FRIDAY ... again!!!!!!!!!!

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FRIDAY ... again!!!!!!!!!!

Post by lunarcraft » Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:09 am

Some time ago, two days of the week were declared Official World Hug days, these were Mondays and Fridays.  Since that time, I have posted a message to share hugs with everyone on these days.

The declaration of these days does not stop unconditional hugs on any other day of the week but I felt it was important to give positive energy to as many people as possible at the beginning and end of each week.

Many of you, I know read these messages and some post replies and shared hugs ... this is great and exactly the response that I had hoped for.  I am convinced that the more we can pool our individual resources (hugs and positive thoughts and energies) the greater the potential we all will have to cause positive changes to the world in which we live.

Anyway, enough of my venting and here is your unconditional
HUGE hug from yours truly, with lashings of positive energy and good wishes for a wonderful weekend ahead.  Relax, put your feet up and enjoy your rest time ... you've earned it.


Brightest Blessings


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Post by suzisco » Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:30 pm

Hey sarah, its great that you look after us lost souls who need hugs and energy.

So a large hug to you to celebrate.


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Post by ResQDonna » Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:34 pm

Thank you once again Sarah! Here is a great BIG ((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))) coming right back at you and another great BIG ((((((((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))) for everyone who reads this!

I agree...the more positive energy we share the more impact it will have!
When I first started coming to Mystic Board I was drawn to the HUG section!
I could feel the power, energy and warmth from the people who posted here. I said it then and I'll say it works! It chases away the gives me a great boost in the morning to get moving...and most of all it reminds me that people care :)

Let's get ((((((((((((HUGGIN))))))))))))))) :)

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Post by lunarcraft » Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:00 pm

Thank you both for your responses - very well put ResQDonna

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:12 pm

thank u sarah a big hug back at ya, and a big hug for everyone else here happy friday sweeties huggies

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Post by Samson » Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:18 am

It's Saturday here.

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I need a hug, but why do I always have to ask?

Post by Cheri Blossom » Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:19 am

OK everybody who knows better.
I am a Sagittarius female with a Scorpio Moon. Everybody loves me, and I am a happy giver. I am every ones friend, and still I feel I have no friends; When it comes to my intimate relationships, I am extremely jealous and spiteful, because I feel I am not getting the attention I earned. Not deserve, big difference here.  My intuitive gift are on full radar mode, and I take everything out of context and am so ridiculously sensitive that I take everything as a personal attack on me.

I destroy my relationship before they have a chance to hurt me. I am pretty screwed up in the heart department. I carry many abandonment issues, and don't trust men to hold true to their word.  I feel I am not loved by my man when he doesn't hug me, kiss me, say hello or goodbye. I am a certified, justified, bonafide, self destructive loony. My man is a Taurus with a Sagittarius Moon, he is also narcissistic, holds back from his emotions or at least the one he has. LOL He is a good father, good provider, good man, However he will tell you that over and over and over, and you will be beneath all he is, has been and will be. No matter what I do, it will never be enough, and I am a glutton.  Yes, a glutton. I am the one who sits here and lives with this man. His mother even told me he is hard to live with, and is surprised how well I hang in there. He loves me. Every 3 months or so he actually tells me how much I mean to him and appreciates me being there for the kids, and how I have made his life easier.  And that is enough for me, because I am a sick emotionally starved and needy person.  I love him. As messed up and unhealthy and destructive our lives seem. We do manage to make it all work.   I just want a hug..... Is it so much to ask?  So may I come here to get it?  It will be good for me to find new friends to socialize with about things that interest me.   Any one up for the task???????????  :smt006

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Post by Samson » Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:25 am

You've lost me.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:19 pm

Grandpa is coming and gives you a big big "Bear Hug" Cheri Blossom.
I think much of what you describe comes from uncertainty about yourself. This way you will always need to have other to confirm that they love you and that you are needed....but since you don't have the self-confidence that are needed you will always feel lack of will always have a longing.

I therefore recommend that you start to work with yourself....start meditating..start explore might also try a course in Silva Ultra is expensive first time...but all repeating courses after that are around 1/10 of the price and gives good value in total.

As for friends here, I am sure you will find many if you yourself open up for it :)

And for all of you A big Grandpa hug and one with double twist to Sarah and her good tradition :)

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Post by dreamfairy » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:49 pm

You will find many people `up for the task' on this site, Cheri Blossom.   There are lots of people who are willing to help and give you lots of hugs.  You sound as if you have been deprived of love and hugs.  Rhutobello is right about working on yourself, and meditation holds lots of keys to this.  Open your heart, Cheri Blossom, Moon in Scorpio is pretty intense, but you have also the ability to go deep, bring these issues to the surface, and deal with them, and because Scorpio's ruling planet is Pluto, you have the ability to tranform and grow with what you `find'.  Learn to love yourself first, the rest will follow.

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thank you Grandpa and Dreamfairy.

Post by Cheri Blossom » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:02 am

I wonder why I am told that I need to love myself. Why I have little to no self-confidence. This is not the first time I have heard this.  I want to defend myself and plead not guilty.  Maybe I don't love myself, but I don't think Im all that bad either.  I like being around people and they like me.  Id like to think Im funny and get people to smile. But when I am alone with myself, I am not the best company for me to be around. I see sadness in my eyes now. The sparkle isn't there. I have such a big heart, and it is so hard to be still, I am so afraid of being hurt, that I don't realize Im the one who is causing myself such pain. The little child inside me is so sensitive and afraid. No safe place to rest.  I know my current relationship has ripped me apart, I want so much to be able to relax and rest. I want to feel safe.  I love Tom so much. I also know that If we are going to make this work then there are a lot of things that I need to accept about the way Tom loves.  I almost feel as if I have some curse of some kind that prevents me from ever being content and happy in love. I have so much work to do on myself, I don't know where to start, and I don't know if I can mend what is broken.  I am a mess.  I will begin today to find myself, and try to put me back together again.  I want to stop this crazy cycle and feel whole.
Im also falling a sleep as im writing this, so I hope it is making sense. Thank you again and I welcome any support, advice, and recommendations.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:45 am

Well....maybe you aren't understanding what it means to have self-confidence, or we are thinking on it as diffrent

In my mind it is : When you are sure of yourself and your own value you will not :

1) Be afraid of rejection because you know your own worth...a rejection will still hurt but you will not avoid them.
2) You won't be needing kudos all the time, it's still nice to get, but you are satisfying in your own worth and if you don't develop egoism you will beam this outwards and you will get more kudos then today.
3) You will not need to use stimuli to feel good, stimuli always lure us to have pink dreams but in reality it destroy us.
4) Your self-security will will also beam this outwards and you will be more popular then today, people love to be around secure might stick to them too :)
5) You overall feeling of being hurt will be reduced because you know who you are, you know you have done your best and it don't matter that much that people don't understand you......

We can go on and on......but I think your first option should be to realise and maybe agree that this is something you should work on...since others have given the same advice.
Always have in mind...It has no value for me or other that you do has value only for one person in the start..YOU....then it will become a benefit for your surroundings.

Another Big Grandpa hug and a big smile :)

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Post by Samson » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:10 am

It's Sunday today.

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Post by Cheri Blossom » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:13 am

Thank you so much for that check list. I going to copy and paste it into my journal. Also print it and be sure to place it on the inside of my closet door so I look at it every day.  I am glad that you are here.  Hugs!

Rhutobello--- what is the meaning behind such a strong name as this?

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:26 am

Yea the name is strong :) but maybe in another sense then you first believe :)

Way back when I first started to surf the net it was popular to have a screen name....and I had to make mine.

I pondered on it for a while, then it hit me....why not make a name that I had to make "proud"

I took my wifes name Ruth....but this is very common so I moved the h to make it more exciting :)
Then from my little knowledge in Italian I knew Bello was nice or beautiful and put that on.

So when I now surf around as Rhutobello I know I have a beautiful wife sitting behind me....and I always try to give it positive impulses :)

I heard from an Italian member that the name also can mean : A beautiful fart....and sometimes that can be true too :) :)

Always try to fight your life's down time with some black humor about works for me :)

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