nativity as well as Mercury suggests to me that all of these conditions are interrelated in some way. That is, your myofascial pain and the conflicts between what your eyes perceive and what your hands do is someway related. Have you received therapeutic massage for your myofascial pains? If so, does your ability to write or communicate seem to improve immediately following therapy?

In modern astrological schools, Mercury rules the "lower mind" while Uranus rules the "higher mind". Your higher mind functions very well indeed... it's just that conveying what the higher mind perceives through the lower mind is an activity frought with obstructions. I think you do well in your correspondences with me!

On Yahoo, I am known as "AbadRon". Abad is the Hebrew word for servant, and I am a student of Biblical Hebrew.

Chiron's placement in a chart shows where we are each wounded in our lives, but also where we each can provide others with healing. In what way do you feel you might be able to assist those with the same sorts of medical history as yourself?


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:41 am

Yes I do get massage therapy here. After the first treatment for it, the lady said you may feel a little pain tomorrow. Hell with a little pain I felt like I had been run over by a mack truck. So ever since then that is how I explain it is that I am going to go get run over. In fact during one sesson she and I heard a mack truck go by to which I replied that was her brother. As for you entering this area, I have this to say: back out now. Men arent widely accepted in this feild because of homosexual ideas that society has placed upon them. Infact my own therapist had to fire the male she had on staff because not many people at all would use him. My therapist is well known in North and South Carolina and is on the board for both of them too. So I aint speaking about your average Jane Massuse here at all. The sickness I know the most about and want to talk about the most is the one all of America is suffering from more than what I have here which inturn feeds back into the us vs them mentality that I have here.

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Post by AstroMan » Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:00 am

Oh man... you're blowing my mind! I've always wanted to learn therapeutic massage, even from childhood. I have always had a kind of 6th sense in knowing where to apply pressure with what types of strokes. But your testimony may be true. I work with one guy who sees a massage therapist once each week. I asked if the therapist was male or female and he was shocked by my question. He assured me there was no way in hell he'd ever let another male touch his body!

Wow! I think you've managed to throw a monkey wrench in my gearbox. I'm gonna have to re-think this whole thing.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:08 am

Sorry buddy but I learned that fact from my own massuse. Hey now cut yahoo on.

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