Passionate Painter seeks reading

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Passionate Painter seeks reading

Post by passionatepainter » Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:15 pm

I'd like a reading. So far I have had a very eventful life, just wondering what's next. Thanks in advance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:37 am

Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to these forums, as I have noticed you are one of those types of people who enjoys helping others, as I do. A man after my own heart! You have a strong need to feel that you are making a significant positive difference in somebody else's life other than your own, and I wish to assure you that you already are helping many members through these MB forums through your healing words.

When you say that you have already had an eventful life, I sincerely hope therefore that a large proportion of these life events were of a mainly positive nature. Would it be more precise to say that your life has always been interesting, and rarely boring? :smt002

What comes out of your reading is a greater need for you to find a much more comfortable sense of balance in your life between helping others, as well as at the same time getting your own equally important needs met. Although the focus card for your reading just happens to be Temperance, this is not necessarily related to prohibiting you from drinking alcohol.

Temperance is more related to you avoiding the extremes of anything in your life, including the time and effort you put into your spiritual work. If you continue to ignore your own wants and needs and ALWAYS place the people you are helping in front of yourself, you could eventually come to resent those you are most trying to help. Practise moderation in all things, and take the middle road. A favourable blending or merging of opposites, in order to determine the optimum balance for the mixture of your life as a whole?

This does not mean that you should become totally insensitive to their suffering and simply ignore their appeals for assistance, but rather that there are sometimes things which they should be learning to do by themselves, instead of always depending on you to do them on their behalf. By making them more dependent on you whenever things go wrong in their lives, you are thereby denying them the opportunity for their own growth and development as both a spiritual and human being?

What might at first appear the complete opposite of the other will frequently on closer inspection reveal itself as the complementary and (up until now) missing piece of the puzzle. Another way of saying this is that often in life some course of action which seems to be the complete opposite of what you originally intended may just turn out to be the best possible thing that could have ever happened to you, with the luxury of hindsight.

Of course when such things are still happening you may feel that the whole world is against you and you are therefore sorely tempted to want to down tools and simply give up, but if you could only look at the same problem from a new and fresh perspective, you would soon realise that it was the solution you had been waiting for for so long (and that you would never have known about if you had chosen instead to pull out of it prematurely).

In other words do not ever give up on either yourself for not already possessing the required resources to work towards solving your problems one at a time, or alternately on life in general by losing your faith in the divine plan which gives your life meaning and purpose. Take justifiable pride in reaching your particular time of life, with yourself and your faith still relatively intact. Celebrate your age, rather than feeling ashamed of it, as you have much to continue to give others and I hope that by better balancing your own needs against their's, that you will be able to effectively do this labour of love for many more years yet.

Hoping these insights have been of some help and comfort to you in knowing that life is just as much about the journey as it is about it's destination.

Your's truly,

eye_of_tiger (nearly 55 yo) Image

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