Practice Readings - part (5)

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by cedars » Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:09 pm

Hello Arianna

I am grateful for your feedback and to hear that you have related to my 'reading'.
The fact that you have the desire to go and work - regardless that you have been out of the working life for sometime - is the Hope that you will find something to do. Along with the Hope of the Star may you have vision to be guided by the skies to put your finger on what you exactly wish to do. Do not worry that if you dont know what it is yet, but take a few steps at a time and who knows the fifth or the sixth one might be the right one.

I have to admit I got stuck with the King of Pentacles a bit myself. I thought you might be in debt or needed capital to invest in a business. Ideally it would have been a good point for 'Opportunties'. As I got this spread from someone else and used it for you for the first time, I did not want to go and start changing things.

If it is an obstacle, it will manifest itself and I wish you all the strength to face it and get it out of the way.

I sense you are a kindred spirit and wish you light and blessings in your path.

p.s. are you saying that you got my 'original' post which I thought I had lost? I couldnt find it anywhere. :-)

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:19 pm

Hi Cedars,

I was glad to give you feedback - I beleive that it helps us grow and learn

Just to let you know that I did not receive your original post - I just wanted to give feedback on the same post as the reading was done on :)

I wish you much happiness


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Post by chrisdee » Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:42 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:I appreciated the plain speaking (I actually typed pain - apposite) but I understand what you meant Gem and thank you for your concern.
I must admit it's not what I wanted to hear, what I really wanted was - go ahead you'll be fine so instead of sceptic, colour me 1/2 way there.
Many thanks
Prof. Akers
Its really difficult to do a reading when you are telling someone something you know they don't want to hear i wasn't really been a sceptic i just saw the extra work load tiring you at this time, things will pick up but you need to listen to your body
Thank you for your patience

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Post by cedars » Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:47 am

Hello Kristin, Earth2bella

I am not sure if the tarot will answer a specific Yes or No as you put your question, but here I have picked 5 cards for you.

Rider Waite Original Deck.

YOU as you are now: NINE OF WANDS.
An injuured and a bruised man (ignore the gender here) holding on to his wand while the rest of his wands are standing upright behind him. He is guarding it with his life, regardless of his bandage on the forehead; he almost doesnt feel the pain of his bruising. Where you are at present you must have reached with hard work, struggle and with its fair share of pain. Why do you doubt it? I dont blame you that you are holding firm to what you've got, to your beliefs and your results. It is the fruit of your own, personal efforts and well done for holding on to them.

A man and a woman being blessed in love by the angel above in the garden of Eden. There is no denying that if your life is being touched by love you are being blessed the same as this couple on the card.  The Lovers is a major arcana card and its impact is greater on you or it is coming your way quite soon, almost now. Along with your hard work, you are going to be blessed with love- lucky you!

Hmmm...Somehow, somewhere in your life there has been a discord, an argument out of which you seem to have come out as the victor. This so-called victory, however, is not really filling up your soul; it does not feel like victory. But, then again, if you have separated two bickering friends and called a truce between them, you're still not happy with the outcome.  Is there deceit going on in the workplace or some kind of a power struggle? Whatever this is, remember your struggle and how you got where you are.

A youngman (teenager perhaps) coming into your life who is carefree, sometimes full of himself and expects the world to admire him. He is not deep; he lives quite on the surface and does not always  tell the truth. He may have a charismatic way of conveying his thoughts and actions, and yet there is a cloud of doubt and uncertainity about him. If such a person is entering your life, or if this person has anything to do with the Lovers card, I would suggest that you tread carefully and not get carried away with everything you are told or shown. If this is a doubt in your mind about your current job, I would advise you not to be hasty until you have weighed everything.

Here is a slightly older version of the above guy (Page of Swords) who is daring, fast, always on the move, acts on impulse without thinking of the future repercussions of his actions. He can also be soave and gentlemanly at times that will make heads turn. But then he will change again. He  will sweep you off your feet and dazzle you with promises and actions. This card may also mean travel by plane probably at a moment's notice.
I would say if you find yourself in this situation, a good balancing act is needed for you to pick and adhere to this Knight's better qualities and apply them to your life.  There is no denying you may have a great time with him, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

If the last two cards meant anything to you with regard to your current job situation, take from them what you will.
The suit of Swords is assciated with the element of Air. It is the suit of Action, Justice, Movement, Struggle through difficulties, We got three sword cards here. I would say there is a lot of activity around you, agitation, and struggle.

hmmmmmm....... ok I will admit to something here. I couldnt just finish it off with the Knight of Swords. I felt I had to pick another final card for you; call it clarification card, call it further insight into the events surrounding you. And I picked the DEATH card.

Now dont be alarmed. This does not represent physical death. It represents the death of something old and the start of something new. Whilst the transition from the old to the new may be somehow disconcerting, but the New will feel more welcome as opposed to the Old.  I am sorry, if I have confused you further, but I would say give events time to manifest themselves and I am sure you will make the right choices.

I would appreciate your feedback.

Blessings to you.

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Post by cedars » Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:40 pm

Hello Sidewalk Bends,

Your question is so general, that I picked five cards and tried to do the following reading for you.  I got some intriguing cards and I hope you can relate to them in the way I am going to interpret them.

I am using the Rider Waite Original deck.

This is you as you stand now. Since you didnt say much about yourself, I will go by what this card says. Are you spending sleepless nights worrying about things, the future and your life in general? Has there been something bothering you that is causing you - as this card depicts - waking up in the middle of the night and going over and over a certain situation or situations? A woman, woken up in bed, covering her face with the palm of her hands while nine swords hanging over her head. This is an all-too-familiar of the sleepless nights and worrying about something.

This is the card of heartbreak, parting, ending of a a cylce, an affair, of a personal relationship. It is the end of a duality, whether it is a business partnership, friendship or even a love affair. The card depicts a red heart and three swords going through the heart. Now, if this status quo is something which was much-needed in your life, albeit it painful as it is, it will have an eventually positive impact on you. One finds it hard to accept how a separation or a breakdown of something may have a positive influence, only the querent would know that. I hope the impact will be or is positive on you.

This card shows a person leaving behind eight standing cups and going off searching for newer horizons. The road ahead is mountaneous (two mountains in the vicinity) and the moon is intertwined with the sun giving mixed signals to the whole course of action taken. Is it the right step, or is it the wrong step?  What has been left behind is not a dead end, it is still there, upright, standing still and not toppled - i.e. the cups. But if we were to go by the Three of Swords and the Eight of Cups, would you be considering breaking up with the current situation whether it is personal relationship or work-related and then taking the road in search of something new? Do you know what you really want or is it for the sake of change?

Here we see a youngman (or woman) sitting under a tree with four cups in front of him and the fourth one being offered to him through the clouds. He is despondent. He is neither happy with the three standing in front of him, nor is he happy accepting the one being offered. He is not satisfied with the current state of affairs. He is almost wondering: could the grass be greener on the other side?  Here again, if this relates to a stale relationship, which has lost its spark, or a job turned the same way, caution must be taken to evaluate the current situation and not always assume that the unknown could be better than what we currently have. Take your time and make your choice wisely. If there is any chance in spicing up the present situation, by all means go for it.

OUTCOME: ACE OF CUPS.  Timing- Autumn.
Now, this is a good outcome, isnt it? The Ace takes its suits to its highest qualities and is the starting point of all that that the suit stands for. A new emotional energy is about to come into your life; new feelings of faith, love and insight into your life. It could be the start of a new love affair, or the new blood and stamina that the existing one needed. This is still in its seedling stage, you are not aware of it yet, but it will come to you. Only you know what is going on in your life. As your question was so general and asking about which path you should pick, and the cards that came out were on tarot principle related to matters of the heart.

I hope you will take from this what you will and it will shed some light on your situation.

Would appreciate your feedback, please.
Thank you.


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:44 pm

Hi Cedars,

Thank you for the time you spent doing the reading. I do appreciate it. As I read it, it did not completely resonate with me (perhaps because I had a specific thought in mind while first reading it), but I can totally understand that my question may have been too vague. I did that purposefully because I just wanted to see what you would get. Keeping that in mind, I tried to view it with an open mind, and some of what you said did make sense to me. While keeping things in the time frame of when I posted the request, your reading did make sense and was true to what was in my heart at the time and perhaps even now though I have come to some resolve. It's a rather personal thing, but I did want to say thank you. I'll take the positive notes from it and just try to live and be. That's what made me happy once...Renewal.

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Post by cedars » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:54 pm

Hi Suzisco,

I will be happy to do a reading for you and I hope you can relate to it with regard to your question.

I am using the RW original deck.

You find yourself trapped, encircled by obstacles and no where to go. This may not necessarily mean the road ahead is closed, but you, in your mind, are blind to it. You are looking at your current situation and that is crippling you as far as what lies ahead. If you could only open your eyes (or take the blindfold off) you will see it is not all that difficult to rid yourself from what seems like a debilitating situation.

Someone in your life (a male) who is quite enthusiastic, energetic and full of bright ideas, almost like the knight  in shining armour, may sweep you off your feet. He is charistmatic, he dresses well and may take you away on a trip or give you the opportunity to travel. This person can also be a work colleague, who will open up new opportunities for you at the workplace, making your dreams come true. I am not sure if he is staying in your life or just passing through adding some much-needed inspiration and energy into your life. But whether he is staying or passing through, make use of his qualities and also beware of his silver tongue; he may be full of hot air sometimes - only in regard to his words. Take from him what your gut tells you is believable and reject what is not.

Is a situation of union of hearts or minds having a negative impact on you? This card stands for the union of two people in love, or the re-union of two people. It could also mean good health, but I dont see why the latter would be a negative influence on you. If this is a current affair/relationship that is having a negative impact on you, I would caution you to act carefully and minimise your pain. It could also be a relationship with a close friend that is having a negative influence on your life.

Okay. The sleepless night card again. The one that makes one wake up in the middle of the night and almost drives them to tears; worried and scared about something. This by way of a message from the tarot, I would be tempted to relate to the Knight and the following card Two of Cups. I would like to say if there are personal issues around you, sort them out before you reach to the stage of Nine of Swords. Things may be inevitable in life at times and should you go through those periods of waking up in the middle of the night, just be aware that it is not there to stay forever in your life.

The start of everything that has to do with emotions, feelings flowing into your life like water and reaching where it is needed. This is the card which shows the beginnings of all that is pleasing to the heart; it could be a new love, new affair or a new invovlement with somone that will benefit you see the right path for you in terms of making the right choices . It is the card of possiblities, albeit in its early stages, but coming your way. The trees may shed their leaves during the months of autumn, but I feel you wont be shedding any tears.

I hope this struck a chord with what you were asking.

Appreciate your feedback.

Many thanks

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Post by suzisco » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:01 pm

Thank you very much for the reading.  Some of it I believe is accurate, i do feel trapped but thats because of my illness and until I get treatment its difficult to look past it.  I'm unsure who the knight is but i am looking forwards to being swept of my feet.  I am really unsure about the 2 of cups.  I don't do close relationships with many people, I really want good health and so not sure what thats about.

The nine of swords, I don't always sleep well so thats a constant in my life.  Generally don't sleep well due to physical pain as opposed to emotional distress.  I am going through a period of readustment and change so perhaps thats what that is about.  I can't move on until the hospital tests are completed and treatment comences.  i don't plan on making any life changes until next summer when i enrol back at uni.

So I think it looks like my plans a goer and I am going to do as i've mapped out, looks like i am going to get some help on my way too so thats a bonus.

Thank you very much Cedars for your reading it was very kind of you.

Suzi XXX

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Post by Gem » Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:45 pm

Hi Cedars and Suzi, Lovely reading.  :)

I have just a couple of comments to make to Cedars to get you thinking... The Kinght of Wands - don't forget that the Court cards don't always have to be people, they can also show sides of our personalities, so it could be that Suzi's positive influence is her daring and go ahead 'knight' personality? If you think about that aspect it changes things a bit?  And the Two of Cups in a negative position, sometimes it is better to read a negative position as a reversal and see the meaning that way than trying to fit the upright meaning to a negative scenario? On the other hand sometimes it is better not to use the term 'negative' as some can see this as 'bad', perhaps try helpful and hindering or blocking, or areas to watch?

Maybe changing some of the postion titles may help get a more accurate picture or answer to some of the questions too?

You know you are a great reader and doing very well :)

And Suzi thanks xx

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Post by suzisco » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:20 pm

cheers Gem :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:24 pm

Thank you VERY much Gem.
I revisited my court cards once again last night (oh and you know how much I 'love' them) and I felt a bit bad for perhaps having confused Suzi. Sorry Suzi.
I think it is best to change those position names as you suggested as Obstacles / Blockages / Hindrances.

I also have to get my mind and hands into reverse cards, which, as you know, am not eager to.
Your input has been invaluable.
Thank you.

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:31 pm

In hindsight, I do remeber that the Two of Cups also stands for health with the snake thing in between those people. I could have easily read that as an obstacle/hindrance in the case of Suzi for her health. But I didnt think..... Thanks this was another wake up call. But as one always looks at the Two of Cups of having to do with the heart and emotions, I got drawn that way.

What do you think about the health aspect of that particular card, as there is that Pharmacy/Chemist Snake emblem thing?

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Post by Gem » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:02 pm

Yep its the Cadeuceus and the red winged lion :)

It could be the healed and the healer or showing that there is a bond of healing as in doctor patient as it hovers between them?.... ooh what have we started now! lol,

Reversals, hmm well we have still to touch on them heehee........

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:18 pm

I do thank you for coming up with this idea of giuinea pig practice.
It does good to practise.

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Post by earth2bella » Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:09 am

cedars thank you so much for the reading! i want to apologize for giving you no feedback yet! i have been so swamped with work and havent logged on for 2 weeks! i dont even have the time right now to write details back to you. sometime very soon though i promise! rush rush gotta run


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