Needing help

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Needing help

Post by fidget » Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:09 pm

I know someone who needs help understanding what's going on with him. I don't know whether it's called precognition or clairaudience or what. He's afraid to talk about it because he thinks people will think he's nuts so he just keeps it inside. He mostly hears people being tortured, killed, beat and screaming for help. He hears nice things sometimes but mostly bad things. He keeps hearing it over and over like an old movie clip, until they either die or stop being tortured. He doesn't know how to help. He doesn't know where the people are located or if it's happening in the present, if it is going to happen or if it has happened in the past. He is withdrawn because of this. He says he can sense whether someone is evil or good and therefore doesn't trust very many people. He says that there are a lot of evil people in this world. (I could've told him that and I don't have this, lol) He has de ja vu everyday. There's other stuff that go along with it but goes too deep to explain. Anyway, I've tried to do research to help him and can't really find anything.
He won't go to a doctor, he won't see a medium or anything. He won't see anyone. I am hopeless at helping him because he is so stubborn.
Has anyone ever heard of this? Is this a gift? How can he develop it or stop it to stop driving him crazy?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:22 pm

We are spirit in the body.  We can access the unseen - spirit realms.  Learning what it is and how it works is rather imperative when this kind of thing is happening.  He will be bothered until he finds help for himself.  

Mediumship development is all about handling this input.  When demonstrating the talents of mediumship, we focus in on who the message is for and from where is it arising.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:32 pm

Well I would say that helping someone that doesn't want help is asking for a lot... However I do think that if you read some of the post not only in here but among the other pages of this forum and that is a wealth of information that could be applied to the things that this person deals with.... I would urge you to suggest that he (if not join) at least read some of the postings himself... as it is easier to deal with these things when you know that you are not alone in experiencing them

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I had a similar problem at first

Post by yourinfopro » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:23 am

When I first started my psychic journey I had a similar problem of hearing everything floating around out there. I had to learn to protect myself  by imagining a pink bubble of protection around me. This slowly stopped the noise. I didn't tell anyone either...but tell us. We will care and give you some imput.

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Post by passionatepainter » Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:59 am

I think what your friend needs the most is understanding. He is probably correct to avoid Doctors, but he should see someone. He might be able to do some sort of mental exercises to block this incoming information. Maybe having the intent to block it and meditating on that several times per day would help. He can't help the people being tortured that's the way of the world and has been going on since time began. Another thought is that those people being tortured may be internal (in other words part so himself) If that is the case --he is probably the torturer. If that is the problem the answer for him is  to start accepting and loving all aspects (or parts) of himself.

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