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Post by kuotetsu » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:21 am

Good Day, Anyone here who's adept enough to teach me some stuff regarding poppet. I'm really interested

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Re: Poppets

Post by Gem » Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:45 pm

kuotetsu wrote:Good Day, Anyone here who's adept enough to teach me some stuff regarding poppet. I'm really interested
Hi, and welcome to Mystic Board.

By poppet I think you mean the ancient voodoo dolls? These can be used in many ways, all dark, and so I would remind anyone using them to beware that black or dark magic can and does backfire. They are not something to be dabbled in half heartedly, far better to learn about white magic first I think?

Lygad Yr Haul
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Re: Poppets

Post by Lygad Yr Haul » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:17 am

Gem wrote:
kuotetsu wrote:Good Day, Anyone here who's adept enough to teach me some stuff regarding poppet. I'm really interested
Hi, and welcome to Mystic Board.

By poppet I think you mean the ancient voodoo dolls? These can be used in many ways, all dark, and so I would remind anyone using them to beware that black or dark magic can and does backfire. They are not something to be dabbled in half heartedly, far better to learn about white magic first I think?
Sorry gem, but I have to dissagree with you on several points here.

The poppet although similar to the Voodoo doll is not the same thing. And certainly their use is not confined to 'dark' magic. The poppet is simply a representation of a person for magical purposes, nothing more and nothing less.

To make a poppet (for whatever purpose) I take a piece of cloth, the fabric and colour seem not to make much difference, and cut two roughly human shapes from it, and sew them together leaving a gap for stuffing. This is then stuffed with whatever you feel suitable, I often use hay. It is important to remember that the poppet is a representation of an actual person and needs to be 'personalised'. Tuck a photo of the person, a piece of clothing recently worn by the person, or a sample of body tissue (nail clippings are handy, but hair, blood or semen work fine). close up the gap and your poppet is done. Of course you then have to go through the ritual naming of the poppet before it is ready for use.

I have also to disagree with you about Black/White magic. There is only Magic, how it is used of course may be to good or bad ends. However, as you rightly say there is a risk of the whole thing backfiring unless you are VERY specific in your spellwork. Poppets should not be used without thoroughly thinking the whole thing through carefully first


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Post by Gem » Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:56 pm

Hi, Welcome to Mystic Board :)

What an intriguing welsh name. You are welcome to disagree. I was reply to a child's post and tended to speak from my experience. If you have good ways of using poppets that that is all fine, would you care to share them with us perhaps? Many might think it irresponsible to post on a public forum how to make them but I am sure you are doing that for a reason?

To me there is a very distinct line betwen dark magic and white or light magic. It is like any society; rules, moral and ethics come into play and we have to safeguard our community - and especially children, against things that perhaps might not be what or who they seem?

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Post by Lygad Yr Haul » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:17 pm

Gem wrote:Hi, Welcome to Mystic Board :)

What an intriguing welsh name. You are welcome to disagree. I was reply to a child's post and tended to speak from my experience. If you have good ways of using poppets that that is all fine, would you care to share them with us perhaps? Many might think it irresponsible to post on a public forum how to make them but I am sure you are doing that for a reason?

To me there is a very distinct line betwen dark magic and white or light magic. It is like any society; rules, moral and ethics come into play and we have to safeguard our community - and especially children, against things that perhaps might not be what or who they seem?
Hi Gem

The name is a bit of an aberation it should be 'Llygad - with two Ls, I had an attack of 'Morning fingers' when I signed up. :smt005

The OP is listed as being 16, hardly a child anymore, and as for it being irresponsible to post the details of how to make a poppet, it was at least an honest and factual answer to the question. The poster could have reffered to any number of books and recieved spurious information (theres plenty out there). The making of a poppet is but the start of the process, the neccessary incantations and spellworking to imbue the poppet with the identity intended are often rather involved, and until they are completed the poppet is nothing more than a rather ill made doll.

On the subject of Black/White magic I see no practical difference at all, magic is magic, it is only the intent with which it is used that may be deemed good or bad, and that is a subjective distinction made from the perspective of the observer. Magic is no more good or bad than say fire, it may be used to enhance life or to destroy it, but it's still fire and has no will or sentience of it's own.

As for protecting children, of course I agree with you, but I will not withold information that some may deem to be too adult. If the board owners set the age limit at such a low age then it is they who must bear the burden of responsibility. I post on the assumption that board members are sufficiently adult to make their own decissions.


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Post by Gem » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:51 pm

If the board owners set the age limit at such a low age then it is they who must bear the burden of responsibility
Everyone is responsible for the content of their own posts, as the moderator of this board I don't doubt that I err on the side of caution.
On the subject of Black/White magic I see no practical difference at all, magic is magic, it is only the intent with which it is used....
Of course, but I choose to 'name' the difference :)

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Post by Lygad Yr Haul » Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:23 pm

I have no doubt that the standards of moderation are excellent. However I don't think there was anything in my post about poppets that could be construed as being unreasonable. I wouldn't reveal any 'trade secrets' anyway on an open message board.

As for the good/bad, black/white debate I suspect we shall have to agree to disagree. Whilst there may be bad practitioners, and they are deffinately out and about, there is no bad magic. maybe it's a matter of perception but I think the Black Magic / White Magic thing a little to facile, lets's settle on varying shades of grey shall we? :smt002


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