Is this typical Virgo Behavior?

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Is this typical Virgo Behavior?

Post by BoneThugAngel » Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:09 pm

I have been told my expectations of people in my life are too high. I can be very critical and drive myself bonkers wondering about why this friend acts this way or why my Sag friend Nick says he is devoted to me but rarely calls than denies it. I have questioned life since I was very young and I remember driving other kids and my parents crazy as a small child questioning things repeatedly lol :( My best friend is a Taurus n we met when I reached out to her @ 18. She was 28. We look alot alike and have had similiar hardships n lives except she lives in the past more and has fallen victim to drugs in the past and has a drinking problem still. She overwhelms me with emotion. I only talk to her on the phone lately. She has a Libra boyfriend who is an abusive control freak and they butt heads constantly. I have my issues but am basically a peaceful person who doesn't like to be around hostility. My friend fights with her man alot and the situation is stressful so I won't visit for awhile now. I love my friend and am sick of her whining n bullcrap about her deceitful friends and abusive man. 1 minute she wants advice n freedom from these people and says @ times she cut the connection with certain people. I know she is full of crap n tell her lol and sure enough soon after she's in love with her crazy boyfriend again and back to her deceitful friends. She likes lavishness like Tauruses r known for and is focused on money alot so when the man is spending she is happy for a little while than starting up with her rages again soon after. I am sick of giving her unheeded advice and trying to help her. She had a stroke recently and I can understand her because we both have lil family support. I am very insightful and often tell her things and they come to pass. I know she started working again recently and fear she might have another stroke. She lives a very unhealthy lifestyle and she said the doctor recently detected the boyfriend also had a heart attack that he had no idea about. Illness in his family, and both of them butting heads and raging enough, and her alcoholism. I refuse to be around it too much stress. Sometimes my friend spits venom @ me n screws with my head by saying derogatory nonsense than putting me off when I call. I am a Virgo and turn the tables around. I won't call her or answer her calls for days. Than she starts begging me to call. *Never Underestimate Virgo Mentality* LOL. I am getting to the point where I am sick of giving her advice and trying to help her when she keeps doing the same ol crap lol! It irks the hell outta me:( I only put up with her insanity because noone else will deal with her except her crazy lover and we have been friends for almost 20 yrs. I love her but don't know how to make her sit up straight and fly right lol. Sometimes I would like to give her a good swift kick in the crotch. I know though she will continue doing the same ol crap. Are there other Virgos that care too much and go through situations like this?

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Post by bookitty777 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:21 am

bonethugangel you have described me completely! i am the same way and thought it was just me thanks for posting this!

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A note from a Sag

Post by summr30 » Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:01 am

Don't be too hard on your friend.  We Sags are awful in keeping in touch.  I'm certain he thinks of you all of the time but its almost like walking the plank sometimes just to pick up the phone and call.  all of my friends and family give me such grief for not calling and i'm a chick.  so give him a little grace  :smt003
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Post by Vircanaq_88 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:13 pm

I Have Been Friends, With So Many People Who are In Stressful Situations, and i understand what you mean when you say you dont wanna come around, cause its like you feel it, the stress. Then Us being Virgos we figure out things so quickly its like having analyzied a situation from beging to finish way before its done, so it feels like your wasting your time becasue you know whats going to happen You know the cause and affcect. Now with Your friend and her lover. She is a tarus and he is a libra, they are both ruled by Venus. Love And Relations Are The Main Thing Venus Controlls. So Their Problem Is Like Love, Ii Is Love. Its Crazy Makes You Fruzzy minded and all the other un explainible bull shit that love causes. That is their relation ship.And I know It Pisses You Of Cause You Like THIS IS NO GOOD!!! but if there is any thing to say about love it is that you caint tell or advise any thing!!. You have To let it play its course, and let her do her, Just stay A Friend in the distance,cause when she comes off that flight if she every does shes gonna need you!! she  will, and it is only a second nature to us virgos to respond to a friend in need.
Oh and That Sagg, He Really Loves You He Does, but they operate on a get in were you fit in basis, dont take it personally. Just be a friend reguardless, they caint help it.Bull shit is in their lucky nature!

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Post by ashleyharris » Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:46 pm

Haha, I'm a virgo. But no where near like that (I'm in denial, hehe.)...

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Typical Virgo

Post by Ria09 » Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:11 am

:) Well, I do have the pleasure of helping my friends with a variety of problems, most are relationship though, just like the beginner of this post, I too have had friends throughout the years who look to me for advice, one in particular comes to mind, I'll call her H., she has a high humiliation tolerance level.  LOL She is an Aries,  and one of my best friends since the fifth grade. I can not remember all the times she approached guys to tell them how much she liked them, then got shot down, like I said,  I've known her since the fifth grade, so that's a lot of humiliation.:(

When she finally met someone who shares her feelings, he is a selfish, jealous, controlling jerk, and she has spent the last ten years in an on again, off again relationship, this guy is mentally abusive, tears her self esteem down, one minute, then apologizes only to do it again. She seems not to feel she deserves nor is capable of someone who will love her as she loves him. I haven't given up on her. but it sure does irk the heck out of me to continually give the same advice.

I would say I am not a typical Virgo, there are too many signs in my chart for that to be a reality, and yet I am guilty of critiquing, my friends swear by this, but I feel I'm merely pointing out things that are not quite right and in doing so expect a thank you or something, dang.

I have given so many advice, all asked for, and it more than not straightens out their whatever has them in tears, sadden etc., that I plan to become a Psychologist, it gives me a warm feeling when someone listens, takes heed and it works out. :)
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Post by jld » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:38 am

I'm a virgo and have 7's in my chart so I can be very critical of others. Usually when I am being critical of MYSELF then I become more critical of others. So, I try to be nicce to myself and that carries over to other people. And when I'm nice and forgiving with other people, I feel better about myself.  I'm also a recovering addict and know how exhausting it can be to try to get an addict to do anything, especially change. Maybe you're feeling some codependency stuff. I have codependency issues too growing up in an alcoholic family. I think virgos make good codependency candidates because we don't give up trying easily and like to try to control.

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Virgo's Behaviour ..........versetile

Post by prakutha » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:11 am

I have been study over "Virgo's Behaviour"  and also studying right know with keen vision. I have observe that each and every virgo has versility in many direction. The followings are common nature in virgo:

1. Friendly
2. Know how to fight with stressfull situation
3.Mentaly strong
4.Love to know the things keenly
...............and so many more.

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Post by nnt » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:11 am

I have to say Virgos are very loyal.I am an Aries and I love Virgos.
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Virgos and our weird behavior and mentality

Post by Lycona » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:40 am

I love it when other Virgos talk about their psycho behavior and thought patterns.  I don't think any other signs other than other earth signs would understand, but only another Virgo would understand best.  

I have dated a few fire signs and water signs, and they tend to drive me nuts the most.  I dated an Aries a couple of years ago, and he drove me nuts.  Now I'm seeing a wonderful man who is also a Virgo, and we are getting married in less than a month.  He and I are almost exactly alike, but we get along so well.  

I don't know if Virgos are the only sign that has to really stand with its own crowd.  I get along okay with air signs, and I can get along with fire signs only if they are acquaintences and not lovers.  Anyone else have this problem?  I might be unique with air signs since I have 4 planets in Libra, but I still prefer other earth signs.
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