How to Catch a Fish -- Chakras and The Opposite Sex

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How to Catch a Fish -- Chakras and The Opposite Sex

Post by Casey » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:59 pm

Rachel Fontenot was the girls name. She was 23, I was 18. I'll never forget sitting in her car, the passenger seat, parked in a residential neighborhood and us sitting there in silence. Positively blissful silence. I remember feeling like I was on drugs when we got together like this -- the area around my chest always buzzed with the warm-fuzzies and my head would spin wildly.

This was the first time I had been a part of that kind of stimulation. Spiritual stimulation. (Hormones aside)

Over the last two years, I, of course, analyzed everything and tried to process it all; tried to make sense of it and see how applicable it was elsewhere.

What used to work for me: In the earlier stages of realizing this, I would always visualize my spirit flowing freely from my body into hers, and I would see her spirit circling in with mine. This used to happen, in my minds eye, just in the car. (If I get this particular visualization these days, I always see me and the persons 'Spirit' in a white-washed open space. Lots of white. Lots of open space. Just my Spirit and theirs.)

I think I've found a slightly better method for myself to use.

The new procedure is of this nature: I see what looks to be like a mechanical gear, like one you would see in a clocktower, a rotating, quickly spinning gear thats edges sit on both Your Solar Plexus and the Solar Plexus of the Girl (Or Guy) you like. It spins rapidly. It's like electric charge and very much seems to increase the depth of emotion tied from you to the Girl.


My question is this: Is this an activation technique for your, or her, Chakra? I have assumed that in order to Spiritually reach a person, they have to be willing to Spiritually reach you. If they aren't, I never push it. So, by this logic, I would only assume that if indeed you ARE activating their Chakras by a method like this, their Chakra was already open to the possibility of you.



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Post by nnt » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:19 am

This is very interesting.I never knew this before.I will try this.However I believe generally people are not aware of this concept so they can not refuse you.However if you have bad intentions it will surely fire back.If the person's higher self  accepts it then it is not a problem.I think before you do it you will need to tell the universe that you are not being disrespectful by any means.I will post an update on this .



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Post by Casey » Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:02 am

Excellent point -- and I definately couldn't agree more. There was a time when Casey (who is all but me) went as dark as he could go... I remember about a two week period where I was attempting to learn how to manipulate womens mind to the point where they will begin to equate you with sex. Thus, you can have your way with whom you wish.

The reason it was only a two week period was nothing more than the clear feeling you get when doing this.

It's like a big blowhorn at your spirit yelling: WRRRROOOOOOOOONG.

And indeed it is.

So, that's when, like you, I decided it would be best to find out first if their "higher self" was willing. If so, I don't think it's responsible of anyone who has been shown the undercurrent of human interaction (spiritual communication) to take advantage of another person this way. If taken to the extreme, sexual fantasies meant to influence the others thought, it becomes somehow dangerous. If that extreme is taken down a few notches to more a more simple concept of feeling and thinking positive things about them it seems to not have the same sort of nasty edge to it. Everyone can respond to friendship, but sex, with or without love, is an entirely different court of affairs.

Excellent points, nnt. Excellent!


(3.5 billion girls. One of me. Although my nature may take me astray from this truth from time to time, theres no denying that 99% of the girls I meet will not be for sex or reproduction. With this is mind, it's so much more difficult for your flesh to decide it wants sex from a person you don't need sex from -- speaking strictly from a 20 year olds point of view.)

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:04 pm

Very similar to a technique we use, but damn I thought it was about fishing for fish! I was so excited

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Post by Casey » Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:16 pm

It would be great to hear your experiences using that technique referenced.

Yes yes, let me drink from your cup of experience. SHARE!


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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:20 pm

It has got into more trouble and given me more fun than just about anything.
Unfortunately it has to be taught person to person, so the teacher can check on the student's progress, sorry and all.

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Post by Casey » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:08 pm

I wasn't askin' for a lesson, Professor. Just experiences.


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Post by Gem » Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:22 pm

OMG Nooo not Prof and the fishing expedition.......!

Casey, an interesting post, but from a female's point of view not only am I relieved that you have decided to take a different 'route' of contact for the females, but for yourself too; there are many that would eat you alive and not, in a nice way :)

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Post by Casey » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:00 pm

Gem, had it been you that I had come into contact with (Even though you're... [looks at info] 100), I'm afraid it would have been like unwittingly pointing a loaded gun at an undercover police officer. Goodness gracious... how dangerous.


If there were ever a time in the future where Evilocity would take over me again, you just scared it enough to make sure it stays in the basement where it belongs.


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