I would like to request an Akashic reading please

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I would like to request an Akashic reading please

Post by Cheyenne » Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:05 pm

I would be very grateful. :smt003 I know there are a lot of people requesting so I’m willing to patiently wait my turn since it’s not that urgent.

It also concerns someone else who has supposedly been a part in my previous life… At least that is what I have been told. I don't recall anything about my previous life or lives.

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:40 am

Thank you for the request and the patience.  If you will pm your full name and then post your questions on the forum here I will get to your reading in a couple of days.

Love, Light and Laugther

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Post by Cheyenne » Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:49 pm

PM is already on the way.

Me and him seem to be having a very strong connection. Since August we’ve been having spiritual unexplainable weird things happening between us. I can’t really explain it but it seems that there is an unbreakable bond between us that ties us. I would never do anything that may cause him harm.

I would like to know what my connection was with him in my previous life? What happened between us?

Do you happen to know if he is my future and if we'll have a family? And if so will we have a peaceful, happy life… ?

Is my late grandmother Marie (from my mothers side) my guide? I do know I have 2 guides.

Am I going to have 10 kids? Am I going to have any kids?

:smt003 I just couldn't resist asking the kids question.

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Reading for Cheyenne

Post by MangoMom » Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:29 pm

Just wanted you to know I have not forgotten you.  I will get to your reading very soon.  Lots of Love, Light and Laughter

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Cheyenne's Reading

Post by MangoMom » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:03 pm

Dearest Cheyenne

You have some wonderful questions and I want to get right to your answers
would like to know what my connection was with him in my previous life? What happened between us?
Don't know who told you he was in your past lives, but it is not true.  This guy is playing a game with you.  When you would tell him something he would say "yeah, I felt it too!"  Do not sit around and wait on this guy, he is only heartaches and will cause you to miss out on the wonderful guy just around the corner waiting on you.  Get your head out of the smoke!
Do you happen to know if he is my future and if we'll have a family? And if so will we have a peaceful, happy life… ?
This is up to you if he is in your future, but if he is, you will be so miserable, you have already caught him in many lies, how many more do you need to understand he is playing with your heart and would never be a good father, because he only cares for himself.  He is very selfish, even expected you to pay for many of your outings!  What a awful person he is. :smt011
Is my late grandmother Marie (from my mothers side) my guide? I do know I have 2 guides.

You currently have six guides waiting to assist, Grandmother Marie is not one of them but she does let you know she is around at times.  Your lead guide at this point in time is a female, short, routound, long dark hair worn in a bun on the back of the head, has an adorable dimple on the chin with a mischevious look in the eyes.  I get the sense she loves to dance and is very light on her feet.    You need to listen to her more and allow her to bring other guides as they are needed, give her permission to do whatever is needed for the highest good of all concerned.  
Am I going to have 10 kids? Am I going to have any kids?
You will have children, 3 total, 2 girls and 1 boy.  Later ....

Sweetheart, you are too trusting and somewhat naive.  You need to realize there are many people out there that do not care about other people or their feelings.  You have been taken advantage of many times, you are an inteligent person, you give good advise but you dont apply it to yourself.  Wake up and smell the coffee.  You have some learning to accomplish and complete, there is no need to rush into a relationship with someone else right away, take some time to enjoy your friends and your life.  You also need to recognize and understand that when you are in a relationship, don't make that person sit on a pedistal and think the entire world evolves around him, that is unfair, that person is human and will make mistakes, you are also cheating yourself out of those wonderful friends that do know and understand you and love you for who you are.

You tend to isolate yourself when you are in a relationship and only come out when he is there, don't do that.  

Okay, sweetheart, enough preaching, you are such a breath of fresh air, you allow love to blind you, accept the new guy as a companion, it's a 50/50 relationship, not 80/20 with you giving and them taking.

Thanks for allowing me to access your records,

Love, Light and Laughter

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Thank You MangoMom!!!

Post by Cheyenne » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:40 pm

Mangomom, I really don’t know how to thank you.  :smt006

Hmmm, right now I'm just... I’m somewhat, no wait… I’m very confused about all of this right now. Yes, I know he lies sometimes and that he can be selfish. All this time I figured like no one is perfect and if you really love someone unconditionally you have to love everything about that person. I really don’t know what to feel or say right now. I’m stunned and confused.

Nevertheless I'm very grateful you're telling me the truth. Instead of just telling me what I want to hear. I really respect you for that. A lot of thoughts and feelings are going through me right now. There's just so much that has been going on. So I'm going to let everything sink in and I'll be back later to reply in detail.

Thank you again MM!!

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:42 pm


I am so sorry this was such a negative reading, but the Record Keepers wanted you to open your eyes and see what is actually going on.  If he is doing little lies and little things now, you allow it what do you think is going to happen later?  It only gets worse hon.  You deserve so much better.  You are a wonderful sweet person, and unconditional love is loving the other with flaws.  But in a relationship you have to expect something in return and this guy gives nothing unless he expects double in return.  Please consider what you are getting yourself into before making some major decisions.  You are so loved and so special, you deserve so much more.

Love, Light and Laugther

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