Spirit Guides?

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Spirit Guides?

Post by SpaceWorm » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:36 pm

I am divorced and I have my son 50 percent of the time. He is 14 years old. He had gotten himself into a bit of trouble, and his mother was to pick him up in the morning at my house to take him to a court date. I went to wake him and found him allready up, so I went and lay back down to sleep after he told me his mom was on her way to pick him up. I was hoping he would wake me to tell me that he was leaving but he did not.  All of a sudden, from a sound and heavy sleep my name, "Michael", was very loudly and clearly yelled. It startled me awake very quickly. I called out my son's name, and receiving no answer went to check on him. It was around 8:30 in the morning. His mom must have picked him up around 8:00 in the morning for she did not get off work until 7:00 am. This voice calling my name came from my sleep. I had visited a psychic a few years back and she said I had three spirit guides, two male and one female. The voice I heard was neither feminine or masculine so I think I was from two or more of my guides at the same time. It was such a strong yet comforting feeling. I felt no fear at all. I would like to try and contact them, at least thank him. I am new and learning so does anyone have any suggestions for me?

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Post by Angel1 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:16 pm

Everyone can communicate with their spirit guides. However, those who seek guidance should first understand the operative laws.

We must be genuinely motivated for good, not just for self alone but for others, as well. We must be "righteous" and good, ourselves, in our thoughts and deeds. Otherwise, we risk coming to some harm. In the spirit reality, like attracts like. Those predisposed to evildoing will themselves be attended by evil spirits. We must be worthy of the guidance given to us.

There are many other important considerations that cannot all be taken up here. Those who desire to know more -- who the spirit guides are, how they operate and how we should treat all communications that we receive from them -- I invite to visit the Webpages below.

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Post by satyamani » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:42 am

Dear One,
Just see whether while sleeping his hands are on chest or not. If those are on chest than just remove. He should not take left trun while sleeping because if there is any pressure on heart zone he may feel like so. apart from this take one white cloth and just place that below his mattress.

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